Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo - 魔法少女) Wiki
Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo - 魔法少女) Wiki

1- "Jingi naki Haisetsu" / "Desu Rēsu Nisenjū" ("Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" / "Death Race 2010")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 01

(仁義なき排泄 / デスレース2010)

Airdate: October 1, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator explaining the situation at hand, also explaining that Daten City lies on the fault line between Heaven and Hell. He also says darkness is consuming the city, and that it is the angels' job to keep things clean and tidy.

The setting changes to that of a church, where Chuck is seen jumping around. He is suddenly struck by lighting, and spits out a note, which reads "WC". An alarm sounds, calling for both Panty and Stocking. They fall across the ceiling and land in front of Garterbelt, who tells them they've been blessed with a clue to solve a mystery. He proceeds to explain that some people were being swallowed by toilets, stating that it had to be a ghost's doing.

Panty and Stocking argue about Panty's sex life, before being told by Garterbelt that they need to keep collecting Heaven Coins in order to be accepted back in Heaven. Panty and Stocking go off in See Through to investigate. After driving around, they find a plumber, and believe him to be the ghost in disguise. Panty tackles him to the ground and shoots him, but since her gun can't hurt humans nothing happens. Panty says the plumber is actually kind of 'cute' and proceeds to have sex with him at a motel.

Panty and Stocking come back to Garterbelt, who is enraged, saying they never take their missions seriously. Garterbelt yells they should have dinner. After eating Garterbelt's curry, Panty went to the bathroom. The toilet swallows Panty up, and causes an explosion which covers the entire second floor in feces. Panty, completely covered in feces, says she now knows what's really going on, and wants revenge.

Giant Brown comes out of the sewers and proceeds to cover the entire city in feces. Some policemen arrive at the scene and try shooting the ghost, but it is unaffected. Garterbelt tells them that it's no use, explaining ghosts can only be defeated by angels. Panty and Stocking transform their clothing into a gun and a katana respectively, and kill the ghost easily, who explodes and leaves a Heaven Coin behind. Garterbelt assures their job is done, saying that the angels need to be punished, and they all go back to the church.

The episode starts with a motorcycle's speedometer. Suddenly, the setting changes to that of a motel front where Panty is having multiple rounds of sex with a random biker. Shortly after, she complains about his stamina, turning the TV on. On the news, there is an empty sports car driving out of control. Panty notices Stocking is following the vehicle and it is actually a ghost's doing.

Garterbelt and Stocking call Panty, requesting for her help. Panty decides to borrow the biker's motorcycle and proceeds to chase the sports car. A vast number of people are already following the ghost, including policemen, a helicopter, and Stocking, who is driving See Through. The persecution continues inside a mall, where Panty finally catches up with both Stocking and the ghost.

Panty tries removing her panties in order to transform them into Backlace, but the ghost pushes her aside, causing her panties to end up on his head. Panty, annoyed, jumps inside See Through and proceeds to chase the ghost at a higher speed. The policemen try shooting the ghost, but the ghost is unaffected, and causes the policemen to crash and explode into the sky. As a last resort, the policemen set up a barricade in order to stop the car, and proceed to crash their cars against the ghost. Their plan was successful, sending the ghost's head crashing to Panty's and Stocking's feet.

Stocking tries killing the ghost, but Panty stops her, for the ghost still had her panties on. This gives the ghost enough time to flee, and he later possesses a huge truck instead. Panty tries shooting the ghost, using the fallen policemen's armory, while Stocking ambushes the ghost from the front, splitting the truck in half using her katana. The ghost falls inside a train station, where it proceeds to possess a bullet train.

Panty, who fell on top of the helicopter after the truck was split in half, dives to the train's front in order to retrieve her panties. After feeling Panty on his front, the ghost has an orgasm and accelerates to an impossibly fast speed. Panty grabs on to Chuck to keep herself from falling, and after noticing the latter's nose was completely stretched, she realizes that what she really is looking for in men is elasticity, rather than speed or stamina.

Panty uses Chuck to catapult herself to the front of the train once again, retrieving her panties and shooting the ghost dead once and for all. The train crashed and takes the helicopter out with it. Stocking retrieves three Heaven Coins from the scene and the angels then go off in See Through. It is later revealed that the broadcaster from the helicopter received an award for filming Panty panty-less.

2- "Mitsubachi no Zawameki" / "Sekkusu ando za Daten Shiti" ("The Turmoil of the Beehive" / "Sex and the Daten City")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 02

(ミツバチのざわめき / セックス・アンド・ザ・ダテンシティ)

Airdate: October 8, 2010

The episode starts with Garterbelt, who calls for both Panty and Stocking. Garterbelt says there is an alarming situation they need to take care of. He introduces them to the principal of Daten City High, who requests for their assistance. The principal explains that some of students have gone missing and that he was sure it was a ghost's doing. Garterbelt commands both Anarchy sisters to infiltrate the school in order to investigate the matter further.

Panty and Stocking arrive at the school and leave a lot of students baffled at their beauty. The two of them hear someone screaming and agree it seems suspicious. Panty sees and shoots a screaming bee-covered boy, which causes him to fall on his face. Once the boy recovers, he is stricken by Panty's beauty and comments on how beautiful he thought she was. Panty kicks a fallen honeycomb out of impulse, which lands on top of the boy's head once again.

The Queen, Barby, arrives at the scene, commenting on how she had never seen Panty nor Stocking before. She proceeds to state the school is hers, and after both Panty and Stocking ditched her, she assures them they are going to pay for insulting her. Barby tries impressing the student body several times, but the Anarchy sisters prove to be better than her in every occasion. This eventually leads to Barby's downfall, making the Anarchy sisters the new queens of Daten City High. Out of spite, Barby assaults a group of boys, who were replacing her stuff for the Anarchy sisters'.

Brief comes to Panty and Stocking (who were in the middle of sex education), saying his buddies had been assaulted. He assures them a ghost is behind the crime, for his PKE Meter is going crazy. The Anarchy sisters proceed to follow Brief on a ghost-search, with no avail. Panty, enraged, kicks Brief's PKE Meter, causing it to explode. Shortly after, they are found by Barby, who now has a group of possessed students at her will. Barby reveals her true self to Panty and Stocking, confirming she was the ghost they were looking for all along.

Panty and Stocking transform their clothing into Backlace and Stripes I & II respectively, and defeat the football team easily. The angels destroy the bee minions that were controlling them and the cheerleaders. Using Brief as a trampoline, Stocking defeats Barby's remaining bee minions, while Panty shoots Barby, killing her. Panty retrieves 8 Heaven Coins from the scene and then goes off to have sex with the remaining football players.

The episode starts with an action sequence, in which Panty and Stocking fight with numerous monsters. The setting changes to a photo shooting studio, where Panty is being photographed. Panty, followed by Team Panty, exits and says she should release a new brand of clothing and a music CD, assuring they'll be instant hits, due to her popularity. Meanwhile, Stocking reads numerous magazines, all which stated Panty was winning the world over. She comments on how everyone is going 'like pigs to the slaughter' and proceeds to update her blog.

Stocking is picked up by Panty's limousine, where Panty makes fun of Stocking's donuts commercial. Stocking tells her she is just playing it cool, and that Panty better not make a scandal before their movie's premier. Upon arriving at Daten Theatre, Panty and Stocking greet their audience. The commenter informs the audience Sex and the Daten City is Panty's first movie. But Panty tells him he is wrong, for she had been on a movie before, which she proceeds to play. Her debut movie turns out to be a porn flick. Panty's manager orders to stop it, and the security team pays for everyone's silence regarding the movie.

Panty's manager tells Panty they are in trouble, and that Panty's celebrity lifestyle could be over in an instant if news about her porn film spread. Panty makes Chuck eat the videotape, believing that way there would be no evidence about it, but Stocking tells her that as long as there was a single tape out there, it could be copied infinite times. Panty asks Stocking to help her out, and the latter accepts, but assures she is only doing it 'for the movie'. The Anarchy sisters travel around the world (including the United States, Antarctica and Egypt), in search for the numerous copies of Panty's porn flick, destroying all but one, which Panty decides to keep as a memory.

Once again at Daten Theatre, Panty greets their audience. The commenter assures Sex and the Daten City is Panty's debut film, to which Panty replies he is right. The commenter then asks Stocking if this was her first movie as well, but Panty interrupts Stocking's response, saying Stocking is emo and that she had talked with their producer and director, who all agreed it would be better to edit Stocking out of the film. Stocking, completely enraged, decides to take revenge on Panty, and goes away in order to upload Panty's porn flick to YouTobe. Brief, after finding Panty's porn flick, proceeds to masturbate while watching it.

