Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo - 魔法少女) Wiki
Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo - 魔法少女) Wiki

1 (179)- "Yume no Hajimari" ("The Beginning of a Dream")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 01


Airdate: April 7, 2016

Yume hurries along the train station to meet up with Koharu. After nearly running into a man she hurries upon realizing she's almost late. While exiting the train building, she thinks back to when she and Koharu were in class and they had to write down their future plans. When she noticed Koharu struggle, Yume revealed hers and suggests Koharu joins her in some day entering S4.

Yume finds Koharu waiting for her outside of the concert hall. She apologizes for keeping her and they hurry inside to get seated. They watch as S4 thank everyone while standing on stage, and Hime takes her turn to perform Start Line! for everyone. After the performance ends, the girls eagerly mail in their submission papers to join Four Stars Academy.

Eventually, the entrance ceremony is held. Before heading inside, Yume and Koharu comment on how the uniform looks on each other while wondering if they will get a chance to meet their beloved S4. They are taken to a large room, where a man takes to the stage and tosses aside a flower before he congratulates the entrants of the school. He formally introduces their upperclassmen, the members of S4 to everyone and he challenges the idols to become as radiant as they before allowing the group to take over. One by one they give words of encouragement to the students, starting with Yozora of the Moon Beauty Class. She tells everyone that while it is hard, they can make it through together. Next is Yuzu, who reveals she is a part of the Wind Dance class and promises to help the new students do their best. She is followed by Tsubasa, from the Bird Theater class who proclaims to whip everyone into shape using love. Lastly, Hime takes her turn- exciting Yume even further. From the Flower Song class, she asks that if they ever feel lost, to come and seek them. After finishing they congratulate the students and everyone applauds.

Outside, Yume walks down the hall while sadly lamenting the fact she and Koharu don't share a class. Before they split up, Koharu points out they'll still see each other most of the time anyway, and Yume heads inside to sit down. An adult woman enters the room and announces herself as Anna Hibiki, their homeroom teacher, and gets straight into the lesson. She starts by pointing out that individuality is highly important for self-production; which is a vital tool for Idols to use. With that she moves onto giving the girls their ID and Aikatsu Mobile. As Yume gets hers, she suggests that she makes sure to swing by the Dress Make Room later on to get her first coord, and Yume returns to her seat.

While giving herself some words of encouragement, Yume notes a girl knock on the nearby window. She tries to ignore her until the knocking increases and she is forced to let her in. The girl thanks Yume and steps aside, taking a seat while asking for her name. Before she can respond with her own, Anna calls for her to reveal it as Laura. She heads to the front and Anna comments that Laura must have a high opinion of herself to show up late, causing her to offhandedly apologize. However, she also believes this is a good sign and decides to let Laura off of the hook just this once. This surprises everyone, but Laura says nothing and takes her items before walking off. Anna calls the students to get seated again; only for the bell to ring and be dismissed right after. She tells them to make the best of their free time.

Back in the hallway, Yume and Koharu meet up. Some students plan to go back to their room, while some want to start training. Yume asks about exploring the campus together and Koharu brings up the App for a guided tour, which is hosted by S4. They use it to find their way around to the Cafeteria, the Four Star dorms area, and they stop at the Dress Make Room. An older classmate introduces them to the system and explains how it works- saying that all they need to do is to pick a color and style. Once they finish, the cards are print out and she hands them over to the girls before they exit outside.

It's then they watch as other girls run by, talking about S4. They join them to find a whole bunch of classmates lined up to watch the glamorous S4 prepare to take off for recording work. Yume and Koharu chat with each other regarding their popularity, even among celebrities, as the others cheer and S4 board their limo to be driven off of the school grounds. Yume suddenly gets an idea and heads off, surprising Koharu when she realizes she left.

Yume climbs up a tall tree in order to see Hime off, but after waving she realizes she's already too far gone. A strange boy calls to Yume- chastising her for climbing a tree in such an outfit, but in her panic she winds up falling and lands on his lap. He rudely asks her to get off, stating she's heavy and Yume awkwardly apologizes and gets up. The male asks what she was doing, but Yume asks why he is there since he is an outsider and shouldn't be. The male finds this amusing and tells her she can call security all she likes- as this is the boy side of Four Star Academy and she is technically the one intruding. Yume panics upon realizing this, and he mocks her by saying every year at least one girl doesn't realize this before mimicking her. When she gets upset and turns red, he laughs while comparing her to a tomato, then she runs off.

Back in the dorm room, Yume brings up that she got lost earlier. Koharu remarks she's always had a terrible sense of direction before revealing that a Class Sorting Audition will take place tomorrow.

The next day, the girls start their singing warmups. Yume is criticized by Anna, and Laura takes her turn; which earns a compliment. Throughout the day, Laura shows superiority over Yume when they train until they end the session. Despite how terrible she was, Yume remains hopeful that she will do better and tells this to Koharu. To make her feel better, Koharu points out how well Yume sings and how it always makes her feel happy even if the teacher didn't like it. They are joined by Anna again, who came to inform the group to change and gather in the Concert Hall for the Trainee Debut Concert underway; alarming the girls.

On stage, the students stand while Anna sends them off with a pep talk, explaining that they will be performing before their senior S4 members, along with teachers and other faculty watching. The girls retreat to the waiting room, with Koharu admitting that she is nervous until she is called on the stage. Yume encourages her and attempts to keep calm. When her turn is called, she thinks about her desire to shine like Hime and the rest of S4 and runs down the corridor to put her cards onto the panels before the room transforms. She changes into her coord and performs Aikatsu☆Step!.

After Yume finishes, everyone applauds her while S4 wonder if she's actually new or not, since she did really well for her first time. As Yume stands on the stage, she suddenly blacks out and falls to the ground, alarming everyone.

Yume awakens later on to find herself in the Infirmary with Hime. She is shocked to see her, and Hime compliments her job well done. Yume starts crying out of both excitement and embarrassment, proclaiming herself to be a long-time admirer of Hime. She suddenly gets confused after Hime calls her by name, and asks how she knows it, but Hime refuses to reveal anything and suggests she rest more. She promises to tell Yume later on and takes off as Koharu runs inside to check on Yume. She apologizes for worrying her, but claims she feels fine. Koharu brings up her amazing performance but when Yume is unable to remember it, Koharu shows the recording and reveals the various comments made by the upperclassmen and staffs. Yume is surprised to see how well she is performing, but is unable to understand why she can't remember any of it.

2 (180)- "Futari wa Raibaru!" ("The Two are Rivals!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 02


Airdate: April 14, 2016

The S4 begin their program with a segment on Idol-related news. Last week they held a ceremony and just a day before new students had their debut concerts. Yozora comments on how cute they were, and Hime shows a display of Yume's performance. As they go on to explain their plans to keep an eye on Yume from that moment, Yume and Koharu are revealed to be watching the segment. Yume laments how poorly her performance ended and feels she is undeserving of the attention. Koharu refuses to let her talk like that, though and claims that her performance was amazing. Yume admits she still doesn't remember anything and wonders if she had been lucky in doing so well and decides to take it as a good sign as Koharu convinces her that others who trained really well had a hard time.

In school, Yume is noticed by several of the girls. They change and make their way out to the track, where Anna decides to have them start off with learning to train their stamina. In doing so, they must get used to running exercises, followed by holding notes. Anna calls on Yume and asks her to try on her own- but complains when she is unable to do well enough as two girls behind Yume try to determine why she did so well on the stage.

When break approaches, Laura finds Yume and starts to talk to her. She teases her lack of abs and claims she is unable to see how Yume did so well.

Back in class, Anna brings up that they have a week before the Sorting Auditions. She teaches them the fundamentals by explaining until then, they are free to sit in on each of the classes to determine which one they would like to join. She reminds them of their self-producing and sends them on their way.

Yume and Koharu start with the Wind Dance Class and step into the stylish building. They find a man instructing the girls on stage to perform as cats as they watch in awe, only to express surprise when Yuzu runs up to them and tries to make the girls dance with her. The teacher gives the girls some supportive insistence- but incidentally intimidates them.

They take off for the Moon Beauty Class to find the girls in the middle of elegant training. The teacher approaches and asks them to have a seat on a bunch of strange spheres- rather than seats, then he resumes with the class. Yume and Koharu struggle to sit but they stare in shock upon realizing Yozora is balancing a huge water container on the top of her head. Right away Koharu is amazed, but falls off and realizes her glasses are gone. She takes them, only to realize it was Yozora who helped her. Quickly she apologizes for interrupting and Koharu compliments her skin, claiming she is able to deduce what a person is like by it. This leaves Koharu feeling as though she has decided to enter the Beauty Class in hopes of being noticed further by Yozora. She asks if she can leave Yume to stay and watch the other Beauty classes and takes off after Yume agrees.

At the Bird Theater Class, Yume finds several girls in a mass of tears, being instructed by their teachers. She compares their acting and Tsubasa intervenes to explain their acting completely missed her expectations. She then asks Tsubasa to demonstrate and Yume watches in awe as the atmosphere suddenly changes. The teacher compliments her and the girls attempt to try again. Deciding not to interrupt, Yume takes off for the final area: the Flower Song Class.

There she sees that several students have appeared to watch. Hime and several other girls, supposedly training, sit to have tea; causing the girls to believe they may not have even started yet. But to the students shock, they watch as the girls suddenly show pain or fall over and realize this entire time they have been training- their abdomens. This entire time Hime is seen to do fine, and Anna reveals that Hime came up with it on her own. Hime compliments the girls for trying so hard and Yume leaves- deciding Flower Song is exactly the class she wishes to join for the time being. In the hallway, she is approached by Laura, who reveals she also joined it. Laura then goes on to denounce Yume's desire to some day join S4 and be like Hime, since she too has set her eye on gaining the spot. With that she takes off, leaving Yume to wonder what Laura's problem is.

Late in the day, Yume is approached by two students with a box. They explain that everyone is drawing Lots to determine the pairs and put on a performance. It's a yearly tradition, and Yume eagerly chooses one of the number cards; only to realize she got paired up with Laura. Afterward, they remain in class to try to come up with an idea but spend the time bickering over it when their personalities and decisions begin to clash. It's then Yume realizes the only option left is to just put on a song for everyone and Laura agrees with it.

In the training room, Laura plays the piano while Yume practices singing notes. Laura criticizes her and asks if she is even trying after she starts to cough, then accuses her of holding back to avoid trying. Yume claims she isn't, and Laura tells her to leave if she isn't really trying considering how much effort she puts into it. Then she storms out while telling Yume to practice.

Yume expresses frustration and recalls what happened with Koharu in the Cafeteria when Laura approaches with something. She walks off after telling her she can use it, and Koharu gets up to leave so that she can practice. Yume opens the envelope to find a score inside, along with several instructions and she wonders if Laura put it together for her. Curiously she approaches her from behind to see her studying from several books and realizes how dedicated she is. With a new resolve, Yume decides to work harder and gets straight to training. During this, Laura stops to observe her in the middle of balancing on a ball while stretching and smiles with approval.

That evening Yume goes out for jogging when she runs into Laura. They decide to join each other and Laura asks Yume to help her with a part in the dance that she is struggling to get. She follows Yume and comments that she's able to understand it better, causing them to share a little laugh before they agree to wear their school dresses and decide to have fun while they perform at their best. It's then Laura notes how they finally managed to get onto the same page.

Eventually, the Welcome Party for the new students arrives. The girls enjoy tons of foods but they get interrupted by Anna- announcing the performances will be starting. After Koharu and another classmate put on a magic act, Laura and Yume prepare for their turn by changing into their coords and appearing on stage to perform "Aikatsu☆Step!".

Afterward, Laura and Yume walk through the room when they hear a group of girls discussing how poorly Yume did. They believe she didn't do well and must not have taken it seriously, causing her to grow depressed until Laura steps in to defend her. Laura tells them to keep their opinions to themselves and states that Yume did very well and took it seriously. She also tells them off by saying that some people have a gift for singing, and if they waste their time gossiping they will end up being passed by those. As Yume thanks her, she claims she only stated the truth before bringing up her plans to join S4 again. At first, Yume is surprised- but quickly accepts and agrees to be rivals with Laura.

In the Headmaster's office, he speaks with Hime in regards to the gap between Yume's performance this time and last. He watches the past performance and Hime remarks that it was a phenomenon the last time, and this leads him to decide that if Yume is deemed unfit to join S4, he will expel her whenever he wishes.

3 (181)- "Watashi Iro no Sora e" ("Towards the Sky of My Color")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 03


Airdate: April 21, 2016

That morning, Anna gives her students some tips on singing. She has them hold a note for as long as they can- but as Yume finds herself growing weaker she studies her classmates to see how they do it. With that Anna voices her concerns over hearing some of the students doing poorly and suggests they do some stretches. Yume compliments Laura for how well she did during the exercise moments ago and she points out that she's taken lessons since she was younger. She asks Yume if she's learned anything useful, and Yume admits to being a member of the volleyball club. She is confident in being loud and having tons of stamina- but Laura reminds her that projecting the voice and being loud are two separate things.

Yume takes a moment to observe her classmates again and starts wondering if she may be far behind them, but just then Anna surprises her by fixing her posture and gives her some advice. Yume does as told and is surprised to see how much better she does. Anna, proud of this informs the girls that the class sorting auditions will be taking place very soon.

Elsewhere, a man tells off a young girl known as Hiyoko Aozora (played by Tsubasa). She refuses, stating that while she might be clumsy she wishes to take to the sky, and some day she will become a flight attendant. As it turns out- Yume is reduced to tears in the cafeteria, watching this while Laura questions how emotional the scene actually was. They are joined by Koharu while discussing Tsubasa's acting skills. For a moment she and Laura introduce themselves to one another, having not formerly met until then. Right away the two girls seem to be fine together and discuss their plans for the class sorting. While Koharu wishes to join the Moon Beauty class, Laura plans to go for the Flower Song class. Koharu remarks on how it's the same as Yume's own choice, but Yume voices her concerns over not being as good as the other girls and how low the acceptance rate is.

However, Koharu is sure she will do fine, recalling Yume's first amazing performance. Yume reminds them that she isn't sure how she did it, though. While voicing how important their rivalry is, Laura gives Yume the cake she hadn't touched yet while Koharu watches them interact.

Yume walks down the hallway later to find several students outside exercising. Seeing them train, she tries to do it on her own as well. With nobody in the room she tries to hold a note, but realizes it isn't working as well as it had beforehand. She starts worrying over the chance of failure, with Anna pointing out that an Idol needs more than just stamina and sends Yume through a portal in the ground. Yume panics and forces herself to stop so that she can continue training.

She takes a jog outside for a high point on the campus. Seeing nobody there she tries to hold a note again and does a little better, but isn't satisfied since Laura could do much longer. She pictures herself failing again and starts to yell out until finding Tsubasa behind her. Somewhat anxious she spots the script from that drama she was watching earlier, voicing how much of a fan she is of it. Tsubasa is happy to hear this before explaining she comes there to memorize her lines. Yume, feeling bad she's disrupting starts to leave- only to stop and asks Tsubasa if she worried during the class sorting. She assumes she went straight for the Bird Theater, only to show surprise when it turns our Tsubasa actually auditioned for the Flower Song class.

When she first joined the school her dream was to become one of the shining students of Four Star Academy, and being at the top of Flower Song was her dream. She did very well, and gained a lot of positive attention, but at that very moment, she met Hime. She was confident that nobody would defeat her until they crossed paths. She could tell that Hime would be the top idol of Flower Song, and had left to try to determine what her next move should be. After, she was approached by Momoko, the teacher of Bird Theater, who displayed her superior acting skills to the young student in hopes of getting her mind off of what bothered her. Momoko mentions to Tsubasa that she hasn't learned how to properly used her talents yet, and she asks Tsubasa why she thinks a bird flies. After Tsubasa responds, she claims it is because of their will to fly. As an actress, it isn't about competition, rather, it is about facing herself and fighting whatever worries may come to find her desired answer. Something in that moment resonated within Tsubasa, and in order to challenge herself, she decided to join the Bird Theater class.

With the memory over, she claims that although she may be at the top of the class now, she knows she isn't done yet. With that, she takes off with some words of encouragement.

Yume returns to the school later in the day while trying to determine what to do. She wished to be like Hime since seeing her perform, but now she isn't sure. While running, Yume is incidentally joined by Yuki. For a moment, they get competitive and try to outrun one another, but Yume forces herself to run faster. After successfully passing him by, she happily congratulates herself; only to run right into a bush after. Yuki stops to observe her, asking if she is okay. Yume claims to have beaten him, which he finds amusing and starts to laugh. He compares her to a tomato again and she demands that he stop with that, stating that even if she kept up with him it won't help much. Listening to Yume, Yuki points out that if she's so focused on passing the audition that she will be stuck unaware of what she's actually aiming for. She needs to focus on what she wishes to accomplish instead. Yume is surprised by such words and he takes off after telling her to sprint towards her goals.

Eventually, the audition for the Flower Song class approaches. The classmate before them explains everything, with Yume running in late. She apologizes, explaining that she had taken too long to pick out an outfit and didn't realize the lack of time she had.

As this is going on, Anna explains to everyone how the event will work. Everyone who participates will have a score combination from the class teachers, S4, and the audience. The audition begins, with Koharu and the rest of the Moon Beauty hopefuls taking part in a modeling audition to show off their class, grace, and style. Eventually, this is followed by Laura singing on stage, and lastly, Yume. Before Yume goes out on stage, she thinks of how she loves to sing and rather than shoot for just being accepting, she wants to have fun doing it. She changes into her chosen coord to display her new-found passion and performs for everyone.

After the performance ends, S4 comment on the audition. While Yume didn't do as well as she had originally, she had put in a lot of passion and fun into singing. The auditions conclude and S4 take turns announcing who passes the auditions. Yozora starts with the Moon Beauty class and Yume congratulates Koharu for passing. Hime then takes her turn to reveal Laura as the top choice, while the last choice is Yume. Yume is bewildered by this and her friends congratulate her while the effort of her hard work suddenly dons on her. She happily cheers for herself and together the trio take off.

Outside the girls discuss the recent development. Suddenly Yume gets a message, with Koharu and Laura revealing they also got it. It's something known as "Glitter". But before the girls can discuss it much, they run into four males. Yume bickers with Yuki until Koharu recognizes the four of them as M4. The girls are amazed by Yume's ignorance, voicing that their concerts sell out within five minutes, while any magazine featuring them is always gone really quick. They're the top group of the Boys division, but despite this Yume claims she doesn't even care since she only cares about S4. With that, Yume happily runs off into the distance, with Laura and Koharu chasing after her.

4 (182)- "Itsudatte Hyaku Pāsento!" ("Always at 100%!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 04


Airdate: April 28, 2016

Anna announces to the class that they will be getting the chance to be on Aikatsu TV, with Hime and Yozora counting on them to continue working hard and to do their best. Excitedly the class agrees to do their best and Yume starts imagining Hime inviting her to join a Unit they will call "Princess Dream" until Laura snaps her out of her fantasy. Yume claims it was nothing before promising to give it her all.

The class is disappointed to learn later on that they weren't invited to participate on the show, but to do backstage work instead. However, they work hard, with Laura pointing out its valuable work in its own way. It's then some girls spot Hime and Yume drop her items to get a closer look until a man stops her, telling her that she should focus on her work instead of "downgrading herself to a fan". She agrees, but can't help but sneak a peak anyway. They watch the girls curiously and note that they seem to be troubled and begin to leave. The man catches them and tells them to call the other girls over. With that, the man reveals they will be rebuilding the entire stage. The girls are annoyed, but he tells them they don't have the time to sit and complain about it and asks them to work as hard as they were previously.

Later, at school, Yume complains to Koharu about her rough day before asking her what she did with Yozora. As it turns out, Koharu got to help her with fitting while she prepared for a fashion show coming up within the next few days. She shows Yume the pictures she took before bringing up the upcoming show; which earns a blank response from Yume. Laura joins the girls and reminds Yume of the hard work they did that day, pointing out that is the show, "S4 Presents: A Premium Night". Yume is still confused and claims it slipped her mind, but neither girl buys her excuse. She apologizes, saying she's been worn out since they worked earlier, and she resumes eating.

Yume lays down in bed and tries to convince herself that all though her day was bad, Hime most likely has it worse. Koharu assures this is the case, pointing out that not only did Yozora have three interviews that day, but she also had a lesson. The next day she has a photo shoot as the cover girl for Aikatsu Style Girls. She gets up to close the window, but stops upon hearing the piano music play in the distance. After she remarks on it, the music stops. Before going to sleep, Yume makes a wish to see Hime for herself the next day.

The next day, her hopes are crushed when she is reduced to doing backstage work again. Laura comes by to give her a hand stacking small boxes and then an man comes by to bring them some snacks and drinks to take a break. As Laura and Yume sit down they chat about the snack until the man comes by to ask Yume for more help. He has her take a cart of boxes to a specific room, and while Yume passes she spots some Yozora in the middle of her photo shoot. She watches with amazement and spots Koharu, recalling the photo shoot she mentioned the previous evening. She then overhears their discussion about Yozora and Hime's show the next day, and comments on how lucky Koharu is to get to work with Yozora. With this, she starts wondering why she even joined the Song Class to begin with.

As the work day comes to an end, the man speaks to the girls- only to stop and give Yume more work when he catches her chatting during his lecture. He decides to make her come back the next day at six am to make sure all of the props are correct and sends the girls off. Laura brings Yume a drink and tries to convince her that this could be a good thing, then tries to convince her to try the nutritional drink they prepared for that day of work. Yume hesitates, believing it will be bitter, but hesitantly tries it. She is surprised by the taste and comments on it.

The next morning Yume gets out for a jog to wake herself up when she hears the piano playing. She notes how early it is before the figure opens the window, revealing herself to be Hime. Yume greets her and Hime invites her inside to speak to her, with Yume awkwardly trying to speak to her the entire time. To try to help her calm down, Hime asks Yume if she had ever seen inside of a piano before, then asks her to lift the lid. Hime explains how important it is to make sure everything is in its exact, proper place in order to create a wonderful melody. She then asks how much time Yume has, reminding her that she actually has to get going now.

Yume runs to the building while recalling Koharu bringing up the piano music. Happily she realizes it was Hime playing and arrives to find several members of the staff all doing their part to make the stage wonderful. She is impressed with all of the progress they made and promises to do her best too.

Eventually, the work day comes to an end, and the man mentions that in a half hour the show will go live. Yozora then arrives with Koharu, and Yume happily greets her as she mentions getting to be her assistant for the day. Yozora greets the girls, and Hime arrives with another student. She apologizes to everyone for increasing their workload, but she thanks them for all the hard work and how great everything looks. With that, the girls are led away to finish preparing while the students help the audience members to the performance hall.

The show begins, with the teacher of Moon Beauty class, Miwa acting as host. The girls recognize him from the side of the stage, and he invites Hime and Yozora to come out, as the special guests of the show. They walk down the runway and wave to the fans and share some words with them. As Yume admires everything, the manager from before approaches the girls and they discuss how much the staff continues working, even when the show starts to make sure they bring out the appeal behind the performers. He claims it's because of Yozora and Hime that they can reach one-hundred percent effort; because they put in even more than that on a daily basis. He then reveals the refreshments the girls had throughout the past few days had been made by them. Yume is impressed by this and realizes she is beginning to understand everything now.

With that Yozora comes out to reveal her Premium Dress, the Arabian Sparkle coord. Followed by Hime, revealing her own Dreaming Princess coord. Miwa then joins them to announce the performance the girls will be putting on. Hime and Yozora run backstage and change into their Premium Rare dresses and appear on stage to perform "episode solo".

After the performance ends, the show ends as well. While watching in amazement, Yume realizes that everyone gives one-hundred percent whenever they work in order to bring together one amazing show in the end. The girls head backstage, where the manager thanks them for their hard work, while Laura thanks him for the work experience. The man gives them some words of encouragement and teases Yume, causing everyone to laugh as she pouts.

5 (183)- "Mai Doresu Meiku!" ("My Dress Make!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 05


Airdate: May 5, 2016

One morning, Anna informs the students that a test will be held to check the Idols progress. For this test, they must perform on a Dance Stage and wear a dress created through the Dress Make System. She sends her students out after confirming they understand what she said.

Outside in a beautiful rose garden rests S4, who are currently enjoying tea and scones prepared by Hime. Yozora brings up the new students and asks the other girls of their opinions regarding them. They all have favorable comments, with this years set appearing more skilled than the year prior. They're excited to see how these girls grow, but Hime is unsure of what to say about her own group until Yuzu brings up Yume. The girls note her excitement and Yuzu admits that she likes unpredictable girls and wishes Yume had joined her class. Tsubasa agrees, and Hime admits that Yume may be similar to herself. While the other girls are content, Yuzu can't help but give it some thought as they take off.

Meanwhile, Laura waits for Yume to catch up to her on the training field. She hands her a towel before mentioning that this test will be harder than the last, but she's excited; as is Yume. Together they make an agreement to pass together and they change before heading to the Dress Make room. There, Yuri, the girl in charge of it approaches to offer them a lesson in how to go about Dress Making. She reminds them what Dress Making is, along with how to use Glitter in order to change the design features, demonstrating for them. Yume is a bit confused, unsure if she even has any Glitter until Laura reminds her they both got some earlier for doing well in their performances. Yuri continues, pointing out that every detail can be mix-and-matched; from the style, pattern, accessories, and part. The more Glitter collected, the wider variety they will unlock. Finished, Yuri turns the girls loose and lets them start.

The girls start up but Laura is a bit disappointed to see that Yume has earned more Glitter than her. She plays with the features and eventually they are able to come up with something they both like. Before Yume is ready to finish, Laura warns her that once its finalized she can't go back to change it. Yume had no idea of this however, but goes through with her idea anyway.

Out walking later in the day, Yume discusses with herself how amazing the coord came out. She believes she may have a gift for it and starts imagining everyone complimenting it. She runs back to the dorms to find Koharu watching Yozora's show "It's Yozora's Fashion Time". Yume joins her and they watch as Yozora answers a question read to her by the squirrel mascot of Romance Kiss, Miss Romance. They chat with each other a bit before she asks the next question, in which the audience member asks her if there is a secret to making coords. Yume is surprised by this, and Yozora answers that she puts a lot of thought into the purpose her coord will serve for the performance she will use it in. But besides that she believes in just enjoying fashion to its fullest. Her answer awakens something in Yume, who questions what sort of purpose the outfit serves. The program ends afterwards when they realize how late the time is, leaving Yume tearful over not having a more solid answer.

Later on, Laura and Yume train together. Yume is troubled, and thinks about what Yozora meant- which goes noticed by Laura. She stops Yume to point out she keeps messing up, then goes on to criticize her for wasting her time like this and doesn't even seem to care. Yume apologizes and admits to having a lot on her mind and being unable to find an answer is distracting her. Laura knows how it feels and encourages Yume to search for an answer, with that she takes off while expressing her belief in Yume. With full conviction, Yume decides to head back to the Dress Make to make something more thought out.

She heads back to the dorm room to greet three stacks of magazines Koharu gathered for her. Over the course of time, Yume trains and does her research, with Laura and Koharu supporting her from the background. In this time she learns a lot more than she knew at first, struggling but never giving up until eventually, she is ready.

In the Dress Make room, Yume uses what she learned to start putting together a wonderful coord. Unfortunately- while she was able to put together something she liked, she is unhappy with the fact its missing something. Unknown to her, Yuzu could hear her from the area above. As Yume sadly observes what she did, she storms off with disappointment, heading back to the dorm room to drop off her study items.

Outside, Yume continues to mope until she hears someone humming from above. She looks up to the tree branch and spots Yuzu, who greets her after being noticed. She brings up that she was enticed by the rhythm within the tree leaves, then points out that every living thing has one before remarking that Yume's is a lot like Hime's. Yume is confused at first, but is unable to get an answer when two students approach to grab Yuzu; who skipped the dress fitting she was to be doing. She apologizes and is dragged off by them, kicking the entire time until Yume asks if she can come. Yuzu allows it and there, Yume watches as several students greet her and they step into the building.

Once inside, one of the girls who dragged Yuzu back explains how lucky Yume actually is. Not even the other Drama students get to sit in on dress fittings, and this is a coord Yuzu will be wearing for her upcoming performance. Yuzu steps out to reveal the dress, then turns on some music to dance around in it. Yume is amazed and wonders how Yuzu can dance like this until she finishes- but Yuzu admits that something isn't right. Suddenly she grabs a pair of scissors and cuts the skirt, sliding the material to the side and attaches the bow-tie to her shoulder to create a shorter, but cute gown. She dances again and decides she likes this, while Yume curiously watches, pointing out she loved the performance even better than the first time when Yuzu asks for an opinion. With this new feeling, Yume asks if this is the power a dress can have and Yuzu confirms it, stating that she needs shorter outfits to dance better and exhilarate the audience.

Suddenly, Yume realizes this is what she's been missing: that exciting, final touch. She thanks Yuzu for the help and runs off, with Yuzu curious over what she may have did. She wishes Yume the best, only for one girl to remark that Yuzu isn't the mentoring type. She claims that she has no idea what they are speaking of though.

With her resolve found Yume runs to the Dress Make room and puts her thoughts into make her finalized, exciting new coord.

The next day comes along and Yume admires the coord she made. She gives herself a momentary pep talk and runs into the changing area, placing her new Aikatsu cards down and changing into them. With that she appears on stage to perform "Heart Ski♡ps".

Afterwards, Yume steps onto the stage to receive her scoring. Anna explains the attire did a good job emphasizing her cuteness, while the short-shorts accented her legs and wonderfully fit the dance. With that she gives Yume a passing mark, causing her to happily thank her as everyone in the crowd cheers. Yuzu watches from the back of the room and takes off, happy to have seen this.

Outside, Laura congratulates Yume for doing well, only going on to deny she did anything to help her out. Yume suggests they get some tea and starts running off, with Laura pointing out she does that she'll fall. Just then Yume trips and falls to the ground.

6 (184)- "Rokku! Rokku Gāruzu!" ("Rock! Rock Girls!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 06

(ROCK! ロックガールズ!)

Airdate: May 12, 2016

During breakfast the girls turn on the S4 morning program. There they introduce themselves as the hosts before they get into the topic for the day, they will be cast in an all new drama that Tsubasa is helping to direct. They will be holding a school wide audition to cast extras. With that the program ends as they reveal that details can be found on the billboards around the school. Yume is excited by the program and decides she must audition for a role.

There, a crowd of students form around the poster to find out the Drama will be called, "The story of a group of studyholic girls who formed a rock band and got into a music university on their first try", with the abbreviation, "Rock! Rock Girls". Koharu reveals everything she has found out so far, such as the setting being a prep school full of students who could care less for current trends and view their classmates as enemies as they fight for the best grades. They have no friends, but everything changes after they form a rock band and slowly gain popularity until they finally take to the stage of everyone's dreams, Rock Koshien. Their bands fame gives them enough to be accepted into the same university together and they are immortalized as a band of Miracles. Koharu then reveals its based on a novel, and while the S4 will plain the main characters, students around the school will play various classmates.

Yume and Laura are convinced to try out for the role, but Koharu isn't sure she could do it. Yume is able to encourage her after pointing out that she would get a chance to act with Yozora, whom she admires greatly and its enough to make her reconsider.

In class, Yume voices concern over not being able to act. Laura isn't though, but their discussion gets interrupted when Anna arrives. She greets the students before revealing she brought in a special instructor for the day. Much to their shock Tsubasa arrives to lend the girls a hand and learn the basics to acting- delighting the students as Tsubasa tells them to relocate to the lesson room. There, she decides they will begin by reading the script.

The story begins with act 18, in which Tsubasa, the student, is awakened to Rock music after she sees M4 playing near a fountain. The girls note how realistic her reading of it was and grow somewhat anxious before she resumes, saying that in the next scene the protagonist hands out flyers to try to recruit band members. But nobody gives her even a glance and she is ignored. Tsubasa decides to make the class try to act like indifferent, uncaring students, but Yume and Laura are too tense and stiff to come off convincing. Suddenly the next student takes her turn and she gracefully passes, thanking Tsubasa for her compliment. The students near Yume and Laura quickly begin to chatter about Ako, saying she is one of the top acting freshmen. Laura is sure she'll make the audition with no problem.

Later the girls take a break, with Koharu mentioning that because the Bird Theater class focuses on acting to begin with, it will be hard for them to keep up. Yume remains encouraged and suggests they do some special training, so once school ends the girls head out to a book store to learn more about Studyholics. Koharu suggests they wear makeup to look tired and worn out, but Yume's loud response catches everyone's attention- including two members of M4 and Ako, who is now dressed in fan attire and observing Subaru.

The girls take notes over what they should focus on but Yume continues to be bit too loud, eventually causing the trio to flee the shop after more complaints get sent their way.

Outside, Subaru and Nozomu come out to see what Yume is doing. He reads over what Yume wrote and starts to laugh when Nozomu points out that they're also staring in the drama. Yume asks them how they act, and Subaru suggests they don't try to act at all. People who aren't used to acting try to force themselves and just end up looking bad or strange, so he suggests she just acts confident before they take off. Meanwhile, Ako angrily watches from a distance. As the girls realize how much of a point they have, Ako suddenly runs up to Yume and pushes her forward. This surprises Yume, and Ako demands that she answers her question. She tries to attack Yume again when Yume attempts to be friendly with her, then runs off while promising that she won't lose to someone like Yume, leaving Yume very confused.

The following day, everyone is introduced to the main Director of the drama, Jirou Okamoto. Tsubasa asks that he gives them a few words of encouragement, but he provides very little and the auditions get underway. Throughout the morning the students give various auditions- but in the end, the Director chooses the girls, along with Ako and their classmates. With that, they start to roll the scene they practiced earlier on at school. Flawlessly the girls manage to do their roles with ease, and during break, Yume approaches Tsubasa to ask for an opinion on their acting.

At first Tsubasa said its obvious they're not used to acting. However, they did extremely well for their first time. With that they move onto the next scene, when Tsubasa attempts to form a band by asking Yozora, Yuzu, and Hime. In their roles none of them are interested, saying that they have to focus on their exams and nothing more. But Tsubasa manages to stop Hime by asking her if studying so much is worth it if it only pleases her parents but not herself. This causes Hime to reconsider.

Later, they move onto the scene where M4 sees the band gaining popularity. They claim the girls will be their greatest rivals, but they will win no matter what. While Koharu and Laura are impressed by their acting, Yume claims she will always support S4 anyway. As this is going on Ako resumes spying on Subaru and fawns over how cool he looks. But just then the director calls a cut to the scene, deeming something to be missing. Subaru suggests that he gets a girlfriend, because his character would want to win for her sake and the Director agrees to this. He spots Yume and calls for her, insisting that she play the role of girlfriend, much to Ako's anger. As they're going off of the script the Director suggests they ad-lib, Yume attempts to tell him she isn't prepared; until Subaru angers her and challenges her by saying she's too frightened to take a risk and even try.

Yume steps onto the stage to argue with Subaru, saying that while she is afraid of failure, she isn't the only one. But she knows that by running away her dreams won't be able to come true, so she won't do that. As long as she doesn't give up she is sure her dream will come true. Suddenly, Subaru embraces Yume and he continues to speak. This surprises Yume and shocks Ako even further until the Director calls cut. Nozomu compliments the acting and claims Yume came off as Subaru's actual girlfriend, but she tells him not to speak like that, and that she would never like someone like Subaru no matter what. Subaru calls her rude but she claims he's the one who is rude and he takes off, missing Ako attack Yume once again. As Yume spots her, Subaru tosses Yume a bottle of water from the opposite side of the room, and Yume, seeing Ako's response offers it to her. At first Ako is excited- but she quickly stops by refusing such charity.

In this moment, Koharu asks her if she likes Subaru. Ako denies it right away but its very obvious to them and sends her running off crying. Laura comments that she's too obvious, even as an acting student, while Koharu finds her cute, and Yume calls her funny.

Later on, Anna acts as the announcer of the Koshien Rock performance. She announces the girls band will be taking their turn, but suddenly, only Tsubasa steps onto the stage. Surprised she asks where the other members are, and Tsubasa reveals they abandoned her to focus on their studies and the exams. Its just her now, but just then someone arrives on a motorcycle, revealing Yozora with the Moon Beauty teacher driving it, Yuzu skydiving, and lastly, Hime, who comes down the stairs and claims its Tsubasa's fault they showed up. The exams will come again but this is the only time they can play with their friend at the Koshien Rock. Tsubasa is touched by the gesture and she puts on her ear piece to sing and play music with everyone. After the performance ends, Anna announces that the Rock! Rock Girls won in the end. As they embrace each other everyone in the crowd cheers and Tsubasa ends the drama with some final words.

In the end it turns out the trio was watching the performance. Laura criticizes how Yume cried after it ended, just like she does for every other drama. Koharu compliments how well S4 did when suddenly, Ako arrives again. She tells Yume that she stands no chance, only to get flustered and suddenly drop her tray of items, which Yume catches for her while asking if she is okay. Ako starts by saying she is, but realizes what she is doing and quickly tells off Yume before storming off. Laura and Koharu comment on how interesting Ako is while Yume makes conversation with her, attempting to wish her luck towards her acting aspirations. Ako is quick to snap and say she doesn't need it though, threatening to claw at her.

7 (185)- "Shinpuru izu za Besuto!" ("Simple is the Best!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 07

(シンプル イズ ザ ベスト!)

Airdate: May 19, 2016

Hikaru and Anna chat regarding Yume's slow lack of progress. At the rate she is going, he doesn't see her becoming a member of S4 anytime soon. Anna points out that she's been learning a lot from Laura, who has received specialized education in terms of music at a young age and has a lot of skill. She is sure that the two of them will become fine Idols, but Hikaru points out that Laura must overcome a personal struggle- which he seems to already understand as to what it is.

Meanwhile, Yume and Koharu observe the large, Sakuraba family tree, which is full of musicians. It goes back since the Edo Period, and she points out the very first musician was Gonzaemon Sakuraba, a shamisan player. Followed by Sakurako, who toured in America as a composer during the Meiji Period, Urara, a songstress of the Taisho Period. In the Showa Period they have her father, a violinist, and her mother, a pianist. Yume points out that with Laura, born in Heisei, is now an Idol. Laura promises at this rate she will definitely make it into S4 to avoid failing her ancestors. It's then the girls get a message for an upcoming Audition for unique, indivisual Idols. Yume and Koharu agree that Laura should try out for the role and she agrees.

Laura heads out to get to training with the others and Yume asks what the brand, Jewel Ice is. Koharu looks it up and informs her its a recently founded Ice Cream company with the concept of trying new, never before seen flavors, which is why they want unique, individual Idols. Suddenly, Yume is very supportive over Laura- but this facade doesn't pass her and right away Laura points out Yume only wants free ice cream. Yume attempts to claim this isn't true but she she struggles while getting Koharu to agree that Laura will pass the audition. Laura is a bit uneasy though, saying that several Idols will attempt to push their unique traits to be chosen, so the key to winning will be leaving the Judges with a huge impact. The girls start to worry this may be hard, but they promise to help Laura.

The first step the girls try out is deciding what Coord Laura will wear. While they like the top design she makes, she worries it isn't special enough and lacks impact. She asks Koharu to draw something for her, knowing she's a talented artist, but she ends up making something very old fashioned and oriental. While Laura likes it, they fear its too hard to dance in. Koharu shows her the next drawing of a cowgirl, but they note it isn't feminine enough for her, so she asks for some inspiration from a fairy tale; only for Koharu to draw her as the little match girl. Depressed with this idea, Laura suggest aliens, followed by a cave woman and cat girls. The last idea Koharu comes up with is an Ice Cream Mascot, Icemon. Defeated, Laura settles on cowgirl design and they move on to choosing a unique song and head into the School Library to try to find one.

First Laura picks, "Amakaze and Tears and Men and Woman", an Enka song they deem strange as she is an Idol, followed by the rap song, "De Su Yo Ne", but as it turns out Laura isn't a rapper. Yume remarks that none of the songs befit Laura and suggests she just chooses a song she prefers. Laura determines this to be a lazy decision though, since it will lack impact but Yume still believes it could work. As Laura decides to think things over, she goes to return the books and runs into Anna, who mentions that Laura was the first student to apply for an external audition. She wishes her luck and Laura takes off. Anna seems to note something is off but says nothing of it.

That evening, while Koharu and Laura prepare for bed, Yume voices her worries that Laura may be having trouble. As both her friend and rival, Yume wants her to go far in her Idol career, and wants her to pass the Audition as well. Koharu is happy to know this and finishes preparing for bed. As this is going on Laura attempts to fill out her sign up form and gets to bed after playing with her hair.

The following morning at the Jewel Ice building, the girls head to the Audition Room. Laura arrives to find several unique Idols there, some of which are looking at her and are from various different school. Several girls note that Laura must be talented as a student from Four Star Academy, but Laura, distracted suddenly bumps into a few brooms and knocks them over. She apologizes to the cleaner, but he isn't upset. He asks if she is okay before remarking how interesting and unique Idols are lately, and after Laura mentions they're all desperate to show off their unique traits he claims standing out and being unique are separate things, and in the end being simple is best. He wishes her luck and walks off, leaving Laura to wonder what he said.

When her audition approaches, Laura introduces herself before she answers some questions. First they ask her what her favorite flower is and she answers the Cherry Blossom, as her family crest and name. Then they ask for her favorite fruit and she answers Papaya, causing her to make a small joke. The man then asks why she chose to take this audition and she earnestly states that everyone believes she has what it takes to be an individual Idol. They take a moment to compliment her responses, as well as her talent as a Four Star Academy Idol. However, one judge believes something is off and he wonders if Laura may be forcing her personality. Suddenly the interview ends and they inform her that she will be taking part in a singing Audition within two days.

Disappointed, Laura returns to her room and recalls what the judge said. She refuses to believe she's forcing anything and starts to wonder if the Coord she settled on was good enough. She also recalls what Yume said and tries to figure out what she may be lacking- only to complain and give up.

The next day Yume is out taking a walk when she spots Laura. She is shocked to see how tired Laura looks and comments on it, and Laura asks Yume if she seems forced. Before she can answer, Anna suddenly shows up again and seems to already know whats bothering her. She also knows how Laura can overcome it and offers to teach her, and Laura agrees, diving head first into running fifty or so laps on the track. Yume tiredly works with Laura, being reminded that as her friend she has to be there for her. They also hula-hoop, pull tires with ropes tied on them, climb a large tree, and sit beneath a waterfall. The entire time Yume complains but Laura tries to focus on an answer. By now the girls are worn out and tired, so she asks Laura a complicated math equation. When Laura is unable to think of an answer, Anna is happy to see she gets what she tried to teach them, then walks off, leaving the girls baffled.

They tiredly retire to Laura's room and while Yume lays, beat on the floor, Laura tries figuring out what the point of all the training was. After Laura points out the performance will be held tomorrow, Yume mentions a desire for ice cream. Whenever she feels tired or down she likes ice cream, then asks Laura what her favorite food is. Laura reveals the Konbu she made herself and while it may seem old-fashioned, its an art she truly admires. She opens the container and happily eats a piece, perking up right away. Yume is happy to see she's in a better mood and Laura realizes what the man was trying to say while Yume lays on her bed to spot a poster stuck to the bed above hers. Laura reveals she is a fan of the band, Metal Dolls, and would love to wear a coord like their outfits. It suddenly dons on Laura that she didn't need to worry about things at all and thanks Yume before running out of the room. She heads straight to the Dress Make room to make up a wonderful coord, suddenly inspired.

The next day, the song audition arrives and Laura realizes that she's been an individual this entire time; because the things she likes and values are what make her this. She changes into her coord and appears on stage to perform Aikatsu☆Step!.

After the performance the Judges and audience applaud Laura, with a fourth judge revealed. The girls head backstage and await the results of the audition and Laura is proclaimed the winner. Happily she embraces Yume and Koharu.

In the Headmasters office, Hikaru chats with Anna again and comments on how she was able to reach through to her.

Eventually free samples of the ice cream are being given and as it turns out she gained several new fans and people recognize her right away. It's then Laura spots the cleaning man and she runs up to thank him for his help. A woman suddenly spots them and runs up to them, causing Laura to fear she did something wrong until the woman reveals the cleaning man is actually the President of Jewel Ice. This surprises Laura and the woman attempts to get him to stop cleaning, causing her to laugh. They agree that simple is best and she watches when a few more people appear to drag him off.

It's then Yume and Koharu appear and Laura reveals the new, black ice cream. They made a flavor based on her own interest: the Konbu. While she enjoys it, it sends Yume running for water and Koharu attempting to eat it out of politeness, but Laura holds Yume back to keep her from leaving.

8 (186)- "Chiisa na Kagayaki" ("A Tiny Glimmer")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 08


Airdate: May 26, 2016

One day the students of the Moon Beauty class are taken to their training session when the teacher, Tamagoro introduces them to a new concept. When the girls express confusion, he calls in Yozora to explain it to them. She reveals the class will partake in a collaborative show with the brand she models, Romance Kiss. The contest is only open for first years and she plans to watch them all closely to see how they manage. Right away Koharu worries as the other girls get excited.