3- "Kyattofaito Kurabu" / "Parupu Adikushon" ("Catfight Club" / "Pulp Addiction")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 03

(キャットファイト・クラブ / パルプ・アディクション)

Airdate: October 15, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator, who explains siblings fight very often, and that even though they may look alike on the outside, they have completely different opinions, if not opposites. He also assures that the closer they are, the more often they fight. The setting changes to that of the church's front, where Stocking is seen searching frenetically for her pudding.

Stocking tells Panty her missing pudding was very special, for it had a 500-year waiting list. Stocking soon finds out Panty was the one who ate her pudding. Now completely enraged, Stocking lectures Panty on how she is very irresponsible and always leaves a mess wherever she goes. Panty tries fixing things by offering Stocking her Death-Babanero chips, but Stocking denies them. Panty, annoyed, tells Stocking that if she keeps eating too many sweets, she is going to get fat. But Stocking retorts saying all the fat goes towards her boobs.

Their argument escalates to the point where they eventually point their weapons at each other, but Garterbelt and Brief arrive just in time to stop them from going any further. Garterbelt tells both Anarchy sisters Heaven sent him a clue to a ghost's whereabouts, but Panty and Stocking, not wanting to work together, decide to go search for the ghost on their own, and leave with Brief and Chuck respectively. Panty starts giving Brief sexual innuendo nicknames, while Stocking steals See Through, rolling Brief over in the process.

Upon arriving where the ghost was supposed to be, Stocking encounters a little girl with a red hood. The girl tells her a wolf attacked her recently, and Stocking, believing it had to be the ghost in disguise, asks the girl to take her where the wolf was. The girl leads Stocking to a lonely alley, where the ghost appears and attacks them both. But Stocking, not knowing the girl was also part of said ghost, is easily restrained with a rope by them. Panty, along with Brief, arrives and free Stocking out of the rope.

Panty and Stocking start arguing all over again, and are not really paying attention to the ghosts anymore. Annoyed, both ghosts attack them, and upon defeating the Anarchy sisters, they begin to insult them, which results in the angels' rage. Panty and Stocking finally decide to work together once again, in order to kill the ghosts, who explode, leaving two Heaven Coins behind. Panty offers Brief a ride home, but Garterbelt interferes, assuring he is going to take Brief home on his own. While driving home, Panty gifts Stocking a spicy version of Jean-Paul Heaven, which Stocking accepts with a smile, despite not liking spicy food.

The episode starts with the narration of a random soldier, named Portschach, who is in the middle of a war zone. He says he can't wait for the war to end, and that all he really wishes is to go back home and start a family. Most of the soldiers, including Portschach, are told by a disturbed (nearly mad) soldier they must defeat general Scottie, in order to live. Upon landing, they are ordered by their general to run up a hill, but suddenly, gigantic tissue boxes appear from within the horizon, disintegrating most of the soldiers upon contact. Portschach, barely alive, assures that if it weren't for the tissues, they would have 'finished'.

The setting changes to Daten City's church's front, where the milkman is seen rolling Chuck over and crashing his bike. Garterbelt, whose afro is completely inflated, tell Panty and Stocking the tissues are gone, making it impossible for him to relieve himself. Panty tells him that's what the mouth is for, but Garterbelt assures her it's nowhere near the same satisfaction. Garterbelt than proceeds to explain it is not only the tissue paper, but that many other types of papers are missing. Garterbelt climaxes in the middle of his explanation, causing Heaven to send them a clue to a ghost's whereabouts.

The Anarchy sisters are sent to the Paper Plant, in order to investigate the matter further. Upon arriving, they are greeted by the Cowpers. Stocking proceeds to remark how cute she thinks they are, while the Cowpers explain that if it weren't for the evil tissues, they would have finished their mission. The Cowpers, enraged at the angels indifferent attitude towards their issue, attack Panty and Stocking, but are easily defeated by them.

The setting changes back to Portschach's narration, where he repeats he can't wait for the war to come to an end. This time gigantic tissue boxes doesn't appear from the within the horizon, however, they soon realize they can't complete their mission, because they're trapped inside a condom.

4- "Daietto Shindorōmu" / "Hai Sukūru Nūdikaru" ("The Diet Syndrome" / "High School Nudical")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 04

(ダイエット・シンドローム / ハイスクール・ヌーディカル)

Airdate: October 22, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator, who explains how girls in Daten City often go on extreme diets in order to maintain overly slim figures, sometimes even leading to their own deaths. The setting changes to the church's living room, where Stocking is seen eating a white cake-like roll. She assures the cake is delicious and completely worth the 2-hour waiting line.

Panty arrives from her daily exercise routine, and tells Stocking that if she keeps eating all those sweets she is going to get as fat as a whale. Stocking reassures her that she never gains weight and even makes fun of Panty for having to exercise in order to mantain her figure. While taking a bath, Stocking comments on how she should try a Belgian chocolate featured on her magazine, but upon looking at herself in the mirror, she notices her waist was getting fatter. The next morning, Stocking wakes up early in order to jog in secret and returns to check on her weight again. She finds out that she didn't lose any weight at all, but in fact she had gained a few pounds.

Panty came to the living room carrying a bunch of sweets someone gifted her and tells Stocking she could have them. To Panty's surprise, Stocking denies them, so Panty decides to give them to Chuck instead. Stocking tries to stop her, but is too late as Chuck eats them all. Panty gets suspicious and asks Stocking if she is on a diet. Stocking denies it, to where Panty lifts her blouse and finds a vibrating belt for weight loss. Stocking goes mad and escapes to the elevators with Chuck, where she starts punching him for eating her cake. The following few days, Stocking exercises like mad and goes on a diet, which consists of only eating food with few calories. Meanwhile, Panty goes to Whity-White and buys a bunch of cake-rolls in order to give them to Stocking, but is shocked to find Stocking strange and zombie-looking when she comes back, where she turns down the cakes. Stocking checks her weight once again, and discovers, to her horror, despite her efforts and sunken in cheeks she has grown even fatter and has a sizable stomach. Pissed off and seeing all her efforts are worthless anyway, Stocking devours all the cakes, with Panty standing back in disgust and worry.

That morning, Stocking balloons into a spherical giant and destroys part of the church. Panty, upon seeing Stocking, laughs at her while Stocking says that she's given up losing weight because it's too much effort, and Chuck is suddenly stricken by lightning. Garterbelt tells both Anarchy sisters that most of the women in Daten City are getting obese, and that the cause is Whity-White's cake-roll, stating that it was a ghost's doing. Stocking, completely enraged, tells Panty it is payback time, and both angels go to Whity-White's factory, with Stocking rolling the way there with Panty on top (crushing a number of cars along the way). It turns out the ghost behind it is trying to make everyone in Daten City fat because she didn't want to go on a diet herself. The ghost shoots at Panty a white creamy substance that would cause her to become fatter, but is saved by Stocking, who starts eating it. Stocking tries transforming her stocking into Stripe I, but it failed since her stockings were too stretched out. The ghost attempts to escape, until Panty kills it, as it leaves 4 Heaven Coins behind. Stocking returns back to her normal figure and ends up eating sweets again like nothing ever happened.

The episode starts with both Anarchy sisters, who are sitting on their living room, tuning their weapons. Panty complains about how she wants to go out during the weekend, but Stocking reminds her that Garterbelt told them to finish fixing their weapons. However, Panty assures Stocking Judgement's will tonight is for them to go to the lingerie run, held at Daten City High.

Meanwhile, Brief, who somehow manages to sneak into the party, is being bullied by a couple of boys, when Panty and Stocking arrive. The angels are welcomed by the student body, and the Anarchy sisters then proceed to clasp the girls' breasts and the boys' crotches respectively. Panty starts stripping Brief out of his clothes in order to look at 'the goods', when Master G, the host of the event, finally makes his appearance. Master G proceeds to explain the event's history and purpose, but is interrupted by Panty who throws Chuck at him.

That is the incentive for the race to begin. Panty starts jogging beside a bunch of beefy guys, while Stocking is being carried, since she didn't want to run. Brief, on the other hand, is being chased by some of the students, but upon noticing Panty beside him, he is distracted and falls face-first into a garbage truck. Some of the students start running on the opposite direction due to a ghost that has eaten their underwear. Master G tells the Anarchy sisters to defeat said ghost.