At lunch Yume snaps her out of her daze when Laura realizes the time. They reveal that they have a lesson before their next class and apologize before taking off. Koharu is happy to see how focused they are and she heads out to her next lesson, only to drop her water bottle during the balancing exercise. Tamagoro assures her that more practice may be in order- but points out the contest is taking place soon. He then requests Mahiru to take her turn and she flawlessly manages to balance a two-liter bottle on her head; just like Yozora. A connection that doesn't pass by Koharu. Mahiru spins with ease and poses, wowing her classmates. The class is then dismissed and when Mahiru starts to cough, Yozora offers her a cough drop, along with some mint and orange flavors, and a lozenge. Mahiru comments on how much she is holding, and Koharu explains that she always stuffed items in her pockets. Mahiru takes the mint before asking to call Koharu by name after Koharu calls her by name.

After Mahiru walks off, two classmates approach and compliment Koharu. At first she doesn't understand, until they explain that its really hard to approach someone like Mahiru, due to her adult-like nature. While Koharu sees what they mean, she doesn't really find it all that hard.

Outside, Koharu sits on a bench when she spots Laura carrying some items and Laura dragging a heavy set of speakers behind her. At first Yume complains but she believes it just got lighter; until it turns out Koharu was actually helping her from behind. She offers to help Yume and follows behind them, taking what they said in mind.

That evening the girls tiredly retire into their room. Koharu feels bad for not doing more, but Yume insists she did enough to lend a hand. Koharu then asks to speak with Yume about something, only to realize she's already fallen asleep. She decides to just let Yume sleep, recalling the past when Yume revealed her dream to get into S4 and convinced Koharu to join her. Remembering that Koharu decides that instead of feeling sorry for herself, she should be working hard as a Model. She opens up a variety of drawers and starts to model various looks, including the elegance of Yozora and Mahiru, the intellectual look, something cute, and totally off of the wall, including a diver suit, a cat girl themed parka outfit, and a mysterious detective. However, in the end she feels that something is missing.

Just then Yume awakens and is frightened after Koharu approaches her, still in costume. Koharu assures her that its just her and removes the disguise while revealing the upcoming Fashion Model Contest for first-years. She wishes to enter, but isn't entirely convinced she can do it. Yume voices excitement at getting to see her model, but this only worsens Koharu's mood.

The following morning, Yume and Laura are outside training when they spot Koharu heading into a building and wonder if she is training as well.

Inside, Koharu confesses to the Moon Beauty teacher that she won't enter the contest. Her skills aren't very good, and she has no confidence either. Tamagoro tries to convince Koharu to reconsider, pointing out that this is a test of courage and having flaws isn't as bad as she thinks. It's then they spot Yume and Laura spying on them and the girls take her outside to talk. Koharu admits that she was unable to confess her feelings to them, due to the timing, and Yume attempts to convince her that she can be courageous and confident. She recalls their past when they were little and would sing and dance along with the Idols they watched on television. Koharu would correct Yume on what needed to be worked on, then after Yume complimented her, she revealed to carry six DVDs within her pockets and they sat down to watch them. Yume claims that Koharu is very good at Idoling, and she looked up to her since they were little- and even now she admires her modest and perceptive personality, as well as her kindness. She loves her as much as she did back then, if not even more. Laura also points out that being different is a good thing, reminding her how each one of the S4 is different from one-another. Encouraged by the girls, Koharu decides to keep trying, with Yume and Laura offering to lend her a hand.

With that Koharu gets to training, walking on a balance beam with a bottle of water. After dropping it, Yume asks to try and see how hard it is; but unaware, she accidentally tries to balance a two-liter bottle and doesn't go far at all. They ask if she is okay after she falls and Koharu decides she wants to try to use it to push her limits further. After she falls, Koharu keeps trying, getting a bit further with each try. After two hours pass Yume suggests a break- but Koharu wants to keep going. Just then she stumbles- but twirls to save herself and makes it to the very end, thanking the girls when they congratulate her job well done.

That evening the Romance Kiss: Etoile Fashion Show begins. Yozora introduces the event to everyone and explains how the program will work. The teachers will be assisting on the judging and reminds everyone to be impartial. Eventually the last few contestants take their turns, including a girl named Momoi Kokoro, Mahiru, and lastly, Koharu. Koharu elegantly walks across the stage- but right before finishing she stumbles over her own feet. Recalling what she did earlier, Koharu quickly twirls and ends with a curtsy, leaving everyone amazed as she leaves the stage. Yozora thanks the audience and entrants and allows Tamagoro to take over. He announces for the finale Yozora will be putting on a performance and she runs back stage to change and perform to "Future Transit".

Once the performance ends, the three girls join Yozora and Tamagoro on stage. They announce the winner of the contest, Mahiru. Yume shows dismay while Laura points out that Mahiru was flawless. However, to everyone's surprise they plan to include a special judges choice, which goes to Koharu for a job well done. They ask the winners to step forward and explain how Mahiru embodies the sexy brand while showing plenty of poise and elegance, while Koharu managed to win over everyone with her potential and ability to quickly think in times of trouble. She thanks everyone while the girls comment on how well she did. Koharu thanks them mentally and recalls Yume's words from the past once more- now certain that together they will manage to become a member of S4 some day.

9 (187)- "Mirakuru Gāruzu!" ("Miracle Girls!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 09


Airdate: June 2, 2016

In his office, a woman shows up to speak to Hikaru.

Meanwhile, Yume and Koharu are trying to determine what to do for lunch when they hear a man at another counter speaking. He promises them free Taiyaki and the girls ask if they can really just have it. After he confirms this they begin to eat, complimenting the food before Yume pulls out a piece of paper labeled "Winner". As the man rings a bell to reveal this, Laura is revealed to have also gotten this paper.

Anna reveals this paper to mean the girls are automatically entitled to enter the Kōkadō Audition. Kōkadō is a famous confectionery brand and each year they hold auditions to select a campaign girl to promote the newest products. She also points out the girl to become the Happy Koi-Koi Konpeito girl was none other than Yuzu. With that she wishes the girls luck.

Eventually the event approaches, with Yume and Laura standing amount eighteen other girls as a man announces the event. He reveals that not only will a live audience be there to cheer them on, but the television viewers from across the nation can also witness the event.

Right away, two girls from Shine Academy, Naho and Ayumi start to make discussion with the girls, pointing out that while they can see how serious and talented Laura is, they don't understand how Yume got there. Right away Laura warns them about selling her short, but before more words can be exchanged, the announcer begins the event. A woman greets everyone and reveals herself to be Kaoru, the president of Kōkadō; who has come to find the girl to promote their new product, Miracle Felici-taiyaki. She is in search of an idol who posses the three special qualities, knowledge, stamina, and luck. She then reveals the special guest of the event, Yuzu, who will also be hosting it.

The first event begins, a true and false event where the girls must take turns answering true or false questions by attacking the wall they believe is correct. Yuzu starts by telling them that she ate fluffy omelette rice for dinner, the girl who starts chooses true and fell into the mud, causing Yuzu to reveal she actually had Soba. Next Laura goes, and Yuzu says her personal spin record was one-hundred turns. Laura thinks it over before confidentially choosing false, as Yuzu would never stop at one-hundred. She turns out to be right and Yuzu reveals her record to be two-hundred and fifty. Yume takes her turn next, and Yuzu claims to always make room for her favorite stuffed cat. Yume is left in doubt but decides to just believe in her answer, and to her surprise she actually chose the right one, false.

Ten girls move onto the next challenge, where they must take part in a Powerful Race. Here they will be facing a test of stamina, and Yuzu explains that only two pairs can move onto the next round- so only the first two pairs to arrive qualify. Ayumi claims Yume only managed to do well because of luck, but Yume tells them she hopes both sets can make it to the next round- surprising the duo. With that the race starts, with Yuzu and Kaoru making commentary over it.

First the groups approach several stones within the water and easily jump over them. But mid-way through, octopus statues begin to shoot out several balls at them. Yuzu encourages the girls to keep going and a few of them start to fall, with Yume hitting the balls back to protect everyone instead. Ayumi and Naho make their way ahead to the second part, along with six other girls as they climb through a handing rope made path. During the third part, a sack hopping race, Yume and Laura are able to hurry and catch up to the Shiny Academy duo by the time they reach the fourth part, a large set of monkey bars. Eventually they come to the next part, a large wood hanging bridge.

Noticing that Ayumi and Naho haven't crossed yet, the girls note this is their chance to hurry and catch up; but Yume notices Laura hesitate and starts to realize that she might be frightened of heights. Laura claims she isn't, and attempts to force herself to keep going. With that Yume grabs her hand and promises to be there for her, so together they slowly cross the bridge, and Yume warns Laura not to look down. Laura can't resist just taking a small glance and momentarily panics. As she helps her calm down, they suddenly catch up to Naho and Ayumi. Ayumi claims they were only taking a rest but as Yume realizes they're also frightened, she suggests the four of them cross together.

At the end of the bridge, Laura and Yume run forward, reaching a large wall they must climb while hanging onto a rope. While Yume doesn't have too much trouble, Laura struggles to keep hold of it, allowing the other four sets to climb the wall with ease. Yume promises to help her, seeing how scratched her hands are and she quickly climbs it, giving Laura a ride on her shoulders. Before they reach the top, but just as she is able to fall back, Ayumi and Naho quickly grab onto them to pull them up. Together the two sets take a momentary break, and Laura asks why they helped them. Ayumi states that it was only to pay them back, and with that both teams, more dedicated than ever quickly run to the final part of the race, climbing over a row of stones and approaching the goal.

At this point, Ayumi and Naho are worn out, while Laura pushes herself to keep going to keep up and grab them the win, alongside the Shiny Academy girls. Kaoru decides the last portion, the most important trait of an Idol, Luck, will be determined in a game of rock-paper-scissors. The girls are shocked by this, but with no choice they get onto the stage to just get it over with. Yume and Laura both draw scissors, while Naho and Ayumi draw paper.

As Yume and Laura are announced the winners, Ayumi is somewhat grumpy but she decides to act graceful. Laura thanks them for their help earlier and they walk off of the stage, leaving her and Yume to play until one of them wins. Unfortunately, both girls happen to keep making the same shape with their hands and this goes on late into the evening. Both Laura and Yume are worn out, and they can't determine why they keep throwing the same symbols. With that, Kaoru decides they should have an online competition by making the girls perform and see who wins that way. They exchange some words and head back to change and get on stage, with each girl performing a different song.

With that, the announcement comes in on a large screen to show the girls who got the most votes. Yume is disappointed when Laura manages to fill her entire bar with votes and wins, with Kaoru approaching to announce Laura's luck must have played a part. She announces her as that year's Miracle Girl and tells her to make her proud, and Yume thanks Laura for helping to keep her going as her rival. With that the audition ends.

Later, Yume, Laura, and Koharu watch a program where Yuzu is going to tell the audience about the new Miracle Felici-taiyaki. She takes a bite of it and compliments the taste before revealing the brand new commercial, involving Laura dressed in a large Taiyaki outfit while wearing a dress and holding a few of them to dance and sing a small jingle with.

10 (188)- "Yume no Sutāto Rain!" ("Yume's Start Line!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 10


Airdate: June 9, 2016

One late stormy evening, Headmaster Hikaru is chatting with someone. He asks them for a favor, pointing out that he will be performing this upcoming Saturday. While asking this, he observes a picture of Yume.

The following morning, word of Hime's performance has been filling the halls. Yume and Koharu observe some posters when Anna spots the duo and tells Yume the headmaster needs to see her. Concerned she may be in trouble, Yume quickly makes her way over, hesitantly stepping into the office. He brings up Hime's performance, and Yume reveals how excited she is, having already purchased tickets for it. However, Hikaru has other plans in mind and wants her to perform instead- shocking Yume after she observes the poster he already made up.

In class, Anna has made word of this to everyone. The girls are confused as to why someone like Yume would be chosen, and Anna has her speak to the class. Yume mentions that while nervous she will do her best to make sure it goes well. The class applauds as Anna decides personal lessons are important for Yume right now and asks that the class helps with setting up the concert.

During lunch, Yume, Koharu, and Laura begin to wonder why Yume was chosen. They observe the Grade-Up Glitter she got from her last performance, with Yume deciding she will use it to make a wonderful coord for this one, as it's really special.

At the Coord Make Room, Yuri congratulates Yume for obtaining one so quickly. She then explains how the Grade-Up Glitter works to them, stating that it's used to make Rare Dresses. All that she has to do is overlay the Grade-Up Glitter on top of a normal Dress to transform it into a Rare. She then leaves the girls to work, and quickly a new coord appears. Laura compliments it and Yume mentions that it's from My Little Heart, the same brand worn by Hime.

Later on in the day, Koharu returns to find Yume checking out a song sheet. She recognizes it as "Start Line!" the same song they saw before joining Four Star Academy. They recall how Hime sang it back then, and Yume reveals that she already spoke to Anna about it and they agreed on this song. She happily decides to invite her parents to the concert after Koharu mentions how much closer to her dream of joining S4 she is getting.

Meanwhile, Hime asks the Headmaster of his plans. She doesn't think forcing a solo live on Yume right now is the best thing he could have done, and accuses her of not thinking Yume can handle it. Hime admits she sees potential in Yume, but is unhappy when Hikaru informs her Yume will be removed should she fail.

The following day, Yume sits by herself in the training room, thinking over the various aspects she needs to look over and tries to determine if she can reserve a lot of tickets for everyone she wishes to be there. To her surprise, she learns that not even a single ticket has sold and quickly runs to Anna after she joins her in the room. She asks what she should do about this, and Anna suggests she goes out to try to sell the tickets herself. She sends Yume out to get to it before wondering what Hikaru was possibly thinking.

As Yume worriedly glances at the suitcase full of the tickets she must sell, Yume is spotted by the director her class worked with some time back. She greets him and asks what he is doing there, and after he brings up the recording work they were busy doing, she asks if he would like to see her performance on Saturday. Unfortunately, he is unable to, as he has work that day. Yume also asks another director they worked with, but he too is busy.

Back at the cafeteria Yume continues to try to contact various people. It seems that everyone is too busy for Saturday and she continues to go through her lists- growing more depressed until deciding she can't do that. She runs outside and into town and offers everyone a free second ticket if they purchase at least one, but once again nobody shows interest.

Back within the school Yume hears a few students wonder why someone like her was picked to put on a solo live, voicing how hard it would be for anyone. Especially when she doesn't even have any fans yet. As Yume starts to feel worse, she is suddenly surprised when Laura shows up to reveal she sold three tickets. It ended up being her own fans, but they did say they could make it. While happy at first, Yume feels down again and runs off, claiming she has to do something. She runs to a nearby poster and starts to wonder just who this performance is really for.

With this in mind, Yume attempts to resume training, but she finds herself unable to concentrate. While sadly walking from the school grounds, Yume hears a group of girls talking to Hime and their disappointment that she won't be performing. Hime apologizes, promising to make it up to them soon, but she notices how sad Yume seems to be.

Later, Yume has a dream that she is set to perform- but nobody shows up at all. Sadly, she calls out but nobody hears her, with Laura appearing just as Yume reveals she finally understood what she said before. The stage was originally Hime's, and just because they both stand on it doesn't mean they see the same things from it. Yume asks what she should do, and Laura tells her that she was the one to decide to do this, taking off while telling her not to be a disappointment. Yume wakes up at her desk afterwards and takes out the sheet she originally wrote before joining the Academy and begins to cry.

Suddenly, she runs outside, only to bump into Subaru. She sits down and chats with him over what happened, admitting that she honestly doesn't know what to do. He tells her to quit if she isn't confident enough, but Yume refuses, saying it's too late to just do that. When she gets too difficult and is unable to make up her mind, he tells her to shut up and brings her to town to see how hard Koharu and Laura are working to try to sell tickets for her. The girls try to convince people that it will be worth it, and Yume realizes that if anything, at least those two are looking forward to it. To make her feel better, Subaru also reveals his first solo live only sold one ticket. He claims it isn't important that she gets a lot of people to like her so fast, but that she works on pleasing the ones she has before her now, and soon the numbers will grow. In saying this, they watch as two little children happily voice a desire to see Yume perform. Subaru points out that while Yume may not realize it, she does have her fans. With a new resolve, Yume takes off and Subaru reveals that he bought his own ticket.

Yume runs to find Anna and asks that she trains her. Anna is able to see her resolve and agrees to do so, spending most of that evening pushing and training Yume as much as she can. As this is going on, a few students happen to notice that Yume is continuing to train, despite how late it is. Laura approaches the girls and asks them if they could really do the same as her, despite everything she's been through.

Eventually, Saturday arrives. In her waiting room, Yume is approached by her parents, who have brought a snack for her. She thanks them to see a decorated cake within the box, and just then Koharu arrives, along with Laura. They have come to speak to Yume, and her dad points out that he hadn't seen too many people in the lobby. Instead of being depressed, Yume claims that nobody else is going to show up; but it's fine, because she'll work to put on a great performance for her fans who did. Suddenly, the two girls from earlier show up and ask Yume if they can watch, having finished their work for Hime quickly so that they could make it there in time.

As the rain pours outside, the Directors, along with Kaoru show up just in time, as Yume steps into the changing area and puts on her brand new coord and gets on stage to perform.

Afterwards, the people in the audience compliment Yume's job well done. They note how different she seems to be on stage now, with Laura recalling the first time Yume stepped onto the stage. Standing off by himself, Hikaru makes a remark before leaving. Hime runs past him to see Yume waving to everyone in the audience and happily observes her.

Outside, Hikaru comments that unless Yume is able to conquer her Idols Potential and Power, her career as an Idol will end.

11 (189)- "Mitchaku! Shiratori Hime no Ichinichi" ("Close Contact! A Day in the Life of Hime Shiratori")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 11


Airdate: June 16, 2016

Hime confronts Headmaster Hikaru and demands to know what his plans are with Yume. He acts as though he has no idea of which she speaks, and Hime brings up how he made her cancel her performance to force Yume to do her first Live instead, asking if he has a plot in mind because she is special. Hikaru remains ambiguous, instead telling Hime it isn't of her concern and tells her to leave.

Meanwhile, Yume, Laura, and Koharu are in the Cafeteria discussing Yume's performance. Yume feels somewhat strange however, and mentions feeling a strange power. Laura and Koharu believe that this is just a sign she can be stronger under pressure- but Yume remains unconvinced.

It's then a red carpet rolls up to the table and spot Hime walk towards them. Hime thanks her for filling in for her the way she did, and apologizes if the sudden change in timing was a problem, but Yume quickly claims it wasn't a burden. It's then she spots Yamaguchi recording the little scene between them as the rest of S4 stands behind Hime and explain that she will be partaking in a show known as "Fervent Continent". Yamaguchi and his partner work for the show and will be following Hime around for the day for total coverage on her. Its then Hime asks Yume if she would be interested in joining them by working as her one-day manager. After a few words from Laura and Koharu, Yume quickly agrees.

Early the following morning, Yume makes her way over to their meeting spot. She imagines Hime complimenting her early arrival and spots the S4 Dorm up ahead of her. She is surprised, only to notice Hime behind her in training attire. Hime explains that she was out taking a jog before work, and Yume is amazed she wakes up so early. The girls are joined by Yamaguchi and his cameraman, and Hime greets them.

They head off to Hime's first job on a show known as "Makiko's Room", and the two of them quickly begin to chat, saying that Hime was quickly driven into the entertainment field, appearing as a model in several magazines as a little girl, and even performing in dramas as a child actor. Despite being surrounded by adults, she was always in high-spirits, with Hime explaining that she was familiar with cameras since birth, so she never felt nervous. She eventually entered Four Star Academy and in her very first summer there she became a member of S4. Now she spends her days modeling, singing, acting, and so on. Makiko claims that Hime is the definition of a perfect idol. After Yume claims her to be a prodigy, Yamaguchi suggests she continue to watch Hime more closely.

After finishing they head off to a new product pitch, based off of Hime; the Hime Rouge lipstick. She is touched by this product and compliments the color, with the man asking her to take part in its commercial. She agrees and they quickly get to work, using Hime to sit in a field of flowers while wearing the makeup- quickly winning the staff over with her charm and elegance. Yume brings Hime to a drink after she goes on break but accidentally trips, spilling a very small amount of it onto her dress. She nervously apologizes to the angry staff and they yell at her for what happened, but Hime claims she is sure she can just obscure the stain, and shows them. She quickly calms the staff down and Yamaguchi makes note of this with some narration. Yume is left amazed by this display and soon the filming ends. As they take off, Yume continues to apologize, and Yamaguchi points out the huge amount of fans awaiting Hime outside. Hime asks if they have some time to see them, and once Yume confirms they do they go outside.

Everyone goes wild as Hime greets the several fans, and she asks them to quiet for a moment and arranges them by height so that she can get a group photo, asking Yume to take it for them. She thanks the fans and promises to post it on her blog, asking them to check it out.

As they drive to their next destination Yamaguchi asks Hime what made her decide to interact with them. Hime claims that she only has such popularity because of them, so as thanks she tries to make sure she can be with them as often as possible. Suddenly, Yume notes that Hime is acting a little oddly, but when she asks about it, Hime claims to be fine, only to announce that it will rain at some point. She then asks Yume if she would mind stopping for a bite to eat for lunch, and they head off to a Curry House she enjoys.

After Hime requests what she usually gets, Yume requests the same but curiously wonders about the response the man gave her. As they start to eat she suddenly realizes why that was; because its extremely spicy. As Yume drinks her water, the man informs her that its the spiciest curry they make, and Hime claims that spicy curry is essential for beauty and health, and it also perks her up. In no time at all she finishes it, while Yume has been too stunned watching her to finish her own. It's then two waitress approach Hime and request a photo with her, with Yume getting it really quick. She shows it to the girls to ask if its okay, and one of them recognizes her too. They mention seeing her performance on Aikatsu TV, and they have also become fans of hers, requesting a photo with Yume as well. Yume worries it isn't okay though since she should be working, but Hime reminds her that it is important to interact with fans.

As Hime feels something again, she notes the dark sky approaching outside and at no time it starts pouring after they get to their next destination, where she must work in an hour. Hime suggests they rest with this in mind, and Yume is surprised to see how large the dressing room is. She notes the presents and flowers surrounding them, and suddenly Hime gets light headed. She claims to be fine, and that it always happens whenever it rains, due to being sensitive with low pressure. Yume asks if she has a medicine, and Hime states all she can do is wait for the rain to stop and decides to rest for the time being.

This causes Yume to worry, and eventually she realizes there's only ten minutes remaining before Hime has to perform. A man steps into the room to get Hime, and Yume notes she is still out of it and stops the man to try to tell him what the problem is. Before she can, Hime is up and perfectly fine- but as it turns out she actually isn't. Once the man leave she nearly faints again. Yume tries to tell her that she can't, but Hime refuses- stating that even if only one person waited for her she would go out to perform, no matter how she felt. Yume worriedly follows after her, watching helplessly as Hime remains ill, and Yume attempts to make her feel better by giving her a small hand massage because as her manager, she wants to help her no matter what. Suddenly they hear the man announce Hime has to go on stage. She runs up to the changing device and changes attire before appearing on stage to sing "episode Solo".

By now the weather is slowly returning to normal, with Yume complimenting Hime and crying. Hime is confused until Yume claims she was deeply touched by the performance and amazed by everything she experienced that day.

They head off to the garden where S4 usually gather, with Hime presenting some sweets she grabbed before joining them. Yozora prepares the tea after Hime makes a suggestion and Yume continues to watch them, delighted by the sight. So then Yamaguchi asks what Hime's goal is at this point. She explains her desire to continue bringing excitement to Aikatsu, and Yuzu sneaks up on her to leave a final message before the filming ends. Everyone thanks each other for the hard work, and Hime hands Yamaguchi a present. With that he takes off and Hime slowly falls asleep.

Yume worries, but the other three quiet her down and she relaxes upon seeing that it isn't serious. They explain that she often naps during her spare time, and she can remain energized whenever the camera rolls, as long as it takes. Yume realizes that Hime isn't a prodigy, but someone who works harder than anyone else, and because of that she is wonderful. The girls are happy to see this, and Yume mentions her desire to become more like Hime some day, they show support and Yume quietly cheers herself on.

12 (190)- "Habataku Gārufurendo" ("Soaring Girlfriend♪")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 12


Airdate: June 23, 2016

At a shopping district, Laura and Yume capture the attention of several. Yume is a bit nervous but calms down with some teasing from Laura as the woman with them explains what is going on and has the girls go to put on a performance. They observe the flowery coords they obtained for this performance and change into them, appearing on stage to perform "Honeybee's Kiss". Everyone is taken by the girls performance and they head into the waiting room where the woman from earlier comes inside to congratulate the girls. She encourages them to keep going and the girls agree.

That evening the duo tiredly make their way back to the dorms. Laura points out how much of a stickler Tsubasa can be for curfew, so they're glad they will make it on time. Suddenly they hear sound within the distance, and a pair of glowing eyes startles them. They run the rest of the way, only for Tsubasa to confront them. She asks why they were late, and they attempt to tell her about the strange sight they saw and how it chased after them, but she doesn't buy it and decides to punish them by making them clean the halls. It's then Yuri approaches and she happens to guess what happened. She claims it to be a good thing and using one of her "seminars" explains how special it is for Tsubasa to assign punishments. She explains a little bit about Tsubasa, saying that she is very respected, but decides to let them find out on their own.

By the time the duo finish cleaning, Tsubasa return to see how they did. They fear she may have more work, but instead she gives them some drinks and compliments their hard work. She warns them next time to use their Phones the next time they might be late, then allows them to go.

In her dorm room, Yume recalls what happened with Koharu. She says that she is able to understand why she's so popular, and admits that she hasn't really talked to Tsubasa for a while now.

Early the next morning, Tsubasa walks the halls while ringing a bell. The girls all head out and stand in two lines as she announces her plans to conduct a surprise uniform inspection. She calls out one girl by pointing out her bed-headed look, along with a girl whose tie isn't properly worn, a girl who wore mismatched socks, a girl who slouched, a girl who still has a beauty mask on, and so on. She then asks the girls to empty their pockets, with Yume revealing a somewhat crumpled cloth tissue. Tsubasa tells her to clean it before moving onto Koharu, who reveals a huge pile of candies. She tells her that she is only allowed no more than 300 yen worth of snacks, then assigns everyone with punishment for being careless by having them go into the large wash room. But during their time scrubbing a girl tells them something happened to Tsubasa.

Elsewhere, a girl begs Tsubasa to let the rule she broke slide. She reveals the tiny turtle, Hyuuri that she keeps with her, saying it is precious. Tsubasa insists that pets are forbidden and the girls arrive to spy on what is going on. Tsubasa tells her to take the turtle home, but the girl asks her to reconsider, because she needs Hyuuri with her. Tsubasa seems moved for a moment, only to state that rules are rules and she refuses, leaving the girl to start crying as she takes off. The girls are shocked by the sight, with Yume having her admiration for Tsubasa starting to waver.

Outside, two girls walk through a path when they too hear the sounds Laura and Yume heard. They spot the same scary glowing eyes and begin to scream.

At their garden, S4 enjoy some tea while discussing how popular Tsubasa has become lately. Of course Yuzu also heard that she made a first year cry, but Tsubasa claims she didn't to it intentionally. The girls believe she may have been a little harsh, and point out that she should know how the girl feels. She claims that an Idol should learn how to depend on herself instead of others, but the group remind Tsuabsa that she isn't alone, since she has them and they are her friends. They start to tease her and a girl runs up to inform them of something. All around the school word has began to spread about the strange mysterious animal, but they all think its a strange creature. But before anyone can linger on it longer, Tsubasa calls a meeting by asking everyone who will not be tending to their Aikatsu later in the afternoon are to gather at the field.

Later, everyone has gathered and Tsubasa brings up the creature. She has decides they will work as patrol to dispel the rumors, leaving everyone shocked. In groups of five the girls work together, with Yume winding up with Laura, Tsubasa, Yuri, and Koharu. Tsubasa is sure there is nothing wrong, and Yume attempts to speak to her and comments that she is walking too fast. Seeing Koharu lag behind and feeling worn out, she tells Yuri to watch her while the other three continue on. They still can't find anything and Tsubasa claims the creature doesn't exist. Just then the girls hear the same sound and Laura runs up ahead to prove they weren't fibbing. Yume joins her, despite Tsubasa's effort to stop them and she gives chase to the girls. Yume spots the creature and out of fright trips over her own feet, warning Tsubasa to leave her behind and leave. Tsubasa refuses and suddenly spots the creature, Hoo-chan, an owl.

With that, she explains that Hoo-chan is a friend while she checks Yume's ankle. Back when she was a child, Tsubasa was too shy and lacked any friends. Her parents had hoped to encourage her to become more open by enrolling her into an Idol School, and while Tsubasa grew to love singing and entered Four Star Academy. She points out here that she already explained that after meeting Hime her dream changed a bit, and she grew to love acting, but even then she could feel herself become sad and worried she would be left lonely. She met Hoo-chan and would speak to her during the evening, admiring the owl for her ability to be on her own. However, after being caught with Hoo-chan, she was forbidden from feeding or seeing her any further. Since then she hadn't seen Hoo-chan, and claims to be a weak person, which is why she tries to be strict with the students, so that they can rise past their loneliness and doubts.

While wondering why Hoo-chan suddenly reappeared, the girls are surprise to see she has had a family since then. Tsubasa is happy to see them all, saying that she assumed Hoo-chan was lonely and sad- but as it turns out she has a family and friends by her side after all. Its then Laura, Koharu, and Yuri reappear to spot all of the owls. They worry for a moment and Yume attempts to explain what they are; only to find them thin and strange looking when she turns. She is momentarily frightened until Tsubasa explains that its just a natural thing for Hoo-chan whenever she gets surprised.

Back at the school, the girl from earlier approaches Tsubasa. She has been told of her own past, and as a result has agreed to take Hyuuri home that weekend. Tsubasa compliments the student for her strength and goes to meet up with the other members of S4 later on. They welcome her and explain how they heard of the girls decision, but she claims it wasn't her who convinced the girl, but the others able to convey her true feelings. As the others begin to walk they notice her leg behind, but she says nothing and resumes walking, realizing just how precious her friends truly are to her.

13 (191)- "Ritoru Fearī Monogatari" ("Little Fairy Story")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 13


Airdate: June 30, 2016

Yume narrates to explain that with the upcoming Four Star Film Festival, everyone got a chance to appear in a movie the school was making. A lottery was held and somehow she got the lead role. The members of S4 and M4 also got roles to partake in it. Yume is so excited to see how it turned out, and everyone shows up to see the advance airing. Anna introduces the event on stage, revealing the title and how it is a story blended up with several fairy tales. She also introduces the well-known director, Jirou, and together they start the program.

This tale takes place from long ago. Within the large garden lived a tiny, little fairy girl. She would search for Hime, her her fairy sister, while dealing with the various obstacles that came her way- due to being so tiny. She searched and searched, but could not find Hime. Curious, she attempted to get into a humans house, thinking she may have gone in there. Along the way she enjoyed the many things he house had to offer; such as several candies and sweets, comfy pillows, but suddenly the human who owned the house, Yuzu, shows up. She sits down her plate of pancakes, but realizing she forgot her tea, she runs off to make some. In this time, Yume, the little fairy enjoys the various items on the plate and plays with them. As this was going on, she suddenly gains her wings, and the narrator of the film explains that whenever a fairy is so happy, her wings will grow.

Yume takes to the sky and flies around. With Koharu and Laura complimenting the CG effect momentarily breaking story. Yume explains they put her against a green screen and hung her up by a wire to give her a flying effect.

Yume suddenly crash lands, accidentally knocking over the vase of flowers- right onto Yuzu's pancakes. Yume worriedly flees and apologizes, with Yuzu curiously wondering what she saw.

As Yume comes to a halt, she stops to realize she's on a frog. She apologizes, and the frog (played by Yuri) explains that it saw another fairy get taken away by the Demon Lord, and right away Yume realizes this is her sister, Hime. Yume asks where the Demon Lord lives, and the frog points out a sign before taking its leave. Yume wanders into the large woods, cautiously until she hears sound and a strange gust of wind spirals down to her. The trio who appear introduce themselves as the Demon Lord's Generals: The Terrible Teacher Trio. They announce that if Yume wishes to pass she must defeat them in battle, but they are distracted momentarily when they argue with each other over who should get to battle her first. The supposed leader (played by Tamagoro) starts with a word chain game. He gives Yume the word "Top Idol" and demands that they only list beautiful things. Taking the last part of the word Idol (doru), Yume chooses Ruby (rubii). Then she comes up with Answering Machine (rusuban denwa) for Image Girl (imeeji gaaru). As Tamagoro chastises Yume for choosing something not beautiful, they are interrupted by someone who answers with "rouge".

The princely figure is able to pass the round and leaves Tamagoro with "yu", but the word he comes up with, "Unicorn" leaves him with an N, and this automatically means he loses. Realizing he fell for his trick, he sulks before vanishing, along with the other two Generals. The figure turns to Yume and introduces himself as the fairy who lives in the M4 Kingdom, Nozomu. He suggests she turn back, but Yume refuses until she can save her sister. Nozomu requests that he joins Yume, saying that the Demon Lord has taken something from him as well.

Together the duo make their way through the forest until a tall girl distracts them. She apologizes and explains that she is unable to see without her glasses- but upon finding them, she introduces herself as Koharuderella. Breaking story again, Koharu is very flustered to see herself in such a state, and explains how much they had padded her, in order to make her look heavier. Before the story resumes, Laura asks why Cinderella is so rotund, but Koharu claims the next scene explains why.

Koharuderella explains that she has horrible older sisters, and she asks that they rescue her. But suddenly her sisters appear and they wonder why she is so displeased with them. Yume attempts to force them to leave her alone, but they seem confused as to why she thinks they bully her. Yozora explains they don't torture her at all- they pamper her silly, and find her heavy weight to be beautiful. As the duo realize Koharuderella isn't actually in any trouble, a mysterious Prince suddenly appears, asking her if she knows who the glasses he found may belong to. Realizing they are hers, she gets up and accepts them from him- only for the handle to break as soon as she puts the on. The prince then takes off and the girls attempt to calm Koharuderella, who seems disappointed by the turn of events. With that, the duo continue on their way.

Meanwhile, within the dark home of the Demon Lord, Hime resides in a cage. She sadly awaits for Yume to come and rescue her when the Demon Lord appears (played by Subaru). He sits down before her and explains he brought her here was because he wishes to obtain the power granted upon the owner of a fairy's wings. However, he is well aware that for her wings to appear, he must make her incredibly happy. Hime refuses, saying it would be impossible for him to do that but to her surprise, she observes the special tea party he set up for her, knowing how much she loves it. He attempts to sway her with the tea, but when it doesn't work he brings out Hime's favorite food, super-spicy curry. Although finding it hard, Hime refuses to fall for his tricks, and he decides to release his trump card to form her wings.

Yume and Nozomu continue on their way when the Generals appear again. They bicker again until they decide to draw lots, taking off and allowing the fairy's to continue on their way. By now Yume is very worn out, but they are distracted by a girls voice nearby. She speaks to her grandmother, resting in the hammock and reveals herself as Red Riding Hood, Laura. Her grandmother explains that she has lost her "rockingest" glasses and is unable to see well, and she asks Laura to come closer. Laura does as asked and her grandmother (played by Anna) reveals herself to really be a wolf rocker. They get into a "rock battle" and the fairy duo continue on once more, only to see an evil queen (Ako) speaking to a mirror. She asks the mirror who the fairest one of all is, demanding it speaks to her before she angrily chases after it when it gives her an unpleasant answer. Followed by the Generals reappearing, but this time the duo continue walking away.

Eventually they reach the climax, where they must battle the Demon Lord. Who is currently trying to sway the fairy Hime with a very wonderful and tempting bed, saying he is well aware she enjoys napping. When this doesn't work, the Demon Lord angrily reveals his weapon, pointing out he has no use for such a wingless fairy. Yume and the Nozomu arrive just in time and to her delight, Hime happily rises upon seeing her sister, and noting she now has wings causes her to grow her own- much to their surprise. The girls quickly attempt to escape while Nozomu and the Demon Lord do battle. Nozomu is struck down by the Demon Lord, but before he can finish them the girls pick up a bottle of spice powder and throw it onto him, in order to blind him. In this time Nozomu gets up and strikes, using his sword to release a gem from the earring worn by the Demon Lord. In a flash of light, a regular young man lays in his place, and to the girls surprise they note that he is now their size.

Nozomu and Yume congratulate each other for their efforts and successfully throwing over the Demon Lord, causing everything to return back to normal. In this time, Yume got to know Nozomu further, and even brought him back to Yuzu's home. Together they admire the area sweet display resting on the table, but to their surprise the Demon Lord shows up again, still in his normal form. Hime also appears and reveals that she planned this as a celebration. They reveal that Nozomu is actually the prince of M4 Kingdom, and he requests marriage to Yume, admitting that he fell for her single-minded determination. Yume accepts and Hime suggests they celebrate, but as it turns out, Yuzu isn't a bad human at all, she's actually their friend. Together everyone lived happily ever after.

With the movie over, everyone in the audience leaves, with Yume crying her eyes out. Yume claims its only because she's so happy that it turned out so well. They spot Nozomu and Subaru and they chat for a few minutes before the girls run off to speak with Hime and S4.

The guys chat for a moment and Asahi brings up the lottery with Kanata, asking if he was even in the film. He claims he was though, and that he got three roles; none of which actually revealed him. He played the tree in the forest, and the mirror Ako spoke to. Asahi finds this awesome and doesn't ask for any details, with Kanata assuring him that only he could play such roles anyway.

The girls compliment everyone's job well done, and they promise to keep Aikatsuing as hard as they can to someday perform alongside them more often.

14 (192)- "Mahiru no Kettō!" ("Mahiru's Challenge!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 14


Airdate: July 7, 2016

With Tanabata approaching the girls observe the several stalks of bamboo decorating the place. Anna approaches them to convince them that they should also leave wish papers like everyone else and Yume decides they should do them now. Both she and Laura dream of making it into S4 and they find Koharu's with the desire to become even more like Yozora. As they step back to admire their tags they notice the clouds above clearing and turn to find Mahiru approaching them. With Yume not knowing her, Laura and Koharu explain how they know her as Yume offers one of the papers to Mahiru. Mahiru doesn't know her though, so Koharu introduces Yume and Laura to her formally, just for Mahiru to refuse writing a wish paper like everyone else. When asked why, she claims not to need it and continues down the path. Koharu is amazed with her cool attitude but Yume begins to wonder what her dream may be.

Later, in the Cafeteria the girls enjoy a break while watching Yozora's fashion show. Mahiru sits by herself, barely listening to it as well as Yozora gives advice on how to improve her inspiration creatively with fashion. After answering, Yozora reveals they will be holding a special performance event for whoever can create an inspiring theme design to match the "Asian Heroine" theme of Romance Kiss. The student will wear her outfit for a special live, with Yozora stating that the choice will be made solely based on the coords quality. A disclaimer is listed below, and Yozora points out she will also be one of the judges. Inspired the trio decide to give it their best shot.

Together, Yume, Laura, and Koharu head into town to do some inspiration hunting. But upon realizing how hungry Yume is they decide to grab a bite to eat before they resume, stopping by a Muffin Cafe. But to their surprise they find Mahiru and decide to spy on her. But suddenly, a boy joins them, who is wondering the same thing. He is able to understand Mahiru very well, claiming she'll get a chocolate muffin and to their amazement he's correct. Asahi then claims he is "Detective Pinky Cat", and saying it was easy for him to figure out. Koharu is excited to see him in person and points out he played in the movie with them. As Asahi introduces himself, Yume is surprised by the fact he knows her until he points out Subaru often mentions her. Yume, wanting to change the subject asks why he knows about Mahiru so much and to her surprise, he reveals himself as her brother. She is further surprised to learn he is also related to Yozora.

Just then Mahiru exits to find them there. Laura and Koharu aren't too surprised, and Asahi comments on how much all three of them love muffins, but its rare for them to be together. Yozora is quick to grab ahold of Mahiru and attempts to hug her- but Mahiru shoves her off and claims that because people are watching they shouldn't. Yozora then suggests they all have some tea but Mahiru refuses, despite Yozora's attempt to get her to reconsider, and she storms off after smashing some tiles, which Asahi explains is her way of trying to vent her anger. Asahi reminds Yozora that she must be going to her next gig then, revealing he grabbed her a muffin already. Before she goes, the girls mention to her their desire to enter the event and head inside.

There, Koharu goes through a magazine to recover information over the Kasumi family. From what she learns, their father is a CEO of an apparel company, nd their mother is a world-renowned super model. The girls are excited by the prospect of how amazing the family is, but Koharu remarks that Mahiru isn't all that happy over it. They're both in Beauty Class, but in comparison to Mahiru, everyone flocks Yozora. It seems like Mahiru intentionally avoids Yozora, and they wonder why that is. Koharu admits that while curious she's been unable to ask, given the awkwardness of the question.

Later, the girls watch an episode of Yozora's Fashion Time, with Yozora and Miss Romance going over the various outfits they have been sent. They compliment how wonderful they all are, and they decide to announce the top entrance. The best dress out of them all ends up being the one submitted by "Lunch-chan", for its sensual and bright colors and how they accent the Lotus flower chosen for the theme. The trio mope for a moment until they hear Mahiru suddenly get excited, and they bring up how she watches the show. With ease Koharu deduces that Mahiru must be this "Lunch" person, stating her name sounds like the word when pronounced in English. Mahiru has no choice but to admit she is, and the girls compliment her job well done, surprising her. They ask why she hid her identity though, but she explains her concern that she would be chosen for just being Yozora's sister and didn't want that to happen. This is also a personal challenge against her sister, who she and everyone else deem to be perfect, friendly, graceful, everything. She is unable to match Yozora, and this is why she is encouraged to keep going in an attempt to surpass her. Yume tries to tell her that she doesn't need to rival her sister like this but Mahiru pays her no mind, storming off to go train.

Late into the evening Mahiru trains, and eventually the performance day approaches. Yozora is surprised to find her sister before her, but isn't that surprised to realize she is the mysterious entrant, remembering their past when they used to come up with nicknames whenever they would play together, with Asahi being Morning, Mahiru Lunch, and herself Dinner. Mahiru does not warmly greet her sister however, and continues her plans to surpass her while in the waiting room.

It's then the trio show up to wish her luck, revealing they got her a present. They had baked a chocolate cake for her for a refreshment, but Yume laments that it got messy in the delivery- though Laura points out its because she ran there. Yume quickly apologizes for the messy job, but Laura and Koharu claim it's fine since her family runs a confectionery shop, so its bound to be really good. To their surprise, Mahiru finds this amusing and Yume remarks that she should smile more often because it looks a lot nicer on her. A sudden thought dons on Mahiru an she realizes lately she's been forgetting to smile. In a better mood, she tries a bite of the cake and compliments it a Yozora starts the program, announcing Mahiru, as Lunch, and how she will be performing in her special designed coord.

Mahiru observes the coord she managed to make and assures herself that she will be fine. She changes into the coord and appears on stage to perform "Summer Tears Diary".

After she finishes, the trio compliment Mahiru's job well done out on stage. She is thanked by Yozora from the stage, who compliments both the dress and her singing, she wishes her sister a bright and shining road before her. Together Mahiru joins the trio and walks with them, stating that no matter how much she tries to catch up and surpass Yozora, she's always there smiling before her. Yume claims this is something that makes her amazing though, because although she had an outstanding performance she isn't satisfied enough, knowing of her lofty goal. She puts more effort with everything she does in her desire to someday surpass Yozora, and the girls encourage her to keep going. It's then Mahiru requests putting up a wish paper as well, stating that while she won't make a wish, she wants to write her goal on it. Yume agrees and together they share a smile.

S4 are in the middle of tea when Yozora decides to go early. She decides to get some training in, saying she's too excited to sit still for any more tea. The girls note she has a lot of energy at the time, but that she's blamed.

That night Yozora goes out for a jog to find the paper written by Mahiru. She observes it before smiling, then decides to put in more effort as well an continues her jog.

15 (193)- "Tsuki to Taiyō" ("Moon and Sun")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 15


Airdate: July 21, 2016

One day, Tamagoro announces that because three months have passed since the classes arrival, an aptitude test will be held to test everyone. The top scorers will get a chance to perform with Yozora- something that instantly strikes Mahiru's nerve, while Koharu dreamily decides she'll work hard in hopes of getting the top score.

In the auditorium, Hikaru announces the results and reminds everyone they will perform with the various members of S4 and go on to form a unit. Laura is announced as the top score in Flower Song, while Ako is the top in Bird Theater, and a energetic girl, Haruka, is the top score of Wind Dance. Lastly, the top score in Moon Beauty is Mahiru. The four girls are asked to join them on stage and he explains how the performances will work. He also reveals that the unit to do the best will gain a coupon for free lunches, then allows each girl to speak a few words. While Laura, Ako, and Haruka eagerly declare they will win- Mahiru ruins the mood with her own declaration that she refuses to lose to Yozora.

After Yume, Laura, and Koharu return to the dorms they discuss how unexpected Mahiru's comment was. They thought things were better now, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Yume changes the subject by bringing up that Laura will get to perform with Hime, and admits that while she is disappointed- she'll support Laura entirely.

Yozora happily enjoys tea with Mahiru, but Mahiru is less than receptive. She seems not to mind, suggesting they perform to Mahiru's recent song, and that they should wear matching attire. It's then an alarm goes off, signaling that she has to go. Yozora prepares to leave, but Mahiru stops her for a moment. She follows Yozora to her job site, on a live program, and watches from the background.