Panty tries shooting the ghost, but Backlace didn't have any bullets. Stocking then tries slicing the ghost with her katana, but it is unaffected, and even broke one of her Stripes. The situation goes worse when the ghost eats Panty's panties and then goes off at full speed. Panty calls for Chuck, who comes driving See Through. Panty tells the boys to do a handstand in order to steal their briefs and tries to transform them into guns, but each time she does it becomes a failed attempt due to the boys' penis sizes.

Panty ran out of briefs to transform but notices the ghost not wanting to eat Brief's briefs because they were filthy, she takes them. To her surprise, they eventually transformed into a huge shotgun which makes it easy to kill the ghost. The ghost explodes and it leaves two Heaven Coins behind. After defeating the ghost the sky starts raining underwear. Master G then gives the students a speech about lingerie, while Panty and Stocking leave to return home. Once they arrived they turn on the TV on and see Master G getting arrested on the news for hosting the lingerie run.

5- "Hanamuputora" / "Vomittingu Pointo" ("Raiders of the Nasal Dark" ("The Runny") / "Vomiting Point")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 05

(ハナムプトラ / ヴォミッティング・ポイント)

Airdate: October 29, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator, who explains fads are part of Daten City's natural order. The setting changes to a café front, where a weather woman in a news network assures the day is going to be sunny, with a chance of 'suji' pollen. Stocking reminds Panty she is picking her nose again, but Panty tells her she's only doing it because Oscar Picker said it was a new type of therapy, and famous people were doing it too.

Stocking explains how delicious her Sparkling Queen Nougat is, before Panty compares her booger with it, for they looked the same. Brief, while using his PKE Meter, assures Panty her booger was radiating a heap of gas. Panty starts punching Brief, believing he was implying her to be a ghost. They were suddenly greeted by Ugly Snot, who introduces himself to both Anarchy sisters. He invites them to a feast aboard his airship, which the angels decide to attend.

Inside the airship, Stocking starts eating more nougats, while Panty goes off with Ugly Snot. Upon getting themselves a private room, they begin picking each other's noses. Ugly Snot starts sneezing, for Panty's booger was irritating his nasal membrane, which then made him reveal his true ghost form. Everyone in the airship begins picking their noses uncontrollably, while the ghost takes the shape of the airship itself. Garterbelt tells Panty that anyone who breathed the ghost's dust began picking their noses againts their will.

The ghost then starts using a rocket of gas and nosebleed to propell itself towards the moon, with the purpose of making it sneeze. Everyone's noses begin to bleed due to dehydration, accelerating the airship's speed. Garterbelt tells the Anarchy sisters to use their boogers in order to stop the airship, but since both angels' noses were clean, Brief has to resort to giving Panty his collection of her discarded boogers. Stocking tries releasing the cabin with her katanas, while Panty runs towards the ghost, but it released a horde of smaller ghosts to stop her.

Panty tries shooting them, but since she wasn't wearing a skirt, she couldn't pull her panties off. Stocking helps Panty out of her shorts by cutting her belt. Panty proceeds to shoot the little ghosts, but upon looking at her panty-less, the people from the cabin have a nosebleed, which accelerated the airship's speed towards the moon. Panty releases the cabin from the ghost, making it fall onto the ocean. Panty and Stocking defeat the ghost by putting Panty's booger inside it's nose. The ghost explodes, sending Panty back, while Stocking is sent towards the moon, making it sneeze anyway.

The episode starts with a narrator, who explains that a gloomy city, named Little Tokyo, lies to the west of Daten City. He assures that in Little Tokyo, glum people can only seek glum happiness. The setting changes to an office in Little Tokyo, where an office worker is being scolded by his superior, who tells him that he must improve his sales in order to keep his job.

Terao goes back to his working place, where he writes on a memo book he is going to try working harder. After getting home, he is seen reading a newspaper. He is reminded by his daughter that her birthday is tomorrow, and then proceeds to tell him that she wants to meet Panty and Stocking. While watching the news, Terao sees that Panty and Stocking defeated another ghost, once again.

The following day, Terao's co-worker, Mika, cries because he gave her a dissected turtle as a gift. Terao tells her daughter (on the phone) that he is going to give her a present once he gets home. Terao's co-workers agree on going for some drinks in order to fix things for Mika. After settling in the bar, Terao asks if he can be excused, but is denied the possibility by his superior, who orders him to drink a tower of beer.

After finishing drinking the tower of beer, Terao tries going home, but he started vomiting, creating a ghost out of his vomit. Panty and Stocking appear in order to defeat the Boogey Pukey, and after noticing them, Terao tries talking to them, but they ditch him in favor of defeating the ghost. After killing the ghost, who left only one Heaven Coin behind, Terao invites the angels to his home. However, they didn't really want to go but the Anarchy sisters give him their autographs instead. Terao's daughter is later seen with the now framed autograph in her bedroom, while Terao is told once again that he needs to improve if he wants to keep his job.

6- "Akuma no Yō na Onnatachi" ("Les Diaboliques")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 06


Airdate: November 5, 2010

The episode starts with a few exploding ghosts, who, upon being killed, leave no Heaven Coin behind. Panty and Stocking complain in the bathroom, but after finding a non-replica looking ghost in there, they try killing it. The small ghost manages to escape, and flees through a toilet, splashing the angels with toilet water and saying that the ghost is a girl when Panty and Stocking thought that the ghost was a boy. Enraged, the Anarchy sisters attack the ghost once again, but the conflict lasted all night apparently, as it was morning when they decided to let it go and returned back to school. Shortly after, a student asks them why they weren’t wearing their uniforms. He then proceeds to explain that the new queens of Daten City High established a few rules they needed to follow.

Panty calls Brief, and asks him to explain what is going on. Brief tells them the new queens, who are actually demons and the mayor's daughters, bound the school with new rules and morals. The demon sisters arrive, and upon noticing Panty and Stocking, they comment on their stench. The Anarchy sisters tell them rules are boring and pointless, but Kneesocks goes off the handle and explains how rules are needed in order to solve the chaos of freedom.

While in the cafeteria, Panty and Stocking complain about the newly established healthy and tasteless menu. Scanty and Kneesocks sit beside the angels' table, and proceed to criticize them and their way of handling ghosts. Now completely enraged, the angels challenge the demon sisters, in order to prove who is better, but the demon sisters win in every category. The angels are sent to the losers' class, where they find the little ghost from the night before. The ghost tells them he knows where the demon sisters' hideout is, and that in order to go, they need to get inside a toilet.

It turns out the demons' hideout is in fact a ghost factory, which is the one producing the heavens-worthless ghosts the Anarchy sisters had been encountering. Garterbelt tells them to destroy the place, for a Ghoststone in there had been absorbing human evil for thousands of years. Scanty and Kneesocks find the Anarchy sisters, and both parties transform their respective clothes into weapons. Upon finding out Scanty and Kneesocks are actually demons, the ghost decides to join them instead, but is sliced by Kneesocks' scythe, which turned her into a bigger ghost. However, the ghost is killed easily anyway. Both parties prepare to battle, but Brief tells them that if they really want to win, all they need to do is get the Ghoststone, which Chuck eats.

Fastener kicks Chuck repeatedly in order for him to spit the stone, which Brief proceeds to catch. Panty shoots the newly created ghosts and orders Brief to run, who decides to flee through a toilet. Scanty and Panty go off on a duel, just as Stocking and Kneesocks do the same. Kneesocks calls for Fastener, who appears driving G-String. Stocking does the same in order for it to be fair, and Chuck appears driving See Through. Scanty and Panty keep fighting, while Stocking and Kneesocks drive their respective cars, which at some point, collide from the front.

Panty forces Scanty's face on a toilet, and upon freeing herself, Scanty does the same to Panty, but on an urinal. See Through manages to rip G-String in two, while Brief runs to the school rooftop. He is soon found by Kneesocks, but Stocking pushes him aside. Scanty points at Brief with her revolver and shoots at him, but Panty shoots at the same time, sending Scanty's bullet away. The demon sisters pin Brief down, and threaten to kill him, but the angels tell them they don't care for him, rendering the demons' threat useless. The Demon sisters themselves, however, are greatly shocked to hear this sort of thing from angels as they are supposed to be emissaries of God yet they care nothing for saving the life of an innocent human.