As Yozora steps onto the stage, the woman host compliments her brand new Romance Kiss outfit. The male suggests they start the performance, and Mahiru watches with amazement. After the program ends, Yozora finds that Mahiru has taken off, leaving a note for her.

In the cafeteria Yume eats as the girls spot Mahiru. They invite her to join them but she initially refuses. She reconsiders, bringing up how she watched Yozora perform and has started to feel disheartened by it. But she refuses to give up now, since all of her hard work would have gone to waste. Hearing this, Koharu asks if there might be a reason she is so competitive with her sister.

Mahiru explains that when they were little, they were nearly inseparable and they got along very well. They often took turns on the same drawings, with Yozora designing them and Mahiru coloring. But one day, Yozora decided to apply for Four Star Academy. Such a decision crushed Mahiru, who felt abandoned by her beloved older sister and was unable to deal with it. She wanted to become an Idol to show up Yozora, and she is sure she must work even harder for that sake. Mahiru apologizes for just ranting to them like this and she storms off, with Koharu expressing concern for her suddenly reverting mood.

Over the course of the next few days Mahiru keeps training. Koharu explains to Yume and Laura that she is sure Mahiru doesn't really want to show up Yozora though.

As Mahiru continues training, she suddenly feels faint. In class, Yozora is informed that she has been sent to the infirmary. Before suggesting that she takes takes the day easy, the doctor gently scolds Mahiru for neglecting her basic needs, then returns to the other part of the room just as Yozora runs in to check on her. For a moment Mahiru is surprised to see her sister, but she quickly turns cold, angered over knowing she's unable to do anything further for the day. Yozora tries to just speak calmly to her, but she is shocked when Mahiru announces that she only came to surpass and show up her. Nothing else matters to her except for that. Then she demands Yozora just leave her alone. Hurt by her sisters words, Yozora slaps Mahiru- but as she realizes what she has done and attempts to speak to her, Mahiru runs out of the room. Yozora chases after her, but the doctor stops her to reveal Mahiru left behind her training shoes. She recalls how Yozora did the same thing when she first joined the Academy and remarks how similar they are.

Mahiru changes and heads to the main office, where she requests Hikaru allow her to drop out of Summer Fest. He agrees to it, and word quickly spreads throughout the school. Koharu is shocked by this and goes to pay her a visit, finding Mahiru in her room, hiding in the dark. Mahiru quietly talks to her from the other side of the door while assuring her that she doesn't want to perform anymore. Koharu tries to reach out to her, saying that she knows the truth behind Mahiru's reasoning. She just wants Yozora to acknowledge her, for real and not just as a sister. She knows how lonely she felt, and is sure that Mahiru would be better if she told Yozora this- but Mahiru suddenly snaps at her. She claims she wasn't lonely and never felt she was to begin with, then demands that she leaves her alone as well.

That evening, Yozora sadly sits outside at the Tea Garden. While observing something, Hime suddenly surprises her by bringing up the performance and how she shouldn't risk getting cold. Yozora claims it doesn't matter now, since her part was removed. She starts to wonder if she made a mistake with how she loved Mahiru, but Hime claims love isn't wrong at all, especially when it comes to sisters. She asks if maybe Yozora has something to tell Mahiru, and she thanks her for listening, running off to find her.

While sitting in her room, Mahiru thinks about Yozora and what Koharu said. After what happened she can't just tell her that now though, and leaves for the outside gazebo in hopes of calming down. She is surprised to find Yozora there, who mentions that she knew she would be there. While touched, Mahiru is quick to ask her why she isn't dressed properly, or why she's even there to begin with since she is a member of S4. Yozora claims that doesn't matter though, because they're sisters. Mahiru then accuses her of never caring about her, but Yozora takes the picture from her pocket, surprising Mahiru even further as she sees it was the one she threw away years ago. Yozora states it won't be done if she doesn't color it, and she's grown to use the picture for encouragement. Their precious memories give her the strength to go on. She goes on to express how happy she was when Mahiru got accepted to the school, and was looking forward to them playing again, just like they used to. As Mahiru attempts to apologize for her behavior, Yozora embraces her younger sister.

With the sisters bond improved, Mahiru quickly apologizes to Koharu for her behavior the previous day. Koharu is quick to forgive her, voicing how happy she is to see her perform. Anna announces the start of Summer Fest, with Yuzu and Haruka performing together first. After they finish, Anna announces that Yozora and Mahiru will take their turn now, and the sisters share a few words before they change into their desired coords and appear on stage, performing Summer Tears Diary.

After, the two sisters stand out in the hallway. Yozora thanks Mahiru for her hard work, and mentions how much fun she had. Mahiru admits that she enjoyed herself as well, and now she wishes to enjoy herself, all thanks to Yozora. However, she still wants to defeat her some day, and will see to it that she does. Seeing the happiness behind her reasoning, Yozora fully supports her sister; behind them the picture is shown to have finally been colored.

16 (194)- "Mirakuru Baton Tatchi" ("Miracle Baton Touch")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 16


Airdate: July 28, 2016

One early morning Laura is filming a commercial for the Miracle! Felici-Taiyaki. Everyone compliments her job well done, with Kaoru apologizing for making her get up so early just to film it on her day of Summer Fest. Laura doesn't mind though, but as they chat one of the staff suddenly run forward to inform them of terrible news.

She calls Anna to inform her of the faulty camera not recording anything, so she's stuck waiting for the replacement part to arrive. She isn't sure if she will make it back or not, but promises she will before hanging up. Yume, concerned for Laura asks what happened to her, and Anna explains that some difficulties came up and she'll be stuck on location for some time. For now all they can do is think of the worst-case scenario.

Kaoru apologizes to Laura, and offers to just wait another day to do the filming- but Laura refuses, and just then the replacement things arrive. Laura notes that Song Class will be starting their part for the event in an hour.

In class, Anna explains what happened to Laura. The girls are concerned, but they know that Hime could perform well on her own as well. Hime suddenly appears to tell everyone that it isn't true, because the recent events have really encouraged the fans, and made things even more exciting than usual. For her to surpass the others without a partner- it just can't be done. With that Hime decides she will need to just pick the student who came in second place. To Yume's surprise, its her. While the class congratulates her, Yume follows Hime off to another room to hold a meeting about the upcoming performance, but she is very anxious and concerned over the change in plans.

With filming finally done, and saved this time, everyone announces the job done. Laura thanks everyone for their hard work and they get to work cleaning up, with Kaoru offering to drive her back to Four Star Academy.

Hime, Anna, and Yume hold their meeting. Yume is unable to feel bad over the turn of events, saying that Laura was meant to do this, and she wants her to go on if she makes it back in time. She refuses to continue talking- and runs off to wait for her at the entrance. As she runs outside she can hear Theater class starting in the building. Ako and Tsubasa chat, with Ako putting on a cute and nervous act instantly winning over the crowd and Tsubasa's respect. Ako is also happy with how reassuring Tsubasa is with nothing more than a glance, admiring her older classmate. With that they go on to put on their performance.

Unfortunately for Laura, they are now stuck in traffic due to an accident. Laura notes that at this time, she should be in the middle of the last rehearsal. With that she decides to take a train to reach the school.

Yume continues to wait around, but with Laura not in sight, she worries further. Koharu joins her and they hear that Theater Class has finished their portion of the event.

As it turns out, the train will be delayed by twenty-to-thirty minutes. Laura sadly notes this and contacts Yume to explain what happened and how there's no way for her to get back in time. She asks Yume to take her place, but Yume tries to convince her to reconsider and refuses to take her place since she worked so hard. However, Laura acts as though its nothing, and she tells Yume to hold her hand above her head. Curiously Yume does as told, and Laura explains that because she knows how much effort Yume puts into things, she trusts her to take her place. With that she hangs up and sits back down to wait for the train.

Encouraged by Laura, Yume runs back inside to find Anna and Hime. She explains to them that she is ready to do this, and will use the spare time remaining to rehearse. She continues working hard for both her sake and Laura's, knowing that Laura trusts her to do well. She uses this trust and imagines Laura beside her while training. With ten minutes left before the performance begins, Yume remains at top form, with Hime remarking that she felt as though Laura was with them as well.

Eventually the show arrives, and Anna informs everyone that Laura won't be able to perform due to an unforeseen accident- but they decided to bring in another student to replace her for today.

In the hallway, Yume steps out of the room with Hime to find a few classmates have gone ahead to make a banner for her. It had been last-minute, so they had to change a few things, but Yume doesn't mind, thanking them before heading off. To her surprise, she finds Mahiru nearby. Mahiru wishes her good luck, telling her to do her best before she rejoins Hime. Yume and Hime head back to change and appear on stage, performing Start Line!.

Once the performance ends, Laura arrives to school to find the performance has just ended. Everyone was amazed, with their classmates cheering for Yume. Laura happily observes the scene before her, also congratulating Yume.

With things wrapping up, Hikaru takes the stage to announce which student did the best and won. Ako is shocked to see that she and Tsubasa have come in last, followed by Haruka and Yuzu. Suddenly, it is revealed to be Hime, representing Song Class has won. Everyone continues to congratulate Yume, including Mahiru, although she claims it won't last too long. Yume happily finds Laura, who claims had she been the one on stage instead, she would have won by a landslide, then teasingly asks that Yume shares her lunch vouchers with her. She agrees to it, quickly embracing Laura.

Later on in the day, Hikaru watches as S4 host a segment on the event. Each of them promise they will win the next time and he shuts his computer, thinking about Yume and wondering just what her talent may be while observing a picture.

17 (195)- "Honki no Suitchi!" ("The Serious Switch!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 17


Airdate: August 4, 2016

Yume, Laura, and Koharu watch a program hosted by M4. Koharu is very excited, with Laura pointing out this is because of all their efforts. As they watch, Ako fawns over Subaru and how she will finally be getting her chance to be with him.

Back in the dorms, the girls observe their scripts. They see they are in a few segments, including the talking portion, cooking, and singing. They discuss how the guys have a program, just as S4 does, and begin to wonder what sort of segments their own show would have if they had one, until Laura brings up Ako and how she will be joining them.

In Ako's room, Ako happily thinks about Subaru and how much she knows about him. Ako then prepares her plans to win over Subaru, until she remembers that Yume will also be there. She recalls the last time they interacted before deciding to work on choosing a good coord for the event.

Eventually the day arrived and they find Ako in the waiting room already. When Yume attempts to kindly great her, Ako just tells her off until the Director appears. He chats with the girls for a moment and they are joined by M4. Right away Subaru teases Yume, until Ako quickly attempts to gain their attention- mainly his. She is delighted when he seems to remember her name, and they listen as the guys tell them to just enjoy themselves and have fun today. The Director takes off, and Ako celebrates her minor victory until the girls compliment her cute behavior. With that, they begin to practice and go over the days events before recording starts. Ako finds herself unable to concentrate entirely, until Yume brings up the "blank lines" in the script. They explain that this is normally a free space, for people to talk freely. The guys also provide further exposition about various little things to make sure the girls understand. They remind them not to overly stress out during filming, but Ako gets frustrated while watching Subaru and Yume bicker.

By the time the show begins, M4 introduces themselves and the girls before they each take turns with a free talk intro. They start with Yume, but Ako interrupts in hopes of getting Subaru to respond to her positively. It seems to work, but she continues butting in as they try to ask the others some questions. As the Director reminds Yume of a recent new song they revealed, she brings that up for discussion. They discuss the meaning of the song, along with any of them played volleyball before. Yume discusses how she used to be in the Volleyball Club during elementary school, so she tries to think back to those days whenever she feels lazy or unmotivated. She starts bickering with Subaru again, making everyone laugh; except for Ako.

A break is called and the girls are warned the cooking segment will begin shortly. Ako heads into a hall when Kanata stops to chat with her. She grows flustered when he brings up how much she likes Subaru, calling her transparent and warning her to be more careful. As Idols they are all equal, but Ako claims not to understand what he could be implying and storms off.

Eventually the show resumes, with Asahi announcing the Cooking event. He explains that because M4 normally splits into teams, they will act as judges instead, having the girls cook and team up. Laura and Yume are teamed up, along with Ako and Koharu. Ako attempts to go over what she knows and decides they should make an egg dish and Koharu allows her to lead them. Kanata shows concern for Ako, and watches as she helps fix the eggs Koharu accidentally burnt. When the two teams finish the girls take the foods to the table. Both sets of foods are enjoyed by the guys, and it ends up in a tie. Ako is unhappy to see that Subaru enjoyed Laura and Yume's food better and considers it a loss.

Later, she is approached by Kanata again, who criticizes her lack of concern for others. All she sees is Subaru, and he asks why she decided to become an Idol anyway. He asks if just pursuing Subaru is good enough for her, causing Ako to think about what he said. She returns to the waiting room and Koharu apologizes for causing them to lose- but Ako claims it isn't necessary since she got too fixated on one thing anyway. All they can do now is put it behind them and move on to the final segment of the show; the singing portion. Upon noticing how nervous Koharu is, Ako calms her down by suggesting she take a deep breath and imagine herself singing just as she does any other day.

Koharu feels better and decides to go outside for some fresh air before they go on stage for the last time, but Ako happens to spot a few opened scripts before her, realizing that in this entire time she only focused on Subaru. She sees how much work Yume put into this and realizes that she barely put in any effort at all, working hard to try to appeal to Subaru. When the girls suddenly return she quickly throws the book down, but admits that she did see it. Ako reminds her it is time to go out and sing now, and decides that as an Idol she will go to the stage and sing for herself. She heads out to change coords and prepares to perform August Marina.

After the performance ends, the guys are amazed by Ako's performance and how well she did. She is approached by Subaru, who compliments her and hands her a bottle of water in passing. She is approached by the girls and quickly runs after him- only to bump into Kanata. He comments on how she is acting like an Idol now, but she only pays him attention for a moment before she resumes chasing after Subaru.

18 (196)- "Yuri-chan to Issho" ("Together with Yuri-chan")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 18


Airdate: August 11, 2016

While relaxing in the Cafeteria, the trio watch as S4 announce a big event for Summer: Aikatsu Island. An event where the entire island in the south is transformed into an Idol Theme Park. Everyone student is expected to lend a hand and help to make it special, while four lucky first years will be earning the right to take the stage for the opening performance. Fans will be choosing which Idols will be representing the event with the Fresh Idol Elections.

Observing the details for the Elections once they leave into the hallway, Laura remarks that it sounds like a popularity contest. She points out that everything they do will probably determine if they get votes or not, but since they have the week off due to summer, they have to put in a lot of effort. Koharu and Laura take off to do some work, but while Yume wonders what she can do to try to help herself, she lends Yuri a hand after finding her nearby. She picks the dropped posters up, as well as help to put them up. After commenting that Yuri works really hard, Yuri explains the chart of students, saying that just beneath S4 are her and three other girls, the Admin. With Aikatsu Island, they all have work to be doing at the time. Yume asks to continue landing her a hand, surprising Yuri. She agrees and they head back to the Dress Make room, finding it full of students.

The girls start by restocking the shelves when Yume runs into Anna. She comments on this, saying that its pretty lucky for Yume to get the chance to work with them like this. Yume thinks this over and continues work, tiredly returning to the dorms that evening. Koharu also says that Yume working with them is a really good thing- since they may see potential in her as another Admin. Yume is doubtful of this; at least until Koharu mentions it could be making a big step towards joining S4.

The next day, Yume and Yuri discus the event with a man who runs a program on television. He seems interested and offers to spread word of it, but before going he remarks that Yuri should return to it at some point. Yume watches and admires Yuri as another man compliments her. She hands him a paper, followed by a woman staff member.

Back at the Cafeteria, Yume quickly eats lunch, excited to return to Yuri and head out to the radio station they have to go to next. She is joined by Koharu and Ako, who discuss the efforts of the other students, such as Laura being invited to several locations to perform for the guests, Mahiru is working in several fashion shows, and Ako even made an appearance on a late night drama, while Koharu just got a gig in a fashion magazine. Yume congratulates her, only for Ako to bring up the midpoint update in the election. Unaware of it, Yume checks to find that Laura and Mahiru are extremely far ahead in the lead. She reminds Yume of her poor rank before walking away.

Later in the day, Yume and Yuri prepare to leave when Yume is reminded of the event. Yuri notes her concern and they stop at a bench for a moment. Yuri apologizes to Yume for getting caught up helping them like this, instead of focusing on the Election like the others were, but Yume claims not to mind. Yuri claims there is Aikatsu in the work of an Admin, and she mentions that back before she became an Admin- she did the same thing. She helped the Admin out, and back when Tsubasa was an Admin for Theater Class, she lent her a hand. It had been so much fun that she forgot everything else, but in this time had forgotten to showcase her own self as an Idol. Somehow, she still managed to place third though. But this miracle led her to believe that as long as someone shows effort in Aikatsu, their fans will know how to recognize their work. Encouraged again, Yume gets up while telling Yume she wants to keep helping the Admin, and she will see to it that she wins as well. She will do what she wants by self-producing, all on her own.

Yume awakens at her desk the following day to find a letter left from Koharu. She reads it before noticing someone at the door, and in steps Yuri. She brings up that she has some promo work to do for the events and asks Yume if she wishes to join her. Before they go Yume asks for a few minutes first, then writes down something with Yuri curiously observing her. Yume announces her plans to do a "Grassroots Aikatsu", which was inspired by observing all of the work and efforts done by Yuri. She can work steadily towards her goal and reach each fan, and she got the idea to write personal letters for them. She hand wrote each one, and makes a wish before sending the package into the mail box. While she wishes she could do even more, like a small handshake event or a live, she will happily settle for this idea. Yuri claims it is possible though, and they return to the Admin office to find two Admin, Miki Katsura from Dance Class, and Arisa Sakamoto from Theater Class.

The girls bring up that they heard of how much they heard of Yume before revealing the documents of handshake events from the year prior. As well as a list of places she could use to put on a live. They support Yume's desire just as much as Yuri has, and they plan to help her out as much as their limit allows so that everyone shows off their best for the Elections. The rest will depend on Yume though, and they wish her luck.

And so, Yume is able to host a small handshake event. She is approached by several, and arrives back to the dorm to find Koharu practicing her walk. She explains that she got to meet several fans, and reveals the items needed for a performance she plans on holding the final day of voting. She got permission to do it, and even made the posters herself.

Curiously, Subaru observes the poster Yume made while at a job sight. He remarks on how weird Yume is being.

On the final day of voting, Yume rides a bike through the park while advertising a free live she will be holding. Several people hear this and recognize her and excitedly show up, along with Mahiru, who finds Laura and Koharu. Subaru also shows up, with Yume anxiously noting how many people have shown up. She decides that she must put everything she has into the performance, to wow those who are in the audience and have never seen her perform before now. She changes into her chosen coord and appears on stage to sing "Aikatsu☆Step!".

After the performance ends, Subaru watches as several of the people take off. As Yume tiredly collapses onto the stairs, he approaches her to comment that he had time to kill- since he has a job nearby. She starts to cough, which doesn't go unnoticed, and Yume comments that she didn't even feel like she normally does while on stage. He helps her out after seeing her struggle and asks if this has ever happened before, but Yume doesn't really understand as Koharu and Laura join them. Subaru then walks away, somewhat annoyed as Koharu gives Yume a cough drop.

Back at school, Subaru is sure he noticed something strange with Yume. He checks a past performance by Hime, curious and observes something strange as she was leaving the stage. The video abruptly ends; just as Hime was passing out, and this leads him to wonder just what may be going on.

Eventually the results are announced for the event. Mahiru takes first, with Laura in second, Ako in third, and Yume in fourth. Yume is shocked by the turn of events, and they remark that she gained a huge boot in votes with her performance. Yume is too shocked for words, until Yuri arrives to congratulate her. Yume thanks Yuri, but she claims that this is because of all of her own efforts. Koharu is momentarily down that she won't be able to join them, since she wanted nothing more than to stand on stage with them, but cheers up after being offered some gum. Yuri remarks that from now on this makes them all rivals, and the girls agree.

19 (197)- "Manatsu no Toppu Dansā" ("Midsummer Top Dancer☆")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 19


Airdate: August 18, 2016

At Four Star Academy the girls train, but they are unable to concentrate with the heat and lack of air conditioning. Even Koharu is unable to avoid dizziness, so they head off to the cafeteria and get some juice, suggesting she eats something. She claims not to feel hungry though, when Yuzu walks by and to their shock they see that she has a full plate. As Yuzu notices how ill Koharu looks, she shows them a poster for the "Burning Summer Dance Battle" event, and believes this will help them deal with the summer weather. It takes place every summer, and competiting in it decides who the best dancer is. They also point out that this location will probably be cooler than at the school, with its broken air conditioning, so the girls decide to attend as Yuzu points out they should have some fun with it being summer.

While driving out to the Plateu the girls enjoy the cool, fresh air while observing the various animals surrounding them. They arrive to the stage to find several figures in the middle of dancing, but Koharu is unable to last very long without feeling faint again. As Yume attempts to balance her, Yuzu calls out to the girls while eating an ice cream and directs them towards the many stands and booths nearby. They admire the several sweet and savory foods. Yuzu gets them several things, including an ice cream, grilled corn, cream soda, and lastly, some tacos. The girls enjoy everything but they wonder how Yuzu can be with them when she should be back at the stage preparing. She claims to have passed the prelims already, so its okay. Its then two Admin arrive, Miki, the one Yume already met, and Saya, the Admin from Dance Class. Yume introduces them to Koharu and Laura, explaining that Yuzu was showing them around. Miki and Saya grab Yuzu and lead her back to the waiting room, where Yume, Laura, and Koharu join them to see other students from the school.

Dave Satou introduces himself to everyone once more, and as normal they find themselves a little intimidated. They mention he's gotten sweaty, but he claims this is proof of living, and that one should always go at Summer activities full of passion. After a moment of banter between him and Yuzu, they watch as a duo, the Boney Boney Brothers, head on stage to perform as the final performance of the prelim round, which proves to be a real threat when their votes skyrocket and obtain the top rank. Yume wishes everyone luck, but as it turns out only Yuzu passed the prelim round. In this moment they speak to Haruka, only to see that Yuzu has fled once again.

At a large building, Yuzu observes the venue from a window. She asks the mysterious girl how she has been, then reveals the crepe she purchased for the both of them. Yuzu then runs off to return, waving to the girl and asking that she returns to the Academy soon.

With the last round of the event about to begin, all finalists are asked to stand backstage. Dave announces that if Yuzu is unable to get back in time she will be disqualified, while Miki and Saya mention that this is unfortunetly common of Yuzu; who hates schedules and group activity, and often gets distracted. Together, Dance Class get together, led by Miki to enact their capture plan.