Panty tells them rules are meant to be broken, and both Scanty and Panty shoot each other. Panty's bullets seem to deflate Scanty's, and Stocking then proceeds to send the bullets the demons' way with her katana. Brief throws the stone at the angels, which Panty destroys, making both, the factory and the school burn to a crisp. The demons tell them they'll call it a draw and flee. Panty asks Brief if he wants to have sex with her, but Brief tells her he wants to take things slow. Panty then ditches him and she and Stocking leave. In the end, Scanty and Kneesocks report back to the mayor, who punishes them for their failure.

7- "Toransuhōmu" / "Gennama ni Ratai o Hare" ("Trans-homers" / "The Stripping")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 07

(トランスホーム / 現金に裸体を張れ)

Airdate: November 12, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator, who explains that in the corner of a galaxy, there are two life forms that have been fighting to death since Creation. The setting changes to Daten City's church, where Brief pleads Garterbelt to stop Panty and Stocking's quarrel. The sky suddenly turns red, and two asteroids come crashing down. A robot comes out of said asteroid, and proceeds to state that a battle is going to take place inside the church.

Femitron, another robot, appears and shoots Masculimus. But Stocking, upon noticing the robot's Guimauve, eats it thinking it would be delicious. Femitron is destroyed, and Stocking transforms into a robot herself. Panty does the same with Masculimus' Guimauve, transforming into a robot too.The Anarchy sisters proceed to transform several of their furniture into robots, in order to create and army to fight each other. Panty goes to guard the fridge, thinking it would bring Stocking down, but it turns out Stocking had already eaten all the sweets stored inside the fridge.

Panty and her robots lock themselves inside the bathroom, making Stocking unable to use it. But Stocking and her robots, who are now all wearing diapers, ambush Panty once she comes out. A newcomer robot appears, and Panty, upon noticing he is a stud, proceeds to have sex with him. The robot explodes, hurting Panty's army even more. Now completely enraged, Panty goes to Stocking's base on the church's ceiling and engages Stocking in battle. Their fight lasts for several days and nights, until they decide to finish it on a final battle.

Panty and Stocking keep battling, destroying most of their robots in the process. Inside the church, Brief is awoken up by the angels' conflict, and upon noticing Masculimus and Femitron were still alive, he tries convincing them into stopping the angels' fight. The robots tell him their race considered dying in battle an honor, but Brief tells them war between robots is pointless, finally changing the robots' minds, who decide to merge themselves into a ghost to destroy the Earth instead. Garterbelt orders the angels to destroy the ghost, who upon being killed, explodes along the other robots, who leave thousands of foreign Heaven Coins behind. Brief tries comforting the Anarchy sisters, but they decide to keep fighting each other instead.

The episode starts with Garterbelt, who is seen lecturing Panty and Stocking. He tells them they spend too much money on unnecessary stuff, and reveals that their expenses have surpassed three million dollars already. Garterbelt also explains he doesn't have any money to repair the church, which was greatly damaged in during the angels' previous fight. Panty tells Garterbelt they're going to try earning money, but Garterbelt laughs at them, saying they wouldn't be able to make any money on their own. He then asks them to prove themselves by making three million dollars in three days, and that if they fail, they wouldn't be able to waste money ever again.

The Anarchy sisters wonder how to make that much money, when Brief suddenly appears, telling them they need to do manual labor in order to earn money honestly. The angels decide to work in a café, where Stocking is doing a great job, but Panty accidentally spills her tray all over the place, causing their boss to fire them. They are later seen working as police officers, but since they were wearing mini-skirts, they cause several people to become distracted and crash their vehicles. Panty and Stocking then try working as car washers, but they customize their client's car without his permission. As demolishers, they demolish various buildings accidentally. In an asylum, they cause a ruckus by exposing themselves.

They end up working in a bar, where they overhear a man saying he had won three million dollars in one day, playing in a casino. Brief tries telling them that gambling is bad, but the Anarchy sisters ignore him and go to the casino anyway. While playing slots, Panty and Stocking soon reach their goal of three million, since it appears that angels are impossibly lucky while gambling. After winning a few millions, they are told to move to the VIP part of the casino, where card games and roulettes are favored over slots. It's later revealed the demon sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks, are the owners of the casino, and that a giant money-eating ghost is absorbing their clients' lost money. Upon noticing the Anarchy sisters were in their casino, the demon sisters start rigging their games, making them lose all their money.

After running out of money, Panty and Stocking begin selling their clothes in order to keep gambling, to the joy of the audience around them, but they still keep losing all their money. Kneesocks, disguised as the dealer, becomes distracted after Panty suddenly sneezed, and didn't notice the roulette stopping on the number Panty bet on, finally resulting in them winning all their lost money back and also making the money-eating ghost shrink into a brick-like being, resembling a single bar of gold. Panty shoots the ghost, who explodes. The following day, Garterbelt tells them they are shameful for auctioning their clothes, and refuses the three million, for that money was dirty. Brief is later seen bidding on Panty's panties in order to protect her stuff.

8- "...Obu za Deddo" / "Ippiki no Ikareru Gōsuto" ("...Of the Dead" / "1 Angry Ghost")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 08

(…オブ・ザ・デッド / 一匹の怒れるゴースト)

Airdate: November 19, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator, who says nothing in life is permanent, and that humans have always fought against death. The setting changes to the inside of Romero & Carpen Town 's police station, where Panty, Stocking, Garterbelt, and a few other humans are trying to repel a horde of zombies trying to get inside. Panty tries shooting a zombie dog, but it is unaffected. Everyone inside the station tells the angels to kill the zombies already, but Panty explains that their weapons don't work against zombies, making it impossible for them to do anything. The humans start calling the angels impostors when suddenly a policeman reveals to them that the zombies' weakness is fire.

Garterbelt explains that zombies can be defeated, but since he has diarrhea, he goes back to the bathroom before he can reveal their weakness. Meanwhile, a policeman lights a chair on fire and throws it at the zombies, but nothing happens. The zombies are able to get inside the station and soon transform many of the remaining humans into zombies. Garterbelt comes out of the bathroom once again and tells the Anarchy sisters that in order to defeat a zombie, they needed to destroy their brains. Stocking says there had to be a more elegant way of defeating them, however Panty goes ahead and smashes a zombie's head.

Panty assures them that all they really need to do is get into the weaponry shop nearby, and throws a gas container to the zombies outside, making it explode after shooting it. The remaining survivors run to the shop, but it turns out to be a sex shop . The Anarchy sisters start blaming Garterbelt for making them cops for a day. Meanwhile, from a good distance, Scanty and Kneesocks are watching the scene unfold. It is revealed that they are the ones behind the zombie incident, turning dead people into zombies just by dripping the zombie liquid they ordered from a demon catalogue on them. A zombie cat delivers the demons' message to Panty and Stocking, who become enraged and started fighting the cat.

The remaining survivors prepare themselves to battle the zombies, but one of the survivors - already bitten by the undead - says he is willing to act as a decoy in exchange for someone publishing the book of his stormy life. However, he spends too much time preparing to distract the horde, and thus turns within moments of exiting the store. As the few remaining humans fall to the relentless legion of zombies, Garterbelt orders the angels to get inside See Through, and then come pick everyone up. Panty and Stocking narrowly manage to reach their vehicle, but plan to simply ditch the others and escape the ravaged town. However, they are attacked by Chuck, who was turned into a zombie earlier.

The newly-zombified Panty and Stocking then come after Garterbelt, who is now the only remaining survivor. Panty claims that she feels liberated by the experience, but wonders if they can change back to normal; Stocking suggests that they may revert at dawn, but insists that they discuss the matter after getting fresh meat from their former caretaker. Musing that his charges' bodies are now as rotten as their minds, Garterbelt calmly pulls a second shotgun from his afro and opens fire.

Meanwhile, Scanty rejoices in victory upon seeing her foes reduced to undead. Unfortunately, her joyful jumping causes her to splash the zombie liquid all around the hill. By the time Kneesocks gets Scanty to stop, the demon sisters find themselves surrounded by ravenous ghouls, with nothing to eat but themselves...

As dawn breaks, Panty and Stocking sit atop the sex shop's roof, munching on the remains of Garterbelt. Panty notices that they haven't changed back, prompting Stocking to wonder what they should do next. As the zombified demon sisters lurch by on the street, the angels decide to sit back and relax; far away, church bells ring.

The episode starts with a TV program called Judgement Day, where the commenter explains they are going to be judging the Anarchy sisters. Upon welcoming them, he asks them how they feel; naturally, Panty and Stocking reply that they will rather not be there at all. Their fans go crazy, but the commenter declares that not everyone in the public are fans; indeed, a large section of the audience is waving anti-angel signs and chanting "No more Panty! No more Stocking!". The commenter proceeds to introduce their prosecutor: Tom Croose, who mourns for his friend and vows that the angels will pay for their crime - killing an innocent ghost.

The commenter summarizes the case by reviewing the life of the victim, a dog like ghost named Husband Petter. Despite being a ghost, he was surprisingly cheerful and good-hearted, becoming the first Ghost recognized as a citizen of Daten City, and happily married to another of his anomalously non-violent kind. However, on November 27th, he was found dead in Central Park, and the Anarchy sisters are the prime suspects for his murder. As the commenter finishes the story, Tom Croose solemnly declares that it is a tragic tale, but the angels simply ask if he can prove their involvement.

Before the trial can begin, the angels are given a chance to choose an attorney from one of three boxes; the oldest lawyer in the world, the cheapest lawyer in the world, and the lawyer with the highest IQ in the world. After the host assures them that the show doesn't lie, Panty and Stocking choose the third box - only to meet a monkey named Mr. Abrams. The host explains that Mr. Abrams is a certified attorney, and the smartest lawyer in the monkey world. The angels demand to know how the monkey is supposed to defend them, but Mr. Abrams reveals that he can speak perfectly, thanks to a machine on his head which translates his thoughts into speech.

With the judge presiding, the trial commences, and Tom Croose begins asking the Anarchy sisters a few questions. He reveals that Panty and Stocking were only five minutes away from the crime scene, making it quite possible for them to be the murderers. He proceeds to ask Panty what she would do if she saw a rampaging ghost. Panty responds she would shoot it - however, Tom Croose only whispered the "rampaging" part, and uses her response to imply that the angels would not think twice about killing even the most innocent of ghosts. When Stocking protests, Tom Croose produces several pictures of ghosts destroyed by the angels and asks if Stocking remembers their names. Stocking and Panty point out that they would never have a chance to learn a Ghost's name in the heat of battle, which Tom Croose explains is why they don't recall killing Husband Petter.

The prosecutor then presents the judge with Panty's panties, explaining that they are her main weapon. He asserts that witnesses at the scene of the crime heard gunshots in Central Park, which implicates Panty, as her underwear can transform into a gun. To prove his point, he asks Panty to demonstrate - despite the latter's reluctance, Stocking suggests that she just gets it over with. Panty starts pole dancing for the audience, reciting her usual chant, but the judge soon stops her, outraged that Panty would desecrate the courtroom with her lewd acts. As a consequence, Panty and Stocking are trapped inside iron maiden-like cases that only leave their faces exposed. Mr. Abrams begins trying to grab Panty's exposed bangs, thinking them to be bananas; meanwhile, Tom Croose calls Wife Petter to the stand, where she breaks down into tears, begging for her husband to return to her.

With that done, the commenter asks for everyone's verdict regarding the case, and everyone votes for the angels to die. Accordingly, Panty and Stocking are electrocuted through their restraints; when the initial shock proves useless, the commenter signals someone to heighten the power of the electrocution machine. It is then revealed that the commenter and Tom Croose are Scanty and Kneesocks in disguise - the entire trial is a front for them to finally be rid of the angels.

The electrocution machine eventually overloads before it can kill the Anarchy sisters; in the smoky aftermath, Mr. Abrams finally grabs Panty's bangs. Upon touching Panty's electrified hair, the monkey receives a powerful shock of his own, causing his thought translator to malfunction. As Stocking begs for another lawyer, the helmet falls to the ground, and Mr. Abrams gets to his feet, now possessing incredible intelligence. He objects to the prosecution's argument, pointing out that Husband would have left no remains if he had been killed by angelic weapons. Furthermore, large fang marks were found on Husband's body - thus, Mr. Abrams declares that the true culprit was none other than Wife!

Faced with this evidence, the audience turns on Wife, electrocuting her with the same force as the angels. Unhinged by the shocks, Wife confesses her crime, revealing that she was only playing the part of an innocent to protect herself. Deriding Husband's unwillingness to destroy humanity, she mutates into a four-jawed monster and attacks the judge - meanwhile, Mr. Abrams grabs the commenter and Tom Croose, using a residual electricity within him to shock them and remove their disguises.

Exposed and infuriated at another failure, Scanty and Kneesocks flee, leaving the judge to beg Panty and Stocking to destroy the rampaging ghost. The angels feign reluctance, citing the judge's own disapproval of their actions, but the desperate man writes his earlier statement and frees the sisters from their restraints. With palpable amusement at the situation, Panty and Stocking transform their garments and quickly finish off Wife Petter, to raucous applause from the crowd. Bidding viewers farewell, Panty and Stocking declare that justice always prevails - shortly before Mr. Abrams rips off the former's bangs and stuffs them into his mouth.

9- "Tenshi ga Mizugi ni Kigaetara" / "Gōsuto: Daten Shiti no Maboroshi" ("If the Angels Wore Swimsuits" / "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 09

(天使が水着にきがえたら / ゴースト ~ダテンシティの幻~)

Airdate: November 26, 2010

It is summer in Daten City, and everyone is at the beach. Among the crowd are the resident angels, lounging on their vehicle and surrounded by a group of admirers. The Anarchy sisters complain they should have gone to a private beach, but change their minds upon being offered drinks and sweets respectively. Brief arrives, accusing them of slacking off. According to Brief, the Anarchy sisters were supposed to be helping with the church's beach-house, where Garterbelt is seen cooking Frankfurters and fending off Chuck's attempts to steal one.

To distract Brief, Panty slips off her bikini top and asks him to rub suntan oil all over her back. Brief is left gibbering incoherently at the thought, only to be suddenly knocked away by a familiar red carpet. G-String dramatically bursts from the water, allowing the demon sisters to emerge on the beach, ready for a vacation of their own. Scanty and Kneesocks declare that the beach is private property; when Panty protests, they reveal that they have purchased the beach for five times its stated value, making everyone else trespassers that need to leave immediately.

Unimpressed, Stocking uses Honekoneko to incinerate the property certificate, along with a chunk of Scanty's hair. When Scanty expresses her displeasure over this, Panty leaps off of See Through and challenges her to take the beach by force. However, the demons refuse, claiming that they do not engage in combat during their vacation; instead, they decide to settle the conflict by having a beach volleyball tournament, with Brief as their referee.

The tournament begins, and both teams start scoring points. The game draws everyone on the beach, leaving Garterbelt out of customers and wondering what his charges are up to now. After being hit in the face with an errant volleyball, he gives up on his frankfurter business and sets a betting table instead, disguised as Master G.

The first round eventually goes to the Anarchy sisters, 21 to 18. In response, the demons sisters start using a disguised Fastener as the ball, who shifts away every time the angels' turn comes by. Soon, the demons are leading 12 to 0, and a completely irritated Panty simply shoots the ball, revealing the demons' trickery.

Scanty angrily protests Panty's use of a "dangerous weapon" in the match, while Panty retorts that using Fastener as a ball isn't very funny. Both arguments are reversed when Stocking balls up Chuck and hits him over the net, forcing Kneesocks to cut him apart with her scythe. As Panty and Scanty's argument heats up, Kneesocks tosses the (regular) ball into the air and hits it hard enough to leave a sizable crater on the angels' side of the court.

With a demon tail of pure energy bobbing behind her, Kneesocks declares that she and her sister are going to start using their powers in the game. The angels are more than willing to follow suit, but Scanty ups the stakes by declaring that the losers of the round will have to strip naked in front of everyone. An epic beach volleyball tournament takes place, reaching a level beyond what most of the spectators can see. Brief panics, being unable to see who's scoring, shortly before being caught in the middle of an intense fight between Chuck and Fastener.

The game eventually comes to the last point, with both sides using their best techniques to try and score. Ultimately, the angels prevail, with Panty's final spike leaving a massive heart-shaped dent in the sand (complete with pink heart-shaped ring rising into the air). As Scanty and Kneesocks reel in shock, the Anarchy sisters demand that they hold up their agreement and strip naked for the crowd. Grudgingly, the demons acquiesce, reaching for the straps of their swimsuits...