As Yuzu returns she is distracted by a clown street performer. She juggles and dances with him, but as one student tries to check for him, they see she's already gone. They also spot her playing with some children and a butterfly and fire a capture net; only for it to miss when Yuzu spots a ladybug. Yume and Koharu are amazed by how evasive she is able to be, with Dave comparing Yuzu to that of a wild beast, able to cleverly avoid any trap or trick with her natural reflexes. Due to this, its not a surprise she joined S4 as early as she did. As they try to find her again, Yuzu finds a small, wild ostrige and attempts to bond with it, seeing how shy it is. It clamps down on her hand, then slowly rubs against it when Yuzu manages to convince it that she doesn't mean any harm. She guesses it got separated from its mother and she offers to look for it.

The group watch as the finals begin, with the girls growing anxious over Yuzu. The Boney Boney Brothers finish their performance and once again jump to first place while the girls retire back for the waiting area. They consider that she may have went outside and together, Yume, Laura, and Koharu manage to guess that Yuzu will be with the animals. They are provone correct after locating her, and she explains that she found a lost ostrich and just had to return it. She claims to have known the finals began, but she couldn't abandon someone in need like this. With that she runs the entire way back to the plateu, followed by the ostrich, Yume, Laura, and Koharu. To their surprise the Ostrich has offered Yuzu a ride- which she gladly accepts and arrives, still riding it.

Excitely Dave compliments Yuzu, along with Haruka, with Miki scolding Yuzu and promising a few choice words later on. She hands her the coord set she believes they should wear. Yuzu thanks them and goes to the changing area, just as Yume, Laura, and Koharu arrive to wish her luck. She apologizes for causing them problems all day, but Koharu asks if she may be nervous or worried. Yuzu claims that she is, but all of everyone's hopes lie on her and she wants to go out on stage to have fun, so it doesn't really matter to her. She changes into her coord and appears on stage to sing Marina of August.

After the performance, Yuzu thanks everyone for watching. Yume congratulates Miki for her hardwork that day as well, with Miki explaining that although Yuzu tends to drive them to exhaustion, she continues to follow her lead and every time she sees her dance, it all melts away. At the end it is announced that Yuzu has won the event and the host holds a small interview with her. Yuzu thanks everyone for their votes, but she explains that she doesn't plan to use her trip for Los Angeles. She enjoys her Dance Class and S4 too much to just leave, and she offers it to Haruka; much to her surprise. Yume is surprised by this and watches as Yuzu encourages everyone to start dancing together, since seeing everyone's dancing has fired her up. Together the performers, animals, and audience dance as Yuzu comments on how great having fun is.

20 (198)- "Jōnetsu to Puraido" ("Passion and Pride")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 20


Airdate: August 25, 2016

While heading into the cafeteria, Koharu and Yume discuss the upcoming Aikatsu Island event. They get seated in time for the S4 program to start and listen as they reveal they will be working on a movie. They introduce the audience to the Director of the project, as well as the title "Bodybird" and that Tsubasa will be playing the lead role before applauding her. Tsubasa shares a word with the audience, then makes a promise that it'll be great. They end the segment while Yume starts to fawn over how it sounds. She really wants to stop by the film set to see how things work since Tsubasa mentioned it will be difficult and suggests they invite Laura to attend with them.

A car scene is recorded and goes smoothly while the trio watch from a distance. As they snuck on scene, Koharu reminds them to be quiet until she spots a nearby script. They start to wonder what the film is like and paw through it to learn that Tsubasa plays a racer who ends up becoming the bodyguard of the main protagonist- a man who runs a large company. The other three play the role of the presidents secretaries. Laura and Koharu recognize the man playing the secretary when suddenly a man walks by, wondering where the script he left behind is.

As they try to hide, the man complains about the writers decision to cover him in mud during one scene. He demands a stand-in, refusing to do it himself and the other man quickly runs off to speak to the Director. Tsubasa approaches, introducing herself to the man before asking her to stay out of his business. He wonders if Tsubada only got the role because she sang the theme song for the film, but she tries to deny such a claim; only to be distracted when a staff member spots three people in mascot costumes. The man fears they may be paparazzi, but Tsubasa recognizes the girls and approaches, apologizing on their behalf. The man is understanding and leaves the girls under Tsubasa's charge, where Yume quickly explains that she came up with the idea to spy on what was going on in order to get some inspiration with their Aikatsu. Tsubasa goes off to speak with someone and returns a bit later with a backstage pass for the girls, telling them to hang onto it as they step into a building. These passes will allow them to stay as long as they don't cause any problems and act respectful. When Yume expresses confusion, Tsubasa takes a few minutes to give them some pointers, such as silencing their breathing during filming, but points out to Yume that they didn't actually need to stop breathing. She then points out that the camera has a wide viewing angle so its best to make sure they stay out of the way, and that they shouldn't touch any equipment either.

Suddenly a break is called, so the girls head in for some lunch. Yume is quick to recognize the scent of curry and to her surprise, she finds Hime serving food, along with Yozora and Yuzu, who prepared salad and an adorable sherbet. The girls had time before they appear in anything, so they decided to lend a hand with the food staff so that their work is easier. As they speak Yume recalls the effort she had put into doing stage work some time back and recalls how important cooperation is. The girls sit down to eat and to their surprise, Tsubasa has managed to finish everything- while they have barely even started.

She walks off to overhear a discussion between Taiyou and his manager, where she learns he has been refused to play the lead role of another film. He claims not to care since it was boring, and the man hesitantly tells Taiyou that he isn't anything like he was in the past. Before he was passionate about his work, and he asks why he's changed. Instead of answering Taiyou walks off.

Eventually filming resumes, and Yume is delighted to see Hime, Yozora, and Yuzu will be getting their turns. They watch as the girls get to work and begin filming, with Yuzu and Yozora preparing to fight a bunch of dangerous men while Hime leads the president to safety. Once on the roof, Tsubasa resumes her role as his bodyguard, explaining that while he doesn't like her, she is serious about her job and takes pride in it. He asks that they stop rolling for a second and informs the man who approaches, along with Tsubasa, about the pronunciation of Pride and Bodyguard were wrong. Nobody understands why Taiyou insists they correct this, and while they chat a man runs in to announce they have a problem. In the final scene they were to film Tsubasa jumping off of a cliff, the stuntman who was to do it had to cancel. Taiyou asks what they will do now before reminding the Director they only had today to finish filming, or else it would be canceled.

The mood worsens as he claims he didn't care about his role very much anyway, causing Tsubasa to volunteer just doing it herself, shocking everyone as she offers once more. Taiyou reminds Tsubasa that as an Idol, she doesn't need to do much other than act like one, which he told her earlier. She refuses to listen, saying that while she is an Idol, she's also an actor. The Director warns her its too dangerous, and reminds her that her safety could be risked- but Tsubasa refuses to listen.

Everyone heads over to the cliff and they explain how the scene will work, including that there will be bags to catch her during the fall. While the rest of S4 is anxious, they are sure Tsubasa will be fine and express their belief in her to be okay before they head off to get out of the way. As this is going on, one of the staff reminds Taiyou how his final line will go about in the scene, Taiyou claims she probably won't do it.

The scene begins and Tsubasa runs over to the cliff. She stops to observe the height of the jump when she is cornered by several men. She prepares to jump, but when part of the rock starts to crumble she finds herself hesitant to jump. The Director attempts to encourage her but she struggles and they tell them to stop the scene. Quickly Hime interrupts and tells him that she will be able to do it and makes sure they don't stop the scene. Everyone watches with amazement as Tsubasa jumps and lands on the bags, throwing dust up as everyone worriedly watches to see if she is okay. As Tsubasa walks from the clearing dust she approaches the surprised Taiyou and he asks Tsubasa why she would go this far to her role. One director points out that this isn't the line- but the other stops him, preferring what they are saying instead. Tsubasa reminds him of his past and how he would devote his entire self to the role and he thanks her, ending the scene right after.

Tsubasa is approached by S4 and Taiyou, and he apologizes for being so rude before. He compliments her as both an Idol and Actor, and Tsubasa claims she admires him as an Actor as well. Taiyou realizes how right Tsubasa has been and he decides to stop being this way, to get back in his once passionate roots and continue his acting with that devotion he once held.

They decide to record the theme song and Tsubasa leaves to change into her chosen coord. She then appears on stage to perform "Dancing Days".

Afterwards, everyone applauds the new song. Then that evening they hold a large party for the staff and crew, along with Yume, Laura, and Koharu, with Yuzu commenting on how nice Taiyou is again. They watch as he pours his manager a drink, causing the man to happily embrace him. Just then Koharu recalls they came there for inspiration with their Aikatsu, but catches her in the middle of eating a bunch of food. Yume claims it to be okay since there's so much though, and S4 begin to laugh.

21 (199)- "Kachitai Kimochi" ("The Desire to Win")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 21


Airdate: September 1, 2016

With the second semester beginning, Anna has managed to get the Idols something big: Their chance at a CD debut. However, the catch is that it will not be all of the students who get their debuts. A strange man enter the room with Headmaster Hikaru, introduced as Sashida. He is the CD Producer who usually handles publishing S4s work and is in charge of choosing a brand new Idol each fall to get her debut. The year prior it had been Yuri, the year before, Hime. With that he reveals the audition will take place in three days before dismissing the girls.

In the Cafeteria, Koharu listens as the duo catch her up on what happened. Right away Yume and Laura get competitive, but the second Laura offers her a fry- Koharu is left speechless. She expresses relief to know they're alright and not fighting, but Laura claims this and that are two separate things.

With that they decide to get to training and join their class outside. First, Anna prepares a large mountain full of exercise clothing for the class and they notice that not only is it too warm, but its also really heavy. Several girls struggle to get the clothing on, more or less lift it, and Anna brings up how well Hime did wearing such an outfit. Such words encourage the girls and they start by playing "red light green light" in the outfits. Both Yume and Laura struggle but they continue on as other girls drop one-by-one. She explains the importance of always being able to pose, no matter the outfit and they continue on.

In Hikaru's office, Hikaru speaks with Sashida. He questions why they are even bothering with this since he already chose Laura, and thinks Hikaru is just teasing with the other girls. Hikaru claims this is an important step for the students however, confident that he knows what he is doing.

With that the students continue on, jogging, climbing tall fence posts, hanging from bars, and a small rest. Eventually Laura manages to pass Yume as several other girls lag behind them. Yume and Laura continue to surpass each other as the finish line approaches with Anna watching. To nobody's surprise they manage to tie. Anna decides they should start with the next lesson, with only Yume and Laura ready to continue.

Eventually evening arrives and all of the students are wiped out. They remove the equipment and to their surprise, the girls notice how light they feel in comparison. Anna decides by now, their final job for the day would be to relax with a bath and massage. Nobody questions her decision and they all take off.

As Yume and Laura return to the cafeteria after enjoying the school sauna they are located by Yuri. She had something important to tell them and sits down with them. She shows them the CD she ended up making the prior year and has brought two of them for the girls, autographing them before handing them over. A bit suspicious, Laura asks Yuri if she always carries her CDs around with her. She claims she only happened to have them that day, then goes on to bring up Producer Sashida and how he may come off as easygoing- but is actually very choosy. He has a real ear and isn't someone to take lightly. Such words excite Laura, as she is happy that someone will fairly and fully assess her singing skills. Yuri compliments how confident she looks, but Yume begins to worry.

Back in her dorm room, Yume tries to imagine what she would put on her own CD but worries further as she pictures Laura instead. As Koharu attempts to check on her she claims to be fine, concerned that she can't keep up with Laura.

The next morning Yume goes out for a jog. She understands that right now she isn't able to match with Laura, but she really wants to win. Hearing the piano nearby, Yume steps into the building to find Hime playing it and greets her. She asks for Hime to provide her with some tips, causing her to note that the CD debut is approaching. Instead of answering Hime asks why Yume sings, and tells her to sing with her own power. She just needs to be herself, rather than trying to force herself to push further than her abilities or limits grant.

Eventually the Audition approaches. Sashida decides before they even focus on music, a strength test will be issued. Only the girls who manage to make it over the wall will go onto the next round though. Several girls struggle to stay on and one-by-one they begin to drop until only Yume and Laura remain. They are both aware that it was Anna's training that managed to keep them going, and they imagine themselves on a large summit. Once again the girls manage to tie and they find Sashida there waiting for them. He takes the girls that managed to climb the wall to the next task; tongue twisters. Each girl who messes up is called out as each round gets harder and harder and soon only Laura and Yume are left again. For their third task, he asks each girl to show him a dress worthy of using for the Audition. Yume has chosen the Melty Flower Fairy coord, while Laura has chosen the Water Race coord.

Sashida approves of both coords and compliments them, then they move onto the fourth task, an eye exam, followed by the fifth, where the idols must stay on the two lines. Along with the sixth. By now, Yume and Laura are the only two Idols left. Sashida decides the only thing left by now is to test their singing abilities before a live audience. He decides instead of separately, the girls will perform together. Yume is concerned, but Laura claims this is the fair way to go about it and she agrees.

In the waiting room, Yume and Laura chat a bit. Yume is concerned, since her throat is a bit dry and she offers to purchase something from the drink machines out in the hall for both of them. As she tries to locate the machine, Yume happens to overhear Sashida and someone else speaking. Sashida explains that the audition is fixed, as Laura is the one they were set on choosing. They need to pretend to give them both a fair chance, because that was what Hikaru told him to do. Sashida tells them to stay quiet and he compliments Laura and her perfection as an Idol, while Yume isn't nearly ready yet.

Depressed over what she has learned, Yume heads outside to sit by herself. She knew that she wasn't nearly as good as Laura; and this thought is enough to make her cry. She forces herself to stop as Koharu approaches, deciding to have come and watch since her class ended early. She observes the upset Yume, and quickly she embraces her before asking who she thinks the better singer is. She asks for an honest answer, and Koharu mentions that in terms of skill, Laura is better. But she notes how different Yume is on stage some times, and when that happens she does even better than Laura. Suddenly Anna comes by to tell Yume she has to get on stage and she thanks her, running back inside to a frustrated Laura. Laura comments that she was worried about her, then admits that she is a bit nervous as well. As they prepare and change, Yume continues to worry but attempts to force herself to gain confidence. She mentally requests of herself that for once she is able to make whatever changes her to appear; just this once. Changing into their chosen coords the girls appear on stage and perform to "POPCORN DREAMING♪".

Afterwards, the judges begin to wonder what Sashida is thinking. Suddenly he has changed his mind and chooses Yume as the winner. Yume is shocked but delighted by the news, while Laura half-heartedly congratulates her for the win. As the other students congratulate her and express their happiness for Yume, Hikaru grows concerned about her natural power and decides he can no longer ignore such things. Suddenly, Yume begins to cough. She claims to be fine however.

22 (200)- "Akogare e Tsuzuku Michi" ("The Road to Her Hero")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 22


Airdate: September 8, 2016

The Director speaks with Yume in the office. He is convinced she will sell well since her performance reminded him of watching Hime. He's decided they need to think up a title and that the album will only consist of four songs, coming up with the name "Yume's Dream Start". She approves and takes off as he talks to Hikaru, who has decided that Hime is going to be releasing her album now. While the Director is unsure, he realizes he doesn't have much of say in this and agrees.

In the Cafeteria the girls eat, with Yume in high-spirits. Two classmates walk by and congratulate Yume for doing so well and mentions the release date being the eighth of September. Concerned, Koharu points out that Yume won't have much time to get to work and put everything together. As they continue to chat, they stop as one of S4's programs come on. They introduce themselves before announcing their news: Hime is releasing a new album. To commemorate such an event she will also put on a special performance. While Yume is excited- Laura and Koharu remind her that this is the same day her album was going to be released. After a moment of shock, Yume is still excited by the prospect that maybe one day her album will sell a million copies, just as Hime's has. Seeing the time, Yume quickly takes off before Laura can speak to her. Concerned, they realize Yume doesn't seem to understand the predicament she's been put into suddenly.

On the radio program, Aikatsu Wave, Yume speaks to the hosts. She is introduced to everyone and they compliment Yume's position and start to wonder if she may be Hime's Successor. Flustered by this, Yume accidentally bows and hits the table before her as she attempts to announce the release date.

Out in the hallway, Hime approaches Yume to speak to her. Hime congratulates Yume, revealing that she's at the same building because of her appearance on "Why did YOU become an Idol?", a really popular show. When Yume brings up her CDs release date, Hime seems surprised. She quiets down, seemingly realizing something and asks Yume when she will be recording and if she's been practicing. Yume claims to be fine, but Hime is doubtful as she begins to cough. Hime hands Yume a ticket for her performance after Yume expresses a desire to see it, and just then she is called in to start recording. She thanks Hime for her words and runs off.

In their dorm, Koharu observes a magazine as a lifeless Yume comes inside. She speaks to her only for a minute before turning to see she's fallen asleep.

The following day, Anna dismisses the class from training. Everyone takes off, including Yume, but Laura stays behind to do more training. She asks if its okay and Anna agrees, observing her for a moment before recalling how Laura was recently defeated. Laura pauses for a moment to think about all of her efforts and hard work and admits that she didn't think she was going to lose the way she did. She refuses to lose again, and Anna silently approves, seeing her dedication.

In the office, the producer brings Yume to a recording shop. He explains his plans to set up a large display for her, and because the Manager likes her singing, it wasn't too hard to convince him. Yume remains excited, and he reminds her that tomorrow they will be recording and to prepare for it before he takes off. Once more Yume's confidence rises as she observes the spot.

Later that night, Hime has a dream regarding her past. She had just put on a great performance but as she left the stage, she suddenly had a coughing fit and collapsed. Hikaru was there at the time, and checked on her to make sure she was okay. She claimed to be fine, and suddenly wakes up from her slumber.

At Kurun2 Studio Yume arrives to get to work. She finds Hime out in the hallway, who has also come to do some recording. As it turns out they'll be next door to each other. Hime wishes the both of them a good job. However, when Yume actually tries, she is too quiet and unable to project herself the way the Director approves of. No matter how many times she tries, he finds nothing worthwhile and keeps stopping her. He starts to doubt the decision he made a break, with Yume wondering why she's doing so poorly. In the hallway she recalls how much she's been coughing lately and begins to panic as Hime arrives once more. Yume voices her concern, with her voice unable to work and asks for advice. Hime claims it will be fine though, and makes some tea for Yume to have. With nothing to lose she tries it as Hime gives her a shoulder massage. She suggests that Yume try to sing now and she tries, surprised that she is able to again. Hime then gives her some advice, but Yume is a little confused by it. Hime is sure she can do it though, and Yume promises she will.

This time in recording, Yume has managed to do better. The Director apologizes for what he said moments ago, and he is sure they will work together again.

After everything goes by and the CD is finally finished, the Director and Hikaru speak to Yume in the office. She admires the cover and excitedly goes out to the Record place to see that her CDs are actually being sold. To her shock however, all of Hime's CDs have already sold out and she managed to take the number 1 spot on the charts that week. Yume is doubtful over her own success but forces herself to stop being so negative. She recalls the performance Hime was set to put on and heads to the concert hall, where Hime is changing and gets onto the stage to perform "Start Line!".

After the performance Yume thinks about what she witnessed before realizing just how little she means in comparison. She makes her way home and runs into Laura, voicing her concerns as they sit down on a bench nearby. She realizes how arrogant she became, thinking she was close to Hime, but by now it seems so obvious. Laura mentions how frustrated she must feel, but she believes it to be a good sign, since Yume would have only disregarded her loss to Hime in the past. She has grown as an Idol. Touched by her friendly rival, Yume attempts to embrace her- only to land face first into the bench as Laura dodges her. To Yume's surprise, she sees that Laura has dropped her items; including one of her albums. Laura claims that as her friends biggest event yet, she had to be supportive. However she refuses to lose next time, which Yume expected to hear. With that she announces she is hungry and they decide to grab something to eat.

23 (201)- "Tsundora no Otohime Kōrin" ("Descent of the Tundra Diva")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 23


Airdate: September 15, 2016

As Yume and Laura sit in the cafeteria, they discuss how shocking it is that it's already been half a year since the began their Aikatsu at Four Star Academy, and Yume is reminded how Anna is always talking about originality. Yume asks Laura what she thinks her originality is and she thinks for a bit and replies it is maybe her energy. Yume is disappointed by this because she feels it is too generic, and comments that Laura has her unique rock star style, which Laura says she couldn't found it if not for Yume, and that it's Yume's turn to find her own originality.

Meanwhile at Lilie's house, inside her bedroom Yuzu offers her a ticket to her next event, telling her that she always wanted to have Lilie watch her perform. Lilie looks out the window and says that she would be delighted to attend, now that the weather has cooled down and it is nearing autumn. Yuzu asks her if she's read all the books on her shelf and she replies that she had.

Later on, in cafetaria, Koharu enters and tells them about Four Star Academy's seven lucky stars. She explains that if they can find all of them, their wishes will be granted. Yume is excited about this and wants to look right away.

Laura describes the first lucky star as an emblem with four stars, that whoever finds will shine just as bright as the stars. Koharu noted that it's like S4's logo, and then Mahiru, hearing the conversation, told them she might found what they're looking for. They find on the sports field the four stars described. The next lucky star is described as "say a prayer to the endless world" and at first the girls are confused but then head to the changing room and open a mirror reflecting an array of mirrors behind it, seemingly endless.

Next they must find the tiny fairy, and they find her dancing.

The next is "if you find a beautiful person in the art room you will become just as beautiful". The girls go to the art room and wait a while, they don't find anybody, until they notice a painting called "Beautiful Person" hanging on the wall. They then ask the woman in the painting to lend them her beauty.

Next they must "dance to the rhythm of time", they infer that this refers to the clock in the library as it's the only clock in the school which plays music. They go to the library and dance to the rhythm that the toys in the clock play on violins, Arisa finds the girls dancing in the library and gets mad and asks what are they doing there, they're not supposed to be there but Yume asks her to let them finish the dance.

Next they are told to listen to the music of a tiny piano on night. They go to the music room and find a large piano, but later hear music from the other side of the room and find a tiny piano hidden within the book shelf.

On the next day, at the backstage of Yuzu's performance, while stretching to practice for her show, she feels a rush of cold air and notices Lilie has come to see her. Yuzu then asks Lilie to help her stretch and so Lilie sits beside her and presses in her back hard, causing Yuzu to laugh remembering that they would stretch together like this as kids. When Lilie presses so hard that Yuzu can't handle it, she comments that "Lilienne, you haven't changed a bit" and seeing her struggle to remain balanced Lilie tells Yuzu she hasn't changed a bit either. She reminds Yuzu that failure lies in giving up so she tries to stretch anyway even with Lilie pushing up against her back.