...and, with a cry of "As if!" they toss bottles of black liquid into the air instead. Two precise revolver shots later, and the ocean is showered with the liquid, causing a whole army of sea animal ghosts to emerge. Scanty and Kneesocks gloat briefly before making their exit in G-String, leaving Panty and Stocking to fend off the horde. Kneesocks muses that she almost forgot their real plan by getting lost in the volleyball match, only to find that Scanty did forget the plan in the wake of the game. Snarling that she will have her revenge on the angels, Scanty slams her fist beside her - and right on top of G-String's self-destruct button, blowing up the vehicle right in their faces.

Back on the beach, chaos reigns: Brief has a Seaweed Ghost wrapped around his head, Stocking is happily writhing in the tentacles of a Giant Octopus Ghost, and Panty has sea star Ghosts on her breasts, an anenome Ghost between her legs, and a clam Ghost on her ear. Meanwhile, Garterbelt counts all the money he made from the betting table, only to be flattened by a whale Ghost falling on his stand.

The episode starts with Panty, who is searching, with binoculars, for new men to sleep with. She asks for Stocking's opinion about them, but Stocking tells Panty she has horrible tastes in men. Panty assures all she really wants in a man is for him to have a pretty face and a huge member. However Stocking replies that only a brain-dead slut would say that and tells her that she wouldn't be able to comprehend her refined tastes in men. Stocking then notices a ghost, who appears to be hitting on a few girls passing by.

Panty is disgusted by the ghost, who is actually very ugly and farts a lot. Panty asks Stocking if they should kill him, only to be surprised by Stocking, who goes after the ghost, crushing on him. The following day, Stocking asks Panty if she believes in destiny, saying she feels like she was born for the sole purpose of meeting the said ghost. Stocking goes on a date with the ghost and prepares a vast amount of sandwiches for him. The ghost says plenty of mean things to her, but Stocking doesn't seem to mind at all; in fact, she even says she loves the guy's horrible smell. Afterwards, they go shopping, but Stocking is the only one who does and buys him various things, including clothing and watches.

They continue dating for some days and go to several different places, which includes a theme park and ice skating. Panty, upon looking at a magazine featuring Stocking and her ghost boyfriend, decides to talk with her sister, but Stocking chooses not to listen to her. That afternoon, Stocking confesses to her boyfriend that she is an angel and destroying ghosts is her duty. But she also tells him she wants to live as a woman, rather than an angel, and that she is even willing to turn her back on Heaven for him. Stocking decides to pack her possessions and leaves the church.

Panty sees Stocking leaving, and tells Chuck she is now going to take different measures. Panty disguises as Stocking and goes to meet the ghost. She assures him that she is Stocking's older sister and points Backlace at him, but Stocking stops her. Stocking tells Panty she would never understand her feelings, for she had never fallen in love before, but Panty retorts saying the ghost doesn't love her back. The ghost tells Panty she is mistaken, and proceeds to propose to Stocking with a dung ring. Right after Stocking accepts the proposal, however, the ghost starts to glow and goes to Heaven. Garterbelt explains that the ghost was purified by finally falling in love. In the end, Stocking keeps the dung ring and stares at a new constellation of stars, which form a pile of dung.

10- "Innā Burīfu" / "Chakku tu za Fyūchā" / "HELP! Futari wa Enjeru" ("Inner Brief" / "Chuck to the Future" / "Help! We Are Angels")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 10

(インナーブリーフ / チャック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー / HELP! 二人はエンジェル)

Airdate: December 3, 2010

The episode starts with Brief, who is serving the angels milk on a teacup, but since the angels were turned small, they have to run away from the now-gigantic splashes of milk. Panty shouts at Brief, but he doesn't seem to hear her at all and keeps up. Brief keeps saying Panty looks adorable until Garterbelt arrives, who explains that the drugs Scanty and Kneesocks gave the angels would wear off in an hour.

Brief tells the Anarchy sisters that he is going to keep them safe until they turn back to normal. But Panty and Stocking, who have had enough, jump inside Brief's mouth. Brief swallows them and panics, however, Garterbelt gives him laxatives in order to get the angels out. Garterbelt tells Brief to take his pants off, but Brief is reluctant to do so. Shortly after, Brief can't take it anymore, and strips out of his clothes, while Garterbelt watches him carefully. Brief flushes the toilet accidentally and Garterbelt, thinking that Panty and Stocking had been flushed as well, calls for Chuck in order for him to dive inside the toilet.

It turns out the Anarchy sisters were still inside Brief, playing inside his body. They start damaging his brain, which makes him lose control of his body and starts punching Garterbelt repeatedly against his will. Once the angels get inside his stomach, they start growing back to their normal size. Garterbelt then decides to take more extreme measures, and tells Brief to stay still while he works the angels out via his asshole, using Vaseline. After being done, Garterbelt tells Brief he has a very nice posterior. The angels come out of the shower, commenting their journey had been quite fun. In the end, Brief says Panty is very mean, but that he is still in love with her nonetheless.

The episode starts with a close up from Daten City to the church. It then changes to Chuck's point of view, who after being stricken by lightning in Pulp Addiction, sees Panty and Stocking leaving to the Paper Plant, until he faints.

A small time-skip takes place, and Chuck is then seen walking through an aisle. Fastener makes him trip and then starts following him. Chuck looks at himself in a mirror, where Fastener starts mimicking Chuck's moves as if he was Chuck's reflection. Fastener suddenly punches Chuck, and annoyed, Chuck tries punching him back, but ends up punching the mirror instead, hurting himself. Chuck starts walking once again, but Fastener cuts his head off. Chuck's body starts looking for his head, upon finding it and putting it on, he finally notices Fastener. Chuck is reminded of his university days, where he was put in the losers' class and Fastener beat him at everything, including getting the girl he had a crush on.

They start fighting each other, but Fastener easily cuts Chuck in two. A red devil, which was revealed to have been living inside Chuck's head, reassembles Chuck shortly after. Chuck starts chasing Fastener, who kills Chuck several times, but the latter keeps reassembling himself multiple times. While struggling with Fastener, Chuck accidentally opens Fastener's head zipper, releasing the female red devil living inside his head. Fastener turns pale, and Chuck, believing him to be dead, hides his body inside a trash can. Soon enough, a trash truck takes the garbage with Fastener in it. In the end, Chuck is run over by the Anarchy sisters, who arrive in See Through.

The episode starts with Chuck, who is seen resting on a bed, completely bandaged. He suddenly has the urge to pee, but since he couldn't reach his potty, he has to move along his bed little by little. A fly starts bugging him repeatedly, making him pee himself. Now completely enraged, Chuck frees himself from the bandages and squashes the fly, but soon after, the fly heals itself and flies inside a hole on a wall. Chuck peeks inside the hole, and suddenly, thousands of flies come out of the hole and form a giant hand.

The giant hand starts squashing Chuck repeatedly. It then carries him to the kitchen and locks him up inside the microwave. The flies gesture a farewell and turn the microwave on. The red devil living inside Chuck's head comes out of him via his tail zipper, and along with Chuck, tries opening the microwave, without any luck. A few seconds later, Chuck and the red devil explode. In the end, Chuck is seen healing himself from the inside out while floating.

The episode starts with a quick shot of Fastener's devil. Not a second later, Chuck is seen sitting on a chair, thinking while his brain shines a blue color. He starts repeating his name for a few seconds, until he becomes distracted by a fireplace. Chuck starts walking away, seemingly angry. He suddenly hears something and turns back, but upon realizing there is no one there besides him, he resumes his angry walk.

After hearing the noise for a second time, and louder, he turns back once again. Convinced that no one is there, he tries taking a step, but he soon realizes that his head was the one making the noise, and runs to the fireplace. Using a fork as a mirror, Chuck tries seeing what was inside his head. Upon seeing the red devil laughing at him, he panics and tries getting it out by hurting himself. As a last resort, Chuck opens his head zippers and becomes lifeless. The red devil comes out of his head, and upon noticing him, Fastener's female red devil comes running to him. The devils stare at each other for a few seconds, and later they share a kiss. In the end, the red devils are seen having sex, while Chuck's lifeless body watches them.

The episode starts with Brief putting up posters advertising Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt's performance at a concert. Later, Garterbelt puts out his cigarette, prompting the others to gather their instruments and walk onto the stage. They begin performing "D City Rock", a song by TeddyLoid.