Outside of the tent, Yuzu encounters her manager. While talking with him Yuzu offers Lilie a spot in her performance, which was unexpected for her, until Yuzu assures her that she nailed it even on such moments, like when she have to play on two roles on the drama due to one of the performers suddenly getting sick on the main event back then. Lilie then quotes Anne of Green Gables saying that jewels encrusted within the earth can not shine, that only jewels with time to polish shine brilliantly, which Yuzu understands to mean that she needs time to prepare. Yuzu then offers to devote some of her practice time to Lilie, but she says this will mean Yuzu has less time to practice than scheduled. Yuzu says it's not a problem at all and Lilie agrees to appear on stage.

Having found the first six, Laura reads about the last lucky star, the Tundra Diva who brings a chill to that which she touches. The girls are confused and don't know where to start. Outside on the bench Yume says that since they found the first six they can call it a victory, but Laura reminds her that their wishes will only come true if they find all seven, and that Yume does want to find her originality, right? Yume agrees and decides they will find the seventh lucky star. She also asks what is a tundra, and Laura explains that it is a region covered in a layer of ice.

Back in the cafeteria, the girls find Miki and Yuri who discover that they're looking for the seven lucky stars, as eventually do all idols at Four Star Academy. Miki explains that the Tundra Diva is an actual student of Four Star Academy, called Lilie Shirogane, and she is also a senior manager but is not currently attending school because of health issues. She also says that she will be returning soon, but Yume wants to find her right away. They also ask what is the meaning of the tundra part and Yuri says it is rather hard to explain, and advises them to look for a video of her from last year on the school computers. Miki and Yuri also explain that the seventh lucky star changes every year, and asks them to guess who the Greek statue outside the school is, and Yume says it's Tsubasa. They take this to mean Tsubasa was the seventh lucky star last year. The girls then go to the computer lab and find a video of Lilie, which causes a chill to run up Yume's spine.

After Yuzu's performance, Lilie steps on to stage. Her peers instantly recognize her and say they're glad she's returned and cheer for her. Lilie then performs "Dreaming bird" for the audience and it is very popular with the crowd. After the performance, Yuzu congratulates Lilie on her comeback and give her Vienna coffee for the hard work.

Meanwhile, back in the computer lab Mahiru comments that while they found the seventh lucky star, originality must by gained by one's own effort. Yume then decides that they all should have catchphrases of their own, like Lilie is the Tundra Diva. While Yume tries to find the perfect catchphrase for herself, Koharu comments that Yume's search for her originality is far from over.

24 (202)- "Egao wa Nanairo" ("Rainbow Smile☆")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 24


Airdate: September 22, 2016

Yume, Laura, Mahiru, and Ako introduce themselves to the Audience and head back to start their performance, changing into their school coords. After appearing on stage they perform Aikatsu☆Step!

After the performance the four take a break while discussing how it went. Suddenly, the girls notice they got a bunch of Glitters from the performance. Anna comes in to congratulate them and tells them to visit Hikaru. In his office he informs the girls they are free to do what they please for the next three days. They've been so busy, that they earned a break to rest- although he warns them to act in accordance to what is acceptable for Idols.

As the girls enjoy their juice in the Cafeteria, Laura, Mahiru, and Ako explain to Yume what "off time" is. Koharu joins them, also congratulating their efforts as Yume informs her of what happened. As it turns out Koharu got off time as well, so she will be visiting home to see her father. Yume explains that this is because he works so much, that they don't get to see each other often. With that she thinks it'd be a good idea to stop by home as well, and she offers to pick up some pastries while there. To Mahiru and Ako's surprise they learn her parents run Rainbow Confectionery; which happens to be Mahiru's most favorite Pastry shop. She asks Yume to let her accompany her, with Laura asking to join as well. They also try to rope Ako in, but she refuses.

The following morning, Koharu and Yume head towards the entrance gate, where Mahiru and Laura are waiting. They greet each other and Yume compliments how cute Mahiru looks. Then they find that Ako was waiting for them and together the five head to Yume's house. She steps inside to find her mother at the counter, and she compliments the girls before calling her husband into the room. The couple spare some of the pastries for the girls to have, with Koharu and Yume getting nostalgic as they eat cream puffs together. Mahiru fawns over the brownie before expressing her opinion, and eventually the girls are too full to eat anymore. In this time, they discuss Koharu heading back for home, then when Yume tries to convince Mahiru to join herself, Laura, and Ako on the bed, she refuses. Ako claims not to like it when people bring down a mood- but Laura gently provokes her in order to see "Ako Kitty".

Yume expresses happiness to have everyone there with her, but they admit to being surprised that they have come so close. Yume suggests they have a pretend S4 tea party to celebrate, but none of them agree until she brings up the pastries they ate together. Hesitantly they agree, making the S4 hand gesture and cheer. It's then Yume's mother shows up to find them weirdly posing, having found an old album. She shows them several pictures of Yume when she was little, back when the family opened the shop. Her mother explains that its because of her that the shop opened- but before they can get into that, the neighbor suddenly shows up, a young girl by the name of Reina. She requests that they make a cake with her as Yume watches from the hall.

A birthday is coming up for her mother, and she would really like to make one. But she doesn't know how to and asks that they help her. Unfortunately they're backed up on orders. Yume offers to help Reina instead, much to her surprise, and Yume shows that Laura, Mahiru, and Ako are with her. Reina perks right up and Yume asks her parents again, with the other three volunteering to help. Seeing this, Yume's father agrees.

In the back room, Yume writes down a list of things Reina's mother likes; such as grapes, custard cream, and flowers. With that, Laura, Yume, and Reina head out to grab the ingredients, only for Yume to stop and ask the duo to head back, as there is one stop she'd like to make.

In the kitchen, Ako and Mahiru assist Yume's father with preparing the cake batter. When the others return the girls all work together to make the cake, until eventually they take a break, sending Koharu a picture. Koharu explains who the others are, explaining that they are her good friends.

Eventually the cake is finished, only for Yume to reveal they hadn't put the finishing touches on just yet. She wants Reina to do it, but suddenly, Reina claims not to need the cake anymore. At first Yume worries, asking her if she isn't happy with it- but as it turns out, Reina is having a fight with her mother. She stopped playing with her since her little brother was born, and she ended up saying something selfish. She was hoping the cake would fix everything and apologizes for the time they wasted, but Yume claims that with her mothers birthday there's still reason to present the cake to her. They also believe with this, she will be able to express her feelings a lot more easier, because she loves her and her mom will know why she did this. Hearing their touching words, Reina reconsiders, hearing the girls explain how much they wish to see her smile and feel better, and Reina comments on the beautiful flowers Yume handed her to put on the cake. The girls realize this had been what Yume went out to buy, and Reina thanks everyone for helping her.

Packing up the cake, Reina says farewell to everyone and runs off for home. Yume's parents comment on how its because of Yume that Reina was able to be so happy again, and she recalls what her Mom started to say earlier- about how it was because of her that they managed to open the shop. Her mom claims it just slipped out, and they recall how much they struggled to come up with a specialty menu. With the shop opening any day, it was stressful. But suddenly, Yume ran in crying, seeking comfort. He picked her up and she spotted the pastries nearby, instantly cheering up and eating one of them. She commented on how much she liked the sweets, and seeing her smile inspired her father.

Together the girls compare the effect of sweets to what an Idol is meant to do, and Yume's father wishes the girls luck with continuing their work. It's then Yume gets a text from Reina, with a picture of her and her family sitting down with the cake.

25 (203)- "Burōdowei Dorīmu" ("Broadway☆Dream")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 25


Airdate: September 29, 2016

Having just returned from their recent off-time, Yume, Laura and Koharu are walking down a hallway when they are suddenly forced to make way for a rushing student carrying a sign that is labelled with the words "Four Star Academy School Festival". Koharu then informs her about the upcoming school festival and its various stalls and events, with the main highlight being the Broadway Dream Show. Both Laura and Yume voice their excitment about it, and get even more so when Koharu mentions that all students of Four Star Academy are eligible for participation.

Afterwards, Yume and the others arrive at a very packed auditorium, with Tsubasa heading the information session for the Broadway Dream Show. She informs that in order to improve inter-class relations, all students can enter regardless of their class or year. The other S4 members also take turns explaining in detail about the backstage production efforts, with the bulk of the workforce consisting of students as well.

26 (204)- "Ubaenai Yume" ("A Dream That Can't Be Taken")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 26


Airdate: October 6, 2016

The girls of S4 notice how excited Yuzu is during their morning tea party. She is excited for Lilie to return to school, since its been over a year.

Meanwhile, Yume, Laura, Mahiru, and Koharu are busy going on their morning jog. They remark on the weather until a sudden cool chill distracts them. They note its too early for winter and spot Lilie down the path approaching them. They recognize her fairly quickly and observe her while she walks towards them. Suddenly, the cold air evaporates as Yuzu runs up to embrace Lilie; who at the last second dodges her. Yume approaches Lilie and introduces herself, voicing her excitement to meet her after watching her performance from the school records. Lilie's weird behavior leaves the girls confused, although Yuzu is able to translate it fairly easy. With that the duo leave the group there and head back.

In the main lobby, Anna explains that Hikaru is away due to business that day. Instead she will be taking his place, and decides to greet the students by playing her guitar. Everyone is left at ease, except for Lilie, who suddenly feels faint. Thankfully Yuzu catches her, with Miki complimenting her reflexes. Anna decides she should be taken to the infirmary, leaving Yume concerned.

Having been worried, she, Laura, and Koharu pay her a visit. Yuzu claims she will be fine though, because she's always been this way. She would pass out during morning assemblies, get sick on bus rides, got ill fairly often, and wasn't able to ever finish an outing. Compared to back then she is a lot healthier though. With that, they meet up with Mahiru and continue to discuss Lilie, bringing up that she made it to the finals during last year's S4 selection. But her health caused her to drop out.

Later, while the girls are busy training Lilie joins them. She claims to be feeling better, and wanted to join the lesson. Yuri introduces Lilie as a second-year student, and brings up that she has been on break for a while. The girls find Lilie cute, but somewhat intimidating. Yuri assigns the group twenty push-ups, and watch as Lilie very slowly manages to do one. She apologizes for her uncooperative body, and Yuri allows her to sit and watch the other students. Yume expresses further concern, then suddenly falls after her ankle gives out. Yuri suggests she goes to the infirmary, but she refuses until Yuri is able to convince her. So Laura leads her into the infirmary, where the nurse explains her sprain will heal within a week. But until then she is unable to do any physical activity. The news frustrates Yume, but she has no choice, with the others reminding her that she didn't have any work to handle anyway.

The next day, Yume finds herself disappointed as the girls learn a new dance step. Lilie notices her frustration, but suddenly Anna shows up with some big news for her. She announces that news of Lilie's return was leaked on the KirakiLine and now several fans are requesting a comeback performance. So they plan to hold a concert the next day and asks if she will take place. Lilie claims she will, exciting the class.

Yuri approaches the other Admin to bring up Lilie's revival concert and asks them to lend her a hand. They all agree, also excited for the performance and willing to help out. As this is going on, Yume, Laura, Koharu, and Mahiru are down below in the room, and note how strange it is to see so many Admin in one spot. They also take note of Yume's spacing out, and question if she is alright. She claims to be fine, and pays the nurse a visit afterwards.

To her disappointment the nurse is gone, but Lilie is in the room. Lilie explains that she had just left before asking why Yume is there, and she brings up needing to change her compress. Lilie instructs Yume, pointing out where the supplies are and she sits down to tend to her injury- although it takes a few tries. Yume asks Lilie if she worries about her Aikatsu, given how much rest she has to take, and how weak she is. She mentions her own worry about not being able to train or practice for a week, but Lilie points out that everyone handles their own Aikatsu differently. They all have different skill levels and uniquenesses, so training is also varied. If one is unable to do things with others, they need to focus on the things they can do instead. Lilie knows she can't train like others, and yes she's had to deal with heartless people saying things to her because of it, such as that she couldn't be an Idol. She suddenly gets up to sit down with Yume, stating that it was only one persons opinion. Yume then asks if Lilie feels pain like this, but Lilie claims that she tells herself things to lessen it. No matter what illness may befall her body, her dream can't be taken away. Yume seems to understand, explaining her own passionate dream to be an Idol following in Hime's footsteps to become a member of S4. Lilie assures Yume that her concert will go on well without a hitch, then she takes off after helping her with her bandaging.

The next day the girls show up for Lilie's performance and they wonder what could be so special that she attracted a million fans like this. In the waiting room Yuzu assures Lilie will be fine, recalling their past together and how much effort Lilie put into training on her own whenever she had. Lilie thanks her an she heads into the other room to change into her chosen coord, then appears on stage to sing "Dreaming Bird". After the performance the crowd goes wild for Lilie. The four are left amazed by the performance, remarking on it and Lilie's ability to just adapt- as if she hadn't taken such a long hiatus at all.

Lilie walks off the stage, asking Yuzu if her appreciation for everyone shined through her performance. She was hoping to pay everyone back for their efforts and waiting, and hopes she managed that. Yuzu assures her she is a sure-fire choice for S4, and Yume approaches Lilie to voice her feelings. She tells her that while she feels she might not be able to catch Lilie- she will not be giving up any time soon because her dream is to join S4. Lilie accepts this and voices a proverb, welcoming Yume as a future rival and they shake hands on it.

27 (205)- "Chiisana no Doresu no Monogatari" ("The Tale of a Tiny Dress")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 27


Airdate: October 13, 2016

Checking out the latest fashion magazine, Yume, Laura, and Koharu make plans to go out and do some shopping that weekend. But suddenly Yume recalls that My Little Heart will be holding its Autumn fashion reveal at the same time, including the release of its Premium Rare coord, so they reconsider and decide to do that instead.

Excited over the brand new coords, Yume decides to Dress Make for a bit. But while she observes her choices she happens to overhear Hime from the second floor and is invited to join her. There they quickly begin to chat about the upcoming event when Lilie intervenes, requesting to come and join Hime's meeting. Hime agrees, and allows Yume to attend as well.

Later they join Hime at the My Little Heart office in town. Yume and Lilie sit off to the side and observe the meeting, with Hime showing an adult side to herself that impresses Yume greatly. Lilie explains that Hime has to show a serious personality here since she is in charge of the brand- something that surprises Yume, as she goes on to bring up how each member of S4 is the muse of the existing brands. But in Hime's case, rather that join one already made she decided to go and make her own. When the meeting ends, Lilie and Yume join Hime for lunch and bring up how the meeting went. While Hime has drawings and ideas, they're not finalized and they don't actually know what plans to go through with. As Lilie recalls something she asked Hime, she brings up her desire to join S4 in hopes of making her own brand a reality at some point. They ask Yume of her aspirations and she recites her desire to be like Hime, which also means joining S4. This shallow answer leaves Hime perplexed, and while she is happy that Yume admires her, she points out that Yume should make sure this is what she truly wants.

Confused by Hime's words Yume and Lilie take off after Hime leaves to do some recording. She watches as other students train, too distracted with her thoughts to do much else and decides to ask her friends of their desires. Laura wishes to become not only an S4 member, but a US4 member- an Ultra S4 who wins everyone over with her singing and dancing. Mahiru wants to surpass Yozora as top model, while Ako claims that she only plans to become a Star actress and her joining S4 has nothing to do with getting closer to Subaru. Yume returns to her room and brings up what happened with Koharu, and momentarily feels relieved when Koharu brings up her original desire to become just like Yozora. But now she realizes she has to find her own unique path; which disappoints Yume when she realizes she's the only one who had yet to think over a true goal.

Meanwhile, Hime is preparing to leave when Subaru approaches. He was also recording and had to wait for his ride, so Hime invites him to share one with her. He accepts and Hime invites him to attend the upcoming fashion event. Subaru then brings up Yume, discussing her amazing performances and the strangeness about them in hopes of getting Hime to open up. He recalls how something similar happened to her, but rather than answer she brings up that they have arrived. Frustrated by not getting an answer, Subaru takes off- only to bump into Hikaru, who seemed to be waiting for him.

Yume is snapped out of her day dream the following day, where she dreams she told everyone of her desire to be like Hime and join S4. She is met with stunned silence, and attempts to find why why they responded like that. She heads into the hall once class ends, with Laura trying to convince Yume that over thinking it probably wouldn't help her much, and that she has to figure it out some other way. Inspired with a sudden idea, Laura leads Yume to the Library and brings up the past S4 members. So together the girls begin looking up information on past members; surprising them when they see a girl named Hotaru, along with Anna, Tamae, the sister of Tamagoro who inspired an interest in Paris Fashion, and Momoko, who was the first student to land a Hollywood movie role. Each member was unique and never wanted to be like someone else before them.

That night Lilie works on sewing together an ornament when Yume joins her to chat. She apologizes and admires the dress Lilie has been working on, asking Lilie what inspired her to want to create her own brand. She explains that while she wanted to be like Hime she knows that isn't practical, and has no idea what she truly wants from S4. Lilie recalls her inspiration, locating a book that Yuzu got for her when she was younger and bedridden. Within it were gorgeous illustrations of dolls, all adorned in amazing attire, each of which touched Lilie deeply and become inspired to create her own brand. Had Yuzu not gotten her this book she knows she wouldn't be standing where she is today. She is sure it was a sign of fate, but whether someone accepts or denies their fate is entirely up to them.

Eventually the day of the reveal arrives. The girls watch as the various Rare dresses are revealed, with the trio fawning over them while Lilie takes notes. This is followed by Hime revealing the Premium Rare dress after she introduces herself and expresses happiness in seeing the crowd, going back stage to change into it. She appears on stage to perform "So Beautiful Story".

After the performance ends, Koharu and Laura compliment it while Yume realizes she really has to become her own person. She admires Hime and can continue to do that- but she has to travel down her own path rather than chase after hers.

As Subaru admires the power behind a Premium Dress and Hime's performance he attempts to approach Yume, only to recall what Hikaru told him. He caught onto Subaru beginning to look into the strange behaviors, so he asked Subaru to stay away from Yume rather than bring it up again. He takes off to avoid being noticed as Hime leaves the nearby room to approach the four girls. She thanks them for coming and Yume compliments the Premium Rare Dress, along with Lilie. Yume then decides that from this point on she won't ever talk about wanting to be like Hime anymore, she will focus on trying to find her own true goal. Lilie recalls a famous quote and encourages Yume, along with the other girls and Hime.

28 (206)- "Harowin★Majikku" ("Halloween★Magic")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 28


Airdate: October 20, 2016

It's the day of Halloween ad all the first years are in the auditorium, listening to the explanation from Anna, about what Halloween is like at Four Star Academy. She explains that the first years go around the academy getting candy from their upperclassmen and teachers and tat theme they have chosen for that year is Halloween Magic. Anna then goes on to explain that that the student with the most candy will be crowned the Halloween Princess.

After a small timeskip, evening has arrives and all the first years are gathered together dressed in their costumes. Koharu and yume are standing together complimenting each others costumes, Koharu's being a fairy while Yume is an apprentice witch. Koharu looks at the map in her hands and mentions that they have to visit all 7 places on the map and try to get candy. While the girls are talking, Laura runs up to the in her kohado campaign outfit claiming that she will be crowned Halloween Princess, with Mahiru and Ako turning up saying they will not lose either.

Yume, Laura and Koharu head to their first location, which is the dress make room. At first they think the room is empty, but are greeted by the admins dressed in angel costumes. The girls ask the admins for candy, but the reply they get is getting candy thrown at them which turns out to be fake. The admins explain the the real candy is with them and to get it the three girls must reach them and continue to throw the fake candy. Laura becomes inspired and starts pirouetting, her costume acting as a shield against the flying candy. Laura is able to tornado spin up the stairs reaching the admins, as Yume and Koharu look on in amazement and is given some candy by the admins.

Meanwhile Ako, Mahiru and their teammate head to the mini theatre and are greeted by the teachers of the song, dance, beauty and theatre classes. The three ask for candy, as they try to reach the teachers to get it, the stage floor turns into a treadmill making it hard for them to reach the teachers. Mahiru suddenly starts doing the moonwalk and is somehow able to reach the other side of the treadmill, reaching the teachers. She wins a gigantic bar of chocolate for effort.

29 (207)- "Hontō no Raiburu" ("True Rivals")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 29


Airdate: October 27, 2016

Anna informs the Song Class 1st year students about the upcoming Soccer World Tournament due to be held at Kibougaoka Stadium, where tradition dictates that the first years perform in its half time show.

In her room, Koharu shifts through photos of her and her friends while reminiscing about her father's invitation to join him alongside her mother in relocating to Italy. Just then, Koharu receives a message about the results of the first audition and relays it to Yume, the latter who becomes happy after discovering both of them made it.

The next day, the two arrive at Kibougaoka Stadium, where they meet up with Laura, Ako and Mahiru. Ako then informs everyone about the center position for each class, with all selected students facing off against each other to be the center. This gets Laura in a competitive mood, and Koharu remarks about going about with a bang with this contest, which Mahiru takes note of. Later on, everyone is split into their respective classes to begin training, with the results to be announced by next week.

Later that night, Koharu tries to tell Yume that she's leaving for Italy soon afterwards, only to find out that an exhausted Yume has already nodded off. The following morning sees everyone going over records of previous first-years who became the center, including the current S4. Once again, Koharu attempts to tell Yume-only for the latter to cut her off by monologuing about her desire to be the center, no matter what. Laura is also seen designing a dress fit for the stage in the Dress Make Room.

Everyone spends the following week training as hard as possible. With Yume so exhausted, Ako decides to invite everyone to a nearby cafe selling cream puffs. However, both Mahiru and Laura decline the offer for personal reasons. In Laura's case, however, it turns out that she chose not to accompany them, especially Yume mainly because she doesn't want to lose out to her this time. This earns Laura sympathy from Mahiru, the latter who then invites her to a training session. The two of them then request and obtain permission from Anna to conduct some extra training. Anna hands over the keys to the training room to Laura, then reminisces about Laura's desire to not lose to Yume again.

On the day of the tournament's first match, everyone is reminded of the rules and regulations required to become the center at the finals. Laura, however is nowhere to be seen, much to the worry of her friends. It turns out that she was listening to the song she would be performing alongside Yume soon afterwards. When the roll call for Song Class begins, Laura's absence continues to worry Yume. Fortunately, the former returns just in time-although Yume notices that there's something off about her.

With their turn having come at last, the two friends then head out to sing: 1,2, Sing for You!", but not before Yume takes note of Laura's fiery passion. During the performance, both idols are evenly matched, but Laura eventually starts showing signs of fatigue, although she manages to hold herself steady. Her efforts, however are for naught as Yume activates her rainbow aura once more, even managing to vanquish Laura's own aura. The results following the performance are predictable, with Yume obtaining the majority of the votes, meaning she gets to be the center for Song Class, with Laura losing out in the process.