11- "Wansu Apon a Taimu in Gātāberuto" / "Nasshingu tu Rūmu" ("Once Upon a Time in Garterbelt" / "Nothing to Room")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 11

(ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム・イン・ガーターベルト / ナッシング・トゥ・ルーム)

Airdate: December 10, 2010

The episode starts with a narrator, who assures lies can both, conceal and expose. The setting changes to Daten City's Church, where Garterbelt is lecturing the angels, as usual. Garterbelt says that instead of dispatching ghosts, the angels have been handling false reports, assuring Daten City has become a living hell, due to all the ghosts who are on the loose. While punching Chuck, Garterbelt drops one of his BDSM belts, but retrieves it quickly. The angels get suspicious, and decide to follow Garterbelt in order to bust him doing something inappropriate.

The Anarchy sisters find a secret passage inside the church, and after going down the hundreds of stairs, have to run from the various traps set in there. Upon defeating an armored enemy, they come across a dead end, where Stocking finds Garterbelt's diary. The angels decide to read it in order to learn Garterbelt's deepest secrets. The setting changes to a dirty city, where Garterbelt encounters two police officers. However, Garterbelt ditches the officers shortly after. Garterbelt then proceeds to explain he has committed every crime in the book, including assault, extortion, murder and prostitution.

Garterbelt says cities revolved around money, and that he just kept climbing the ladder, killing anyone who got in his way. But after being finally on top and having it all, he was gunned down in his own office. Garterbelt ends up in Heaven, where he is given a mission, which he refuses. When he starts insulting Judgement, however, he is suddenly struck by lightning and sent to the beginnings of time on a sort of trial. Garterbelt is then pursued by a T-Rex, when a meteorite suddenly falls from the sky, killing the dinosaurs. Garterbelt is later attacked by a bunch of monkeys, and even survives the Ice Age and encounters Adam and Eve.

He is later found by Noah, and taken on his ark. Garterbelt is then seen participating in several important stages of history and biblical passages, including Moses' and Egypt. He keeps surviving through all the eras, but upon looking at all the dead men after the crusades, he finally understood that all his suffering would eventually lead to true happiness. The Anarchy sisters fall asleep while reading his diary, and decide to leave shortly after waking up, since they couldn't remember why they were there in the first place. In the end, Garterbelt is revealed to have been judging himself all along, with bondage, using Chuck's help.

The episode starts with the church's living room, where Panty and Stocking are watching TV and eating chips respectively. Panty asks Stocking how far had she gone, yesterday, with a guy who had a bulge in his pants. Stocking answers Panty she had only made out with him, so he wouldn't think she was easy. Stocking glances at her watch, realizing it had been five hours already since Garterbelt told them he was going to make lunch. Panty and Stocking keep talking about how Garterbelt even put a sign outside the kitchen door, which reads "No Angels Allowed".

Chuck comes carrying a plate of a dough-looking mix, and starts dancing. Panty asks Stocking to give her some of her chips, but her hand gets stuck inside the container. Panty tries freeing her hand, but upon doing so, she falls outside the window. Meanwhile, Stocking orders Hop Whip White Baumkuchen after seeing an offer on TV, shortly after Panty comes back telling Stocking she has an idea to get back to Heaven. She proceeds to explain her idea of using a pole to go to space, but Stocking tells her she likes being on Earth and asks Panty if she feels the same way. Panty confesses men on Earth are okay, but she also assures they were taking a dip.

Their stomachs suddenly begin to growl and Stocking starts complaining, saying that she feels sad whenever she is hungry. After having a small argument with her sister, Stocking grabs the pole Panty brought earlier and goes towards the kitchen to tell Garterbelt to hurry up. Chuck comes once again carrying his food plate, and starts eating after dancing. Stocking then comes back in the room, with a huge bump on her head. Panty asks her sister if she wants to order pizza, and the two of them start ordering a bunch of different types of food on the phone. Panty tells Stocking they should go to the night club tonight too, in order to fuck like rabbits.

Then the doorbell rings and the Anarchy sisters go to answer the door, thinking it would be some of the food they ordered, but it turns out to be Brief. Brief asks them where the party was, but the angels tell him there was no party. Brief tries to talk to them, but the Anarchy sisters kill the conversation every time. Brief assures the Anarchy sisters Garterbelt is making them dinner because he is trying to show them his appreciation after doing a job well done. All the angels' orders arrive, as well as Garterbelt bringing them all the food he had been cooking, and orders them to not leave a single crumb behind. In the end, the angels eat everything and begin to feel bloated. They decide not to go to the club on account of they won't be able to fit in the VIP. Instead they watch T.V. and Panty again ask Stocking if she plans to sleep with the guy she made out with yesterday.

12- "Dī Shī Konfidensharu" / "Panti ando Burīfu" ("D.C. Confidential" / "Panty + Brief")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 12

(D.C.コンフィデンシャル / パンティ+ブリーフ)

Airdate: December 17, 2010

The episode starts with Corset, who explains that the primordial chaos of Daten City had been sealed long ago. He also explains he needs Hell's Monkey's blood kin in order to undo the seal guarding The Other Gods. Scanty and Kneesocks inquire if something is bothering him, but Corset asks them to continue delivering their report. The demon sisters proceed to describe each of the ghosts they had released so far, starting from Giant Brown, number 36. Corset interrupts them, asking how could they place their hopes on feces, but tells them to continue anyway.

The demon sisters then describe Crazy Crazy Cabbie, but once again, Corset says that there had been a remarkable absence of intelligence in that plot. After Queen Bee's description, Corset lectures Scanty and Kneesocks, saying there was a clear absence of any attempt to use whips and chains, which obviously led to their defeat. Corset suddenly pauses the video during Stocking's attempt to free herself from a rope, during "Catfight Club", saying he liked that very much, for he loves BDSM.

Corset scolds the demon sisters, saying they had only produced a crop of utterly worthless ghosts, assuring ghosts used to be stronger back in the day. He also tells them to stop wasting his time, and stops the video shortly after leaving. Scanty orders Fastener to bring the sofa and wine, and then proceeds to have sex with Kneesocks. Corset comes back and interrupts them, asking if they had at least found the blood kin of Hell's Monkey. Since the demon sisters had no information, Corset was displeased and sent them away. In the end, while watching the video, Corset noticed Brief in the video, assuring hope could still be found in the amidst of despair.

The episode starts with Stocking, who after defeating a ghost, says they've been running into a lot more ghosts lately. Meanwhile, Panty is having sex inside a car with two guys, who run away after finishing. Panty proceeds to fill her Sex Diary with hearts, but is told by Stocking to "stop fucking around" and start helping her instead. Panty explains that since she landed on Earth, she came up with a goal, which consists of having sex with a thousand men before returning to Heaven, entitled "No Sex No Life". Daten City's church is suddenly stricken by lightning, meaning that there had to be some kind of new revelation. Garterbelt calls the angels and proceeds to congratulate them, for they had finally obtained enough Heaven Coins to be accepted back in Heaven. The Anarchy sisters prepare their luggage and stand before the altar.

Before leaving, Stocking starts lecturing Panty, telling her she did a half-assed job at both picking men and slaying ghosts. However, in the middle of her rant, Stocking is taken back to Heaven, whereas Panty is not. Garterbelt gets a note, saying that Judgement was displeased by Panty's inappropriate behavior and the fact that she was such a bitch. This meant she had been commanded to repeat the trial of collecting Heaven Coins. Panty is furious, and inquires what was wrong with being a bitch. Brief, on the other hand, is delighted, for he had never imagined he was going to be teamed up with Panty alone. Panty then drops Brief off, telling him to take care of the ghosts for her and to not come back until he collected enough Heaven Coins. While Brief is busy, Panty proceeds to have sex with as many men as she could, soon reaching 999. Brief comes back and tells Panty he couldn't defeat ghosts on his own, but Panty tells him to stop giving her excuses.

Brief's cell phone suddenly rings, and upon answering it, he is reminded of a party he is required to attend. Noticing Panty was upset, he decides to invite her to the party. After arriving at the party, Panty tells Brief she didn't expect him to have the contacts to attend a party like that. Brief is taken away by a couple of men, while Panty is called by Garterbelt, who asks her where she was. Garterbelt tells Panty there had been a condition attached to her repeat trial, which was that she wasn't allowed to have sex anymore, which angers Panty, as she wasn't going to abide by that condition. However, every time Panty tries to have sex with a guy from the party, Garterbelt interrupts them. A few attempts later, Panty goes to the bathroom and throws her tiara into the sink in annoyance and anger. She is then distracted by an aquarium, where she meets a handsome guy on the other side of the fish tank, who smiles at her.