A frustrated Laura leaves the stage despondently, while Koharu, Ako and Mahiru congratulate Yume on her victory. Ako then declares to Yume that she will win next, only for the latter to wonder where Laura went. A sympathetic and understanding Mahiru informs her that Laura might have some hard feelings about her loss to Yume, to which the latter denies, saying that she and Laura prioritize friendship over rivalry. Mahiru reprimands her, stating that Laura sees things very differently.

Outside the stadium, a dejected Laura sits wondering why she keeps on losing despite separating herself from Yume to do more Aikatsu than her. Overwhelmed by both anger and sadness, Laura clutches her skirt and is about to start tearing up when Anna drops by to comfort her. Laura tells Anna that despite all her efforts, she still couldn't beat Yume. This prompts Anna to remind Laura that she is different compared to Yume, with the top priority being her individuality. Frustrated, Laura lashes out at Anna in reply, believing that for all of her efforts, she will never be able to beat Yume's individuality. In response, Anna calmly replies by saying rather than attempting to try and measure her own self against Yume, Laura should do things in her own way, as true rivals should do.

The results of the Bird Theater selection are finalized, with Ako winning by a huge margin. Yume fawns over how strong Ako is when she notices Laura has returned to her side. She informs Laura about Ako's victory, and in return, Laura congratulates Yume on getting the center position before declaring that starting from today, both of them are now true rivals. Both Yume and Koharu are puzzled while Mahiru, more understanding of the situation, looks on and smiles. With the roll call for Beauty Class coming up, both Mahiru and Koharu head up for their respective turns while Laura tells Yume that from now on, she will be doing things her own way.

30 (208)- "Nanairo no Kyandi" ("Rainbow Candy")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 30


Airdate: November 3, 2016

Koharu is in her room, and while looking at a calendar, thinks about how she has to soon tell Yume about how she is leaving for Italy with her family.

In the lesson room, the song class is training, when in the middle of the session, Yume begins to cough again. Anna asks what's wrong, and Yume responds by telling her that her throat doesn't feel right. However, when Anna looks at Yume's throat, she doesn't see anything wrong with her, but still lets her sit on the sidelines to rest her voice. The class then goes back to practice while Yume sits against the wall, thinking about how her voice always seems to go away after trying her hardest on stage. Thinking that her core isn't strong enough, she proceeds to do sit-ups until the end of the lesson.

After the lesson ends, Yume approaches Laura, asking if she'd like to get lunch with her, but Laura says that she had already made plans to practice on her own during the break. Laura then tell Yume that she will need to be a lot more serious if she wishes to be Yume's true rival, and proposes that they should Aikatsu on their own for a while. Yume seems shocked by this idea, but Laura comforts her by letting her know that they would still be friends, like always, saying that she just wants to put a little more pressure on herself. Yume replies, saying that she understands, but seeming a little downtrodden.

Yume exits the lesson room, only to be called out to by Koharu, who proposes that they eat lunch together. After getting lunch, the two talk, and Koharu reveals to Yume that she'll be moving away overseas. Yume is shocked by this, nearly choking on her food. Koharu then explains how her dad has to go overseas on a business trip for quite some time, so her family decided that they would move together, so she'll be leaving to go to Italy the next week. She reaffirms Yume that she won't be quitting Aikatsu, and that she wants to say goodbye to her with a smile, which stops Yume from crying. Yume wipes away her tears, promising that she'll work hard to see Koharu off with a smile.

Yume, Laura, Mahiru, and Ako are in their homeroom, discussing how next week is far to sudden for Koharu to be leaving. They all appear sad, especially Yume, until she tells the girls that she'd like them to help her throw a surprise going away party for Koharu. The other girls, of course, agree to help her with the party.

The girls prepare for the party by putting up decorations and such while Koharu packs up her items, getting ready to move out of the dorm. Two other first-years approach Yume and the other girls, asking if they can help with the party too, as Koharu had always been nice to them. Of course, Yume accepts their offer, and the new girls remark the Yume must already be feeling lonely, because Koharu talks about her all of the time. Yume is shocked by this, and the girls go on to tell her Koharu has always talked about how incredible Yume is, and how proud she is to be her oldest friend. Yume recounts how Koharu has always been there for her, cheering her on no matter what the circumstances were, ever since they met. Ako but in, saying that Koharu had always said that Yume's performances had kept her going. Then, Laura suggests that Yume hold a farewell concert for Koharu in order to cap off the party. Yume is surprised by the idea, but Mahiru is quick to agree that Yume's concert is what would make Koharu happiest. Yume agrees to the idea, saying that she'll give Koharu the best performance ever.

Koharu finishes packing her suitcase just as Yume returns to their dorm from preparing for the party. Yume asks whether Koharu is leaving that night, and Koharu says that her parents are picking her up leave for the airport that evening. Yume and Koharu turn towards the desk, Yume saddened when she notices that Koharu's side of the desk is bare. She quickly snaps out of it though, and asks Koharu to come with her for a bit.

Yume walks a blindfolded Koharu over to the room where they set up the farewell party, and then asks her to take off the blindfold. She opens her eyes to a crowd of first-years with party poppers, calling out "Surprise!" Koharu is overjoyed to see the party that the other girls had set up for her. Laura points out how many people had come to see her off, which is followed up by Ako remarking that even the staff came to say goodbye. Mahiru finishes off the little speech by saying that they all want Koharu to have fun, even if it isn't for long.

Ako announces that they'll begin the party with a slideshow of the highlights of Koharu's time at Four Star. The slide show consists of short clips of Koharu in the Moon Beauty fashion show, Koharu as Cinderella in the school movie, Koharu in the school's festival show as a showgirl, and Koharu in trick glasses on Halloween.

Kohura and the other girls are enjoying some strawberry pastries in the main party room when Ako runs over, announcing that S4 has arrived. Yuzu, Hime and Tsuabasa, all come over to Koharu, expressing how glad they were that they could make it, but that Yozora is still at a photo shoot, and that she'll be there soon. Of course, Koharu is overjoyed that even S4 came to see her off, and Yuzu presents her with a piece of paper signed by all four of them. Koharu accepts the gift, saying hat she'll keep it forever.

Yume tells Koharu that her, Laura, Mahiru, and Ako made a present for her as well, and the girls then present her with five plush dolls, each one of a different girl. They remark that the plush dolls aren't great, but they did their best, and that Ako did most of the work on the Koharu doll. Yume remarks that they made them for her because they didn't want Koharu getting lonely. Of course, Koharu is touched by this.

Ako announces that they'll close the party by having Yume sing for Koharu, putting all of her gratitude into a farewell show. Backstage, Yume thinks about how she made the dress she'd be using, the Charming Books Coord, with Koharu's favorite colors. She says that her voice still hasn't entirely recovered yet from her last show, but that she'll try her hardest.

Yume proceeds to perform So Beautiful Story for Koharu, overall putting on a great show, until she activates her rainbow progression aura. When she does, she begins to cough, no longer able to sing, and the stage glitches out as Yume falls to the ground, fainting. Yume friends rush up onto the stage in an attempt to save her, but Yume faints- the last thing she sees before she blacks out being Koharu kneeling in front of her, in a panic, calling out her name.

The girls kneel over a collapsed Yume, panicking. The headmaster comes up onto the stage, picking Yume up and taking her to the hospital wing. Before Yume can wake up, Koharu has to leave without getting to properly say goodbye.

Before Koharu leaves, she engages in a conversation with Laura, Mahiru, Ako, and Anna. Of course, they all encourage her to have a good time in Italy and keep up her Aikatsu while she's there. Koharu remarks that she hopes Yume is okay, and Mahiru tells her that she'll be all right, and that she was very excited to put on the best she possible for Koharu. Koharu asks the girls to take care of Yume, and then Yozora and Asahi arrive to see her off. Asahi gives Koharu a bouquet of roses, saying that he's giving it to her on behalf of all of her fans. Yozora remarks that it's so hard to say goodbye to Koharu, and reminds her to take care of her skin, and then gives her a hug. She then presents Koharu with a bottle of scented body mist, the same kind she uses. Koharu is overjoyed by the gifts, thank everyone for the gifts they've given her and all that they've done, and then drives away with her parents, crying as she leaves until she encounters the rest of S4, along with a large group of students and her teacher, Tamagoro, holding a banner for her and waving goodbye.

Yume wakes up in the hospital wing after Koharu has already left, sitting up in bed, only for a doctor to rush over, telling Yume that she shouldn't get up to quickly. Yume begins coughing as Hime enters the room. Yume gets up out of bed, saying that she has to get to Koharu, but falls down in the process, bracing herself against the bed. Hime, heartbroken, tells Yume that Koharu has already left, telling her that she didn't leave Yume until the very moment she was forced to leave and that she was very concerned for her. Yume continues coughing, saying that all she wanted was to see Koharu off happily.

Hime helps Yume up back onto the bed and gives her a cup of tea, telling her that it will help her throat. Yume takes a sip of the tea, and then begins to ask Hime why she had fainted, only to be cut off by Hime, asking Yume if she remembers the last time this happened. Hime asks Yume if she's noticed that sometimes she performs so amazingly that it's almost as if she was another person. Yume nods, and Hime lets her know that the same thing had happened to her her first year at Four Star. Yume is shocked, but Hime continues talking, saying that the Aikatsu system chose them.

Hime recounts that during her first year, she was overjoyed that she could put on such amazing shows, but, over time, she began to lose her voice after every one. Over time, Hime became more and more scared of taking the stage, until the headmaster gave her the extra push she needed to feel that she could overcome it. After that, Hime trained harder than she ever had before, believing that she could someday perform to the best of her abilities only on skill. She apologizes to Yume, for she might have scared her, but says that she felt it was important that she knew. Yume apologizes to Hime, saying that she doesn't understand, and that right now the only thing she can think of is Koharu.

Later, Yume returns to her dorm alone, crying when she sees Koharu's empty desk, but surprised to find candy and a note from Koharu on her side of the desk. Yume reads the note, and, in the note, Koharu recounts that they had had so much fun together, had grown up together, and that it was thanks to Yume that she resolved to move to Italy. She writes that every time she saw Yume perform, she felt a desire to improve herself, and that she feels that that can't come without some sort of change. She is going away to find herself in a new place, and that her leaving is the start line of her new Aikatsu.

Yume finishes reading the note, and unwraps a blue candy, popping it into her mouth with a small smile. She looks down at the candy wrapper, only to find another note from Koharu scribbled on the inside, saying that she will always be Yume's fan. Upon seeing the note, Yume begins to cry again and runs out of the dorm onto the campus until she reaches the outdoor balcony on the edge of campus overlooking the sea. She wonders if she can still do her best without Koharu there to support her while looking up at the star filled sky. She then repeats her dream of joining S4.

31 (209)- "Habatake, Sukai-Gāru!" ("Take Flight, Sky-Girl!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 31

(はばたけ, SKY-GIRL!)

Airdate: November 10, 2016

With students tasked with forming three-girl units for the upcoming Autumn Festival, Tsubasa invites Mahiru to join her unit alongside Yozora, which they decide to name Sky-Girl. Meanwhile, Yume, still downhearted following Koharu's departure, decides to skip on the festival to focus on training. After going through some rigorous training, Mahiru ends up joining the others for a pajama party designed to help bring them together as a unit. On the day of the festival, Mahiru works up until the last moment to create new dresses to unify their unit. As Sky-Girl manage to give a great performance, Yuzu and Ako approach Yume about joining their own unit for the Autumn Festival.

32 (210)- "Susume, Yuzukoshō!" ("Go Forth, Yuzukoshou!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 32

(進め, ゆずこしょう!)

Airdate: November 17, 2016

Roped into joining Yuzu and Ako's unit, Yuzukoshou, Yume is unable to get into the swing of things as she is worried about what would happen if she fails again. Noticing a lack of her usual confidence, Yuzu shows Yume messages from all of her fans, showing that there are still people who support her. Regaining her confidence, Yume manages to give a strong performance alongside Yuzukushou, placing second in the festival just behind Lily's unit, The Admins.

33 (211)- "Maigo no Rōra!?" ("Lost Rola!?")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 33


Airdate: November 24, 2016

Noticing Rola is still in a funk over not being able to beat Yume, Anna and Moroboshi arrange for her to be sent with Lily to the Spa Resort Okunotani. While helping out with maintenance and looking after the elderly visitors, Rola is constantly scolded by an old man for her sloppy work. Meanwhile, as Hime worries that Yume is working too hard, Moroboshi tells her about his older sister and one of S4's earliest members, Hotaru Yukino. While preparing for her performance at the resort, Lily tells Rola about how she sings for herself, stating that you can't move the hearts of others if you can't move yourself. Afterwards, Rola learns that the old man is actually Eikichi Uchida, the ambassador Japan's rock scene and Anna's former teacher, who encourages her to follow Lily's example and find her own path.

34 (212)- "Oshare Gāru Ressun" ("Make Up Girl Lesson")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 34


Airdate: December 1, 2016

As Mahiru is offered her own regular feature in a fashion magazine, she comes across two rude ganguro high school girls, Motoko and Eiko, scolding them for littering. The next day, the girls and their leader, Sumiko, come to Mahiru for advice on how best to wear make-up. With her various hair and make-up tips, Mahiru manages to help the girls show off their true beauty without excessive products. As Mahiru becomes inspired to use her magazine feature for make-up lessons, she further trains the three girls to be her models at a fashion show showing off their transformations.

35 (213)- "Erabareshi Hoshi Tachi" ("The Selected Stars")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 35


Airdate: December 8, 2016

Still worried about her power kicking in, Yume asks Hime for a full explanation about what is happening to her. Hime explains how Hotaru was the first to develop this power, the side effects of which led to her losing her voice and suddenly retiring. Having noticed Hotaru's suffering more than anyone else, Moroboshi noticed the symptoms in both Hime and Yume and took it upon himself to stop them ending up the same way. Becoming more afraid upon hearing this, Yume confides about her power to Rola, who encourages her to become a stronger rival. The next day, Moroboshi suddenly tasks Yume with appearing as a surprise guest in Hime's concert, serving as a trial to help her overcome her ordeal with her own strength. Noticing her fear about going up on stage, Hime gives Yume her Premium Rare dress to encourage her. Although Yume makes it through the performance without relying on her power, she remains worried as to whether she'll be able to sing on her own.

36 (214)- "Niji no Mukō e" ("Beyond the Rainbow")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 36


Airdate: December 15, 2016

Moroboshi arranges for Yume to hold a solo concert, threatening to expel her if she cannot satisfy 90% of the audience. As Yume feels her back up against the wall, Hime sends her to a flower shop run by Hotaru. Hotaru explains her experiences with her power and how it led to her losing her voice, regretting that she never appreciated her own natural talent. Reminded of the self-confidence that comes from the support of others, Yume seeks out help from her friends to prepare for her concert and soon returns to her normal self. With everyone's support, Yume manages to perform a successful concert under her own ability, overcoming her need to rely on her power and managing to clear Moroboshi's conditions.

37 (215)- "Dokidoki! Kurisumasu" ("An Exciting Christmas!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 37


Airdate: December 22, 2016

The admins prepare to hold a party for Christmas Eve with a stream of S4's concert, encouraging Yume to put on a performance of her own alongside Rola, Mahiru, and Ako. After checking with M4's plans, the girls manage to set up their concert at the shopping district. After everyone's individual events turn out successfully, Subaru starts to develop feelings for Yume.

38 (216)- "Aikatsu Nyū Iyā!" ("Aikatsu New Year!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 38


Airdate: January 5, 2017

After hosting a New Year's show, the S4 girls look back on how Yume and the others have grown over the past year, contemplating who is likely to be chosen for the upcoming S4 Selection. After visiting the shrine with her friends, Yume is invited to have tea with Hime, who shows her the Tree of Bonds that represent the bonds between S4 members.

39 (217)- "Yottsuboshi Gakuen, Kiki Ippatsu!?" ("Yottsuboshi Academy in Danger!?")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 39


Airdate: January 12, 2017

Overhearing a conversation between Moroboshi and Anna about the school being in financial crisis, Lily offers to represent Yottsuboshi Academy in a Russian brand designer contest which is offering a sponsorship for the winner. As Lily clears all the challenges ahead of her and reaches the final three, she starts to develop a fever but refuses to retire from the running. Having been concerned for her health, Yume and Rola make their way through snowy weather to deliver some medicine and coffee to Lily, giving her the energy to complete a design for the final round and win the contest. Two weeks later, Lily launches her new brand, Gothic Victoria, with Yume and the others helping to get her shop ready for its opening day. However, she decides to wait to make a Premium Rare Dress until she becomes a member of S4.

40 (218)- "Purinsesu Daiya o Oe!!" ("Chase After the Princess Diamond!!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 40


Airdate: January 19, 2017

The girls star in yet another drama, titled Aikatsu Detectives! The Princess Diamond Incident. As phantom thieves known as the Shadow Stars plot to steal Hime's Princess Diamond, Ako joins Tsubasa, Yuzu, Yozora, and Mahiru as part of an investigation team guarding the diamond at a party. Despite detectives being place everyhere, the diamond gets stolen under everyone's noses, which Tsubasa quickly deduces wasn't the work of the Shadow Stars. As witnesses are questioned, Ako notices that Yuri shouldn't have been able to legibly write a poster after her right hand was injured during the theft, deducing that she is the real thief. Yuri attempts to escape but is thwarted by Ako and Tsubasa, later discovering that the Shadow Stars had manage to steal the diamond from her. Despite this, Ako is praised by Tsubasa for her efforts.

41 (219)- "Moero! Hoshitori Fesu!" ("Burn! Star Catching Festival!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 41

(燃えろ! 星取りフェス)

Airsdate: January 26, 2017

The school holds the Star Catching Festival, in which each class must use their talents to win different areas by earning votes from the townsfolk. As each of the classes win areas in different ways, the event culminates in a tiebreaker performance between Tsubasa and Yozora. Although the weather gets cloudy halfway through, Yozora manages to use her performance to fill the sky with stars and a dazzling moon to win the festival for the Beauty Class.

42 (220)- "Osananajimi no Futari" ("The Two Childhood Friends")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 42


Airdate: February 2, 2017

Yuzu decides that whoever can keep up with her dancing will be her partner in a music video, but no one in the Dance Class is able to keep up with her. With the class unable to find any other worthy partners, Yume decides to ask Lily to participate. Lily initially declines the offer as she feels she isn't worthy enough to stand alongside Yuzu's brightness. After remembering a promise she made with Yuzu to sing together, however, Lily steps up to join Yuzu in her music video, with their contrasting individualities drawing out each other's best qualities.

43 (221)- "Chokotto Uta ni Komeru Omoi" ("A Song Choc-full of Affection")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 43


Airdate: February 9, 2017

Yume is requested to appear on The Best of Music Show's Valentine's Day Special alongside M4, receiving some pointers from Subaru on how she needs to convey her feelings to the audience. During the show, Yume shows off the obligatory chocolate she received from her friends and expresse her happiness through a song, receiving a unique Grade Up Glitter as a result. Afterwards, Yume gives Subaru some "rival" chocolate, declaring M4 to be her new rivals.

44 (222)- "Haru no Yokan" ("Premonitions of Spring♪")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 44


Airdate: February 16, 2017

As both Rola and Mahiru become worried about whether they've progressed, Mahiru takes Yozora's advice to perform more and decides to put on a special event with Rola. When they discover that the stages are fully booked, they manage to free up some space by offering to help out with maintenance. On the snowy morning of the performance, Mahiru states how she admires the rival relationship between Rola and Yume. With help from Yume and Ako, Rola and Mahiru shovel the snow off the path and manage to make their event a success, earning their own Grade Up Glitter alongside Yume.

45 (223)- "Ako, Masshigura!" ("Headlong Ako")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 45


Airdate: February 23, 2017

Wanting to get her own Grade Up Glitter to catch up with the others, Ako searches for a venue for her own performance. With all other options fully booked, Ako manages to book a stage on the roof of a department store. However, she becomes conflicted when Tsubasa invites her to appear on her show at the same time as her performance. Ako becomes tempted to go with Tsubasa in order to better guarantee a Grade Up Glitter, but when she sees how hard some her young fans are supporting her, Ako ultimately decides to keep her promise to perform at the department store for the children. Despite not getting the Grade Up Glitter as a result, Ako is praised for her decision by Yume, Kanata, and Subaru.

46 (224)- "Honō no Esufō Ketteisen!" ("Fiery S4 Selection!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 46


Airdate: March 2, 2017

The S4 Selection begins, with Yuzu retaining her spot at the top of the Dance Class. Preparing for the Theater Class selection taking place the next day, Ako becomes determined to outperform Tsubasa and take the top position. Come the day of the selection, Ako wears the outfit she wore at the department store show for her performance. While Ako's performance earns her a spot in S4, she is still outranked by Tsubasa's final performance as an S4 leader, holding back her tears until she is alone.

47 (225)- "Kasumi Shimai, Taiketsu!" ("Battle of the Kasumi Sisters!")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 47


Airdate: March 9, 2017

Mahiru prepares to face off against Yozora in the Beauty Class' selection. After both sisters bring out their all in their performances, Mahiru wins the top spot by a small margin. Graciously accepting defeat, Yozora announces that she will be studying fashion abroad in France after her graduation and passes her brand, Romantic Kiss, down to Mahiru.

48 (226)- "Watashi Dake no Uta" ("A Song That Is Mine Alone")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 48


Airdate: March 16, 2017

The time finally comes for the Song Class selection, with Yume, Rola, Lily, and Hime all competing against each other. With her desire to perform alongside Yuzu, Lily manages to overtake Yuri with her performance, the impact of which hits Rola hard. Receiving encouragement from both Yume and Anna, Rola manages to loosen up and express her indivudality through her performance, overtaking Lily in the rankings.

49 (227)- "Ichiban Boshi ni Nare" ("Become the Top Star")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 49


Airdate: March 23, 2017

Just before her performance, Yume gets a call from Koharu, giving her thanks for everything she has done for her. Encouraged to do her best, Yume brings out her all in her performance, managing to surpass Rola's score. Finally, Hime gives her final and most powerful performance, winning first place in the Song Class. Despite losing to both Yume and Hime, Rola feels refreshed in being able to give her best performance yet. Meanwhile, as Yume feels saddened over her loss, Hime praises her for how much she has grown in the past year, encouraging both her and Rola to face her again some day.

50 (228)- "Saikyō no Raibu" ("The Greatest Live")[]


Aikatsu Stars! - Episode 50


Airdate: March 30, 2017

With the crowning ceremony, Hime, Tsubasa, and Yozora officially announce Yume, Ako, and Mahiru as their respective successors, joining Yuzu in S4. As the girls begin their preparations for their activities next year, Yume appoints Rola as her Song Class admin while also asking Lily and Yuri to continue their roles as admins. During S4's final Thank-You Party, in which they give their final performance, Yume and her new team of admins help everyone present their own surprise thank-you message with glowsticks.