He tries talking to her, but Panty couldn't hear him through the aquarium. He is soon taken away by a couple of men in black suits, leaving Panty confused. The host of the party thanks everyone for coming and then announces the engagement between the mayor's daughter (Scanty in disguise) and his son, Briefers Rock. Brief tells his father he wasn't going to marry a girl he didn't love, explaining the girl he wanted to marry was Panty, who is confused by this news. Scanty runs to Brief, saying she wasn't going to lose her fiancé to a bitch, but Brief pushes her away anyway, knocking her over and revealing her true identity. Scanty and Kneesocks, who was also in disguise, prepare themselves to battle Panty, who tells them she could take the two of them on her own. Panty engages them in battle, but since she is outnumbered, she is easily overcome by Kneesocks. Panty frees herself and tries shooting her, but Backlace loses its power and becomes bullet-less.

The demon sisters pin Panty down, telling her that angels had never stood a chance against demons and that it had always been that way since Creation. As Scanty is about to shoot Panty, Brief suddenly used his PKE Meter to shoot a smokescreen so that Panty can get free and escape. Brief takes Panty to an exit, and tells her that she would not stand a chance against the demon sisters without Stocking. Panty, confused, asks how did he know about Stocking, for she couldn't recognize him. He tells her he is Brief, and Panty, completely surprised, orders him to stop confusing her while blushing. Panty and Brief go away in See Through, but it breaks down, leaving them in the middle of a road. Brief sees an abandoned house, and the two of them hide inside of it. While inside, Panty grabs Brief's hand and tells him there is something wrong with her, but Brief says he is going to protect her, since he loves her.

Panty tells him she is willing to settle with him for one thousand, and the two of them proceeded to make out and have sex. However, with each attempt at sex, Panty ends up in pain each time. Garterbelt shows up and explains to Panty she had Revival Virgin Syndrome, which consisted of the reconstruction of an angel's hymen. Corset then appears from the back of the house, telling Panty she had assisted in awakening the key without realizing it. Corset tells them that the awakening of the key is what all the demons had been waiting for, as Brief's penis transforms into a key, which is the the key to Hell's Gate. Garterbelt tells Panty to grab Brief and run, but Scanty and Kneesocks stop her. As the demon sisters take Brief with them, Panty tries transforming her panties into Backlace, but as she had become powerless, the transformation fails. Her halo appears, falls down, and breaks, while Corset assures them that they were going to suffer for their sins.

13- "Bitchi Gāruzu" / "Bitchi Gāruzu: Tsū Bitchi" ("Bitch Girls" / "Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch")[]


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Episode 13

(ビッチガールズ / ビッチガールズ 2ビッチ)

Airdate: December 24, 2010

The episode starts with Panty being removed from church by an upset Garterbelt, for she was now powerless and no longer a bitchy angel. Panty starts walking across the raining streets of Daten City, having multiple things happen to her along the way, until she falls into a trash container after being pushed by an ambulance. Upon watching several animals and people having sex, Panty vomits and falls into a street drain. A few days and nights later, Panty wakes up in a farm, where apparently, she had been living a normal and peaceful farmer life.

One night, after doing several of her farmer chores, Panty tells Granny that she had never thought life could be so enjoyable. Granny tells Panty that people like her often ended in places like their farm, but inquires Panty if that was what she truly wanted. Panty tells her that she was really happy living there, since she had both her and Sam. Back inside their house, Panty finds one of Granny's old pictures. Granny tells Panty she reminded her of herself when she was younger, but is suddenly shot by a mountain gang, which came invading their farm. Granny tells Panty she was leaving this world, for Grandpa was waiting for her. Meanwhile, Sam fights off the gang with dual shotguns, while his organs are sticking out of his body.

Granny asks Panty if there was someone waiting for her too, and tells her to look up at Daten City, where Brief is being tortured by Corset. Granny tells Panty she had to do what she desired doing most, but Panty says nothing good ever came out of doing what she wanted. Granny explains to her that a woman was meant to live as free as a bird, and that when something went wrong, they had a man to clean up for them. Granny and Sam die, and Panty, having made her decision, takes the key to a motorcycle and heads back to Daten City. It is revealed everyone at the farm had been acting in order to make Panty reach a resolution, which had been Garterbelt's idea all along.

Meanwhile, Corset keeps trying to make Brief hard in order to use his penis to open Hell's Gate, with no avail. Panty finally arrives, and is asked by Corset what she could possibly do to stop them, for she was powerless. Panty tells them she was a bitch, and therefore, free as a bird, so she starts stripping out of her clothes in order to have sex with Brief. Corset tells Panty freedom was just an illusion, but Panty ignores him and gets onto the bed with Brief, where she tells Brief he is going to be both number one thousand and number one, and also tells him she was going to give him the virginity of an angel. Corset orders the demon sisters to stop her, but Stocking appears just in time to stop both their attacks. Stocking tells Panty to finish her business where she couldn't see her, and throws the bed onto the sky, making Panty reach her orgasm. Panty regains her angelical powers and falls down besides Stocking in order to fight off the demons.

The episode starts with the angels' battle against the demons. Stocking, who is fighting Kneesocks, tells Panty there is something falling from the sky, which turns out to be Brief. Garterbelt, along with Chuck, arrive in See Through, saying that everything had gone as planned. However, Brief falls straight onto Hell's Gate's key hole, opening Hell's Gate. Corset greets Garterbelt, and proceeds to break the seal in order to release The Other Gods, which were supposedly sealed behind Hell's Gate.

Corset tells Garterbelt he had mellowed out from what he used to be in his wild days, while breaking his restraining belts, and uses the demon sisters as weapons. Garterbelt throws his tunic off, telling Corset his version of bondage lacked self-control. Garterbelt takes plenty of ammunition from his afro, and starts shooting Corset with his shotgun. However, Corset easily breaks Garterbelt's shotgun, telling him his bondage was weak, assuring his whips and chains couldn't hurt him. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking are trying to defeat the ghost, which melted Panty's favorite motel and a sweet's shop Stocking wanted to try, resulting in both their rages.

Corset stabs Garterbelt, telling him that he was going to take out the angels now. Garterbelt stops him, however, and tells Panty and Stocking the demons were trying to abide Heaven and Earth by their rules, Stocking then asks Panty if Garterbelt is trying to help them or being an asshole. Corset takes Garterbelt's heart out and crushes it, killing Garterbelt. The angels come flying down, saying their weapons weren't working against the ghost, and finally realize that Garterbelt had died. Upon noticing, however, they didn't care, and Brief asks them if they were ever serious about anything, but the angels reply saying they were always serious. Stocking finds Garterbelt's Heaven's Express Black Card, showing it to Panty. The angels tell Chuck it was his turn to get serious, and he proceeds to transform into a huge hell hound by zipping himself inside out.

The Anarchy sisters then start buying useless stuff from a catalog, using Garterbelt's credit card. Fastener transforms into a two-headed dragon in order to stop Chuck, but Chuck overcomes him easily, reaching Corset. Panty and Stocking use their ultimate weapon to defeat the ghost and Corset, but since they were holding it backwards, their attack goes straight to Heaven. It turns out their attack summoned their mom instead, whose legs crush both the ghost and Corset, saving the surface world. Garterbelt revives, and Brief is released from Hell's Gate's key hole. Panty and Stocking's order finally reach them, angering Garterbelt for maxing his card out. After seeing all the mess they had caused, the angels agree that they are not going to be allowed back in Heaven for a while.

After-Credit Ending This section is of questionable canoncity, as it conflicts heavily with the storyline and plays perfectly into Gainax's stereotypical ending trope. After reaching the church, Panty asks Garterbelt what he was going to make for dinner, while Stocking asks Panty if their weapons could hurt angels. Panty tells her she doesn't know and adds that Stocking would have to try to see what happens; shortly afterwards, Stocking cuts her up into 666 pieces with her katanas. Garterbelt explodes once again, and a blob-like Corset reforms from Brief's penis. In disbelief, Brief asks Stocking why she would kill Panty; Stocking replies that she is actually a demon. Corset then tells them that in order to revive Panty, they will have to collect all of Panty's pieces while making their way to Oten City, where the Hell's Gate is now situated. Corset says that if Brief puts his penis in the key hole, unlocking the gate, then Panty would be returned to them. As Stocking leaves with Corset, Garterbelt reassembles while everyone including Scanty, Kneesocks and Fastener watching stare in disbelief. Garterbelt orders both Brief and Chuck to go forth and save Panty.
